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Everything posted by Ariadne

  1. I know the decision's been made, but just my :2c:I think it should have been left as it is. 44 people (including myself) predicted GI Joe 2 would get in the top 12 - we were wrong, the 10 people who correctly predicted it wouldn't make it were right. They should get a material benefit for their correct prediction.At the very least, they should get to choose which of the films in their top 12 is removed (even if it's already been released and won't make it). As it is, removing number 12 for those 10 people could work against them if it's a film that will now make the top 11. Why should they lose out on points when they were the ones who picked GI Joe 2 wouldn't make it? I hope that makes sense. LOL.
  2. Sweet, I needed it to do less than 5m midnights and open to less than 25m on Friday for summer game purposes. I hope it stays below 25m for the day.
  3. What was MIB3's midnight number, and does the $19.5m include midnights?
  4. All questions are for the 4 day unless otherwise specified All questions are for the top 12 UOS All questions worth 1000 points UOS Due Thursday May 24th at 11:59pm 1) Will Men Black make more than 5 mill from midnights? No 2) Will MIB have an opening day of more than 25 mill? No 3) Will MIB make at least 35 mill more than The Avengers does? No 4) Will MIB double the gross of Avengers? No 5) Will any film increase on Sunday? Yes 6) Will any film increase by more than 55% on Saturday? Yes 7) Will MIB have an opening 3 day weekend of more than 150 mill WW? Only Sunday estimates will count. 3000 Yes 8) Will MIB's worst grossing day of the 4 day weekend be higher than Chernobyl Diaries 4 day total? 3000 Yes 9) Will Chernobyl Diaries gross more than Battleship and Dictator combined? No 10) Will Dark Shadows drop less than 20% (so this means, will DS's 4 day drop be less than 20% compared to it's previous weekends 3 day number)? No 11) Will Best Exotic Marigold Hotel have an increase (same scenario as number 10...4 day to 3 day)? Yes 12) Will What to Expect When You're Expecting have a Saturday increase of more than 45%? No 13) Will The Avengers best day be within 10 mill of MIB's worst day? 3000 Yes 10/13 2000 11/13 3000 12/13 5000 13/13 8000 Bonus 1: What will MIB3 gross for the 4 day? 4000 $76.195m Bonus 2: What will the combined 4 day gross of Dark Shadows, Battleship and THG be? 4000 $31.765m Bonus 3: What will be the best combined increase for Fri and Saturday, % wise. So if you think Battleship will have a 220% increase Friday and a 75% increase Saturday, you would put 295% as your answer. If this is the highest total increase % wise, added up, then you get the points. 287% Three best answers gets points: 4000 3000 2000 What films finish in slots: 4 Battleship 5 The Dictator 6 Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 10 Think Like A Man 3000 each.
  5. This was a tough one, I choose Titanic because it's stood the test of time. I loved The Avengers, but will I still feel that way in 5 years?Titanic is a legend, I saw it three times in theatres - more than any of the other films.
  6. Yeah, I took a punt. There's always that one unlikely film (usually a comedy) that hits the top 12 each year - since the trailer looked hilarious and got such good reactions I picked that. It's possible no pure comedy will make it this year (I don't consider MIB3 a comedy).
  7. God damn it. I did okay on the normal questions 12/15, but didn't get a single one of bonus 3 and was just off on bonus 1.
  8. So glad I didn't have Dark Shadows or Battleship in my top 12. But I took a risk and put The Dictator as my wildcard - but I'm pretty sure it'll end up grossing more than Battleship anyway even if it doesn't reach 100m!
  9. Well, it looks like The Dictator was the only opener which didn't bomb. $24m for the 5-day isn't that amazing, but it's acceptable compared to the epic bombage of the other two. LOL.
  10. I haven't seen John Carter yet, did his direction meet your expectations?
  11. The whole premise of Battleship was ridiculous and lame - you need more than aliens and explosions and Rihanna.
  12. I'll be honest, I've never heard of Andrew Stanton and I know more about movies than the average person. This was his first live-action feature film - that isn't a draw.
  13. If the average joe doesn't know a Director's name and their movies are from a widly different genre, it's not going to make people see you're movie. If anything it may put them off.
  14. Whenever these good looking actors appear and all of a sudden they're in all these big movies it makes me think, whose dick is he sucking?
  15. Avatar had James Cameron, Transformers had Transformers. What did John Carter or Battleship have?
  16. It's weird how Hollywood picks unheard of actors and then puts them as the lead in various big-budget blockbusters all at once. Why don't you at least wait to see how he performs at the box office first? Taylor Kitsch is one example, Sam Worthington is another.
  17. I didn't have it in my top 12! I had The Dictator in though - boo.
  18. R.I.P U.S.S. Battleship, may God bless her and all who sink with her.
  19. Yeah, $15.5m means at least a $55m weekend. The Friday number will probably go up as well.
  20. I think 6m is decent for The Dictator compared to how badly the other two openers did.
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