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Posts posted by Chinoiserie

  1. So with all these schedule slots filled up, I guess Sony has already accepted that The 5th Wave will inevitably disappoint and the rest of the books won't get filmed? And by scheduling this in January, I guess they intend to mercy-kill another Pascal-era leftover (that is no longer being directed by the person who spearheaded it)?

    At this point, you could spend the better part of a weekend marathonning all of the fantasy/sci-fi/paranormal-romance book series adaptations that stopped at the first film.

    Why the 5th Wave and this are put to January before the filming even begins. Sony has been so quiet about the 5th Wave but if they did not not have confidence that the films could work why they did they made it at all? Or was the January date just bacause they were trying something different and then later did not like it or are the quiet for some another reason?

  2. Studios must stop letting EW handle the photoshoots. Although this one is not even a tenth as embarrassing as Terminator Genisys, stills from the movie would work better. Somewhat like what BvS, AoU and Apocalypse did.






    Wow. Really. Who thought Hunnam was a great idea for a star. And these pictures look pretty embarrasing, what ew was thinking. I would love to be excited for this film but I just can't but be afraid of some overly-modern, comedic, badly acted mess. And I hope this film is not just about King Arthur. Why rest of the cast is not pictured? Did Hunnam and his agent arrange this photoshoot just for him?

  3. I bet Emily Blunt's character's picture will be used by people in Tumblr as a picture for different Targaryens.

    But I am kind of interested in seeing this. Never saw Snow White an the Huntsman and not planing to, it looked bad and I am against fairytale remakes on principle. However I love fantasy and this looks something that has a completely new plot. And everyone in in the cast is somebody I like, Theron, Claflin, Blunt, Chastain, Hemsworth... Nice to see multiple A-list women in a same film btw, it does not happen that often... or multible women in general.

    åAnd I believe this has a new director and writers right? So if the trailer and reviews look decent I might see this.

  4. 1. Civil War

    2. Batman V. Superman

    3. Finding Dory

    4. Moana

    5. Independence Day 2

    6. Rogue One

    7. Fantastic Beasts 

    8. Secret Life of Pets

    9. X-Men Apocalypse

    10. Warcraft 


    Edit. Independence Day 2 could perform similarly (but not as well) as Jurassic World. But it and Warcraft is really wildcards, I just think the audiences want more than superheroes all the time so some films could surprise. And next year should be a good one for animation if the films do not hurt each other, there are so many of them.

  5. I'm kind of torn. On one hand, Minions doesn't deserve the record. On the other hand, Dreck 3 doesn't either.


    Yay for sub 50 IO drop! Yay for strong JW hold! :D

    If Minions gets the record it is not by a large marging so it would not really be more difficult for some other film like Dory or Frozen 2 to take it down. I have not seen Minions but it can not be as bad as Shrek 3 so Minions should take the record, Shrek 3 has had it for too long.

  6. Nice reading the wrong thing I was saying into it. I've seen The Nut Job and while I'm aware it's probably a better family movie than HTTYD2, it's still a shitty movie. Your kids aren't stupid and dumb; it's probably the fault of scheduling since there was NO family movies last summer anyway, I'd probably take my kid to see The Nut Job too.

    Also, this isn't necessarily directed at you, but the attitude that "Minions are fine for kids, they aren't made for adults" is dumb. Kids are way smarter than a lot of animation studios give them credit for. That's why I'm happy we've got Disney, Sony, and DreamWorks all delivering them something for them to really love and get attached too, unlike the fads of Illumination and the other dime-a-dozen studios. Note that I don't mention Pixar: even though I like Inside Out's run, I'm continuously shocked that kids are liking the film, because a lot of the jokes do go above their head, along with the central message of the film being mature even for an animated film. Whatever, I'm probably a bit too passionate about this issue since I've always been into animation and I also work with children, but to write off a film medium as "just for kids" is devaluing the level of children's intelligence and comes off as insulting to those older folks who do like their animation. Maybe that's just me though.

    Sony Animation is better than Illumination and the rest mid-level animation studios? Since when? Probably they are better than the studio which made The Nut Job, I have not seen it, but they are not good really.

    But while I think animation should really get more respect as a medium (I love animation) I do think that something humorous like Minions has its place. Many adults love them too.

  7. The film was not good but compared to some Dreamworks films like Shark Tale and Monsters V Aliens this was a work of art and it would have made much more money if it had been CGI. And at the time talking animals and comedy, not fantasy adventure drama, were more popular in animation so that was a part of why the film was not succesfull.

  8. The Pixar schedule is exactly what I was expecting. I think Frozen 2 is coming slightly sooner than I expected but this makes sense. There was only some rumors about Wreck-It Ralph 2 so I am not surprised that it might not be happening. The movie about races is the rumored space race film I think. But I was hoping there would not be any more DisneyToons films but these sound ok.


    So I hope this is legit.

  9. Studios are gluttons for punishment, see also: Pacific Rim 2 and Alice 2. Disney was really smart with Tron: Legacy, they made a small profit and also knew when to quit while ahead.

    Alice made so much money it does not matter if it decreases (but it will decrease).

    But the Snow Queen addition is so amusing, do they really think it will be a draw (watch for some reason everybody loving it or something).

    I would think there is some good fantasy book series with a fanbase you could adapt without it getting too expecive. These fairytale adaptions are so embarrasing (expecially if they no longer have anything to do with the fairytales). The Hobbit and Game of Thrones are so popular that I would think somebody would try. Then they could just name the film something generic so the GA would not get scared of fantasy book adaption.

  10. Studios are gluttons for punishment, see also: Pacific Rim 2 and Alice 2. Disney was really smart with Tron: Legacy, they made a small profit and also knew when to quit while ahead.

    Alice made so much money it does not matter if it decreases (but it will decrease).

    But the Snow Queen addition is so amusing, do they really think it will be a draw (watch for some reason everybody loving it or something).

    I would think there is some good fantasy book series with a fanbase you could adapt without it getting too expecive. These fairytale adaptions are so embarrasing (expecially if they no longer have anything to do with the fairytales). The Hobbit and Game of Thrones are so popular that I would think somebody would try. Then they could just name the film something generic so the GA would not get scared of fantasy book adaption.

  11. I read a synopsis once that said that the romance would be "unexpected". As if the guy was not planning to start the romance from the start. The character could easily be very unlikeable.

    This sounds kind of interesting but original sci-fi has not been doing that well recently. And Jennifer at least seem to have more interesting projects she could be doing. But if the scripting really is good then it is different but it sounds overhyping it.

  12. Look for Wild to break out over the next month.  Not only a 91% approval rating on RT and an Oscar nom. for Best Actress, but I was getting a haircut yesterday and noticed that Witherspoon is on the cover of Glamour Magazine, and one of the 3 or 4 faces on the cover of this month's People Magazine. Women love those magazines, so expect those cover photos to grab their attention.  I can see Wild finishing in the 40s domestically.


    Well it very likely is getting one but it only has a Golden Globe nom for Best Actress at this point :)


    This could do well since there has not been much for adult female audiences.

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