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Posts posted by Chinoiserie

  1. It moves at a blistering pace, yes...but that blistering pace removes yourself a little from the film on an emotional level.  Constant back and forth cutbacks between the story and the lawyers at the table every minute is a little too much.


    I agree, in is difficult to get invested on the characters or the story, the film is very cold. Social Network had other issues as well but because of this it is not very memorable.

    • Like 3
  2. I think Dreamworks should move Kung Fun Panda 2 to August. It has changes of being a hit but not with that release date (so close to Star Wars). Penguins was probably hurt by the TV show, Big Hero 6 and that people seem to be over the Penguins and maybe animal comedies a bit in general.


    Not going to lie, I am a huge WDAS fan and seeing them succeed and DWA to struggle is kind of satisfactory after WDAS struggled in the 00s. But I do not want DWA to bankrupt or something, they should just stop flooding the market (hopefully B.O.O really is moving to 2016) and start making consistently better films. I do not really know what they are doing with green-lighting stuff like Turbo, Home and Boss Baby. They should really make an effort to make a great film that has universal appeal so they could have a hit they need, did they really think those three would qualify.

  3. Joe Wright films always look good but I am not sure about the script. I like the dialogue however. Joe Wright's films also can lack emotion, but I prefer that over cheesy things like Hook. But for a film for child audiences there should be emotion. 


    I would love if this was good, I love fantasy, but I am cautious. I am not really fan of fairytale re-imaginings (I do not know why Peter Pan is classified as fairytale but whatever).

  4. All the studio films are cash grabs from the studio bosses and the investors perspective. But the people in charge of the creative process such as the director, screenwriter and even the producers might do the project for artistic reasons. So blockbusters can have artistic merit the same way other films have, even if their ultimate purpose is to make profit.

    • Like 5
  5. I still haven't read the books. Can someone tell me what to expect from Part II?


    A war agains the Capitol. And Katniss actually fights.


    Everything else is a spoiler really, and not something that gives you more insight to quality really so no point of telling. Basically just a lot of action and an anti-war theme with an ending that some fans hate but I think is the best thing in the series.


    I just saw the Part 1 and I think not spitting benefitted the film (the book was so rushed and frustrating). But it not terribly cinematic. I do not know know why there could not have been a more clearer tree-act structure and more action. Just make the first action scene longer (it felt longer in the book) and include Katniss in the second even if she was not there in the book. And they could have included the one that is apparently opening the next film but it might make the next film stronger so maybe it was the right decision.

    • Like 1
  6. Wow this was actually worse than I was expecting. Unless it manages somehow to be effectively funny (I feel it is more likely that Home is actually funny) it is the Shrek 3 territory. January is too good for this.


    It is a shame, the film actually looks different enough from other animated films out there, and I would love a fantasy fairy musical inspired by Midsummer Night's Dream that was actually good (like if was made by WDAS for example).

    • Like 3
  7. Weren t the Twilight movies just a giant rom com ? It featured all'the tropes of the genre, love at first strike, events that prevent the romance to happen, love triangle, love triumphs, sex, wedding, end.


    They are romantic fantasy dramas not rom-coms. They are not good films, but I can definitely see the appeal, I am not a rom-com type. If the Twilight films and books were good I would be a big fan.


    Audiences maybe like to have their romance in a more dramatic fashion these days. I have not seen any of the Nicholas Sparks films but aren't they more like melodramas than rom-coms? As well as the YA adaptions The Fault in Our and If I Stay? Even Silver Linings Playbook was more a drama. I do not see the rom-coms coming back for a while and I think it is a good thing. Hollywood used to be so lazy with them, I have not seen a single one (apart those from classic Hollywood and some musicals) that had any artistic quality.

    • Like 1
  8. ....seriously though.  WTF Katzenberg.





    Please tell me he doesn't seriously think he'll get a company to buy DWA and then he'll get to saunter right on up to the top of the management there too.




    It makes it sound like he is jealous of Lassater who managed this. 


    I wonder how many flops Dreamworks has to make before Katzenberg realizes it is in their best interest that the company is sold. He seem overly optimistic regarding Dreamworks future.

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  9. So we did an educational event at a school on Thursday, teaching kids the basics of how to make comics.  A lot of the kids are massively into superhero movies, at least at this school.  We got asked a lot of questions about superheroes.


    There were a few questions about BH6 (Baymax in particular) and a few kids were saying they hadn't seen the movie but wanted to :D  I was surprised at how many of the girls were asking... more even than the boys.  Here's hoping the enthusiasm holds up!


    Girls usually are bigger Disney fans than boys, that is why they always try to make more boy-friendly stuff since they know the girls will show up anyway. It makes sense but is annoying for female fans. 

  10. ^ Peter Pan is considered a fairy tale by some as well which is also baffling. Just because the work involves fairy tale elements does not make it one, fairy tales are in my opinion folk tales with magical elements. When the work has a known writer and it is from 19th century I can not see them as fairy tales. Hans Kristian Andersen's works however is something of an exception, since they made back to oral tradition.

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  11. They should release a teaser trailer right way since it is coming so soon.


    Since it seems to be dumped I hope they hope they emphasize it is from Lucasfilm, some people think that Valiant and Mars Needs Mom's are made by WDAS so I hope that does not happen again.


    But if this has any potential there should be a trailer before Into the Woods, with the fantasy elements it could appeal to the same crowd.

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  12. I feel (and I have always felt) that the problem with Interstellar is that sci-fi (expecially if they are in space) is not what the public is not interested in. Unless you count Gravity as sci-fi it has been quite a while for the last succesfull one (I do not know what film thta would be). Interstellar is obviously not a flop, but I do think that is even harder for this kind of films to be made in the future.

    • Like 1
  13. I just looked the past Disney films on RT and I hope Big Hero's Average Rating would at least go back to 7.3, now Big Hero 6 has the same Average as Bolt (7.2). 7.3 would be at least same as Princess and the Frog. And I do not know how Meet the Robinsons got such a good consensus.

    But it is not as if these matter that much, the film is clearly good. Shame I won't see it for so long, it comes here late January.

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