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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. That Hakuna Matata bit got laughs and applause when I saw it in theaters back in 1995. Kids and their parents loved it.
  2. FTFY. And what were the penis monsters? I remember a ton of dinos and insects and stuff, what were the penis monsters?
  3. I dunno, I'm kinda hoping it IS. A Pixar musical would be neat. Are we back to the jaded early-2000s attitude of dismissing all animated films that are musicals?
  4. I don't get the mouth-frothing hate toward JW. Sure, it was no Jurassic Park, sure, it did play on nostalgia, but I found it a good watch. Just two months ago, the people who didn't like it didn't like it, but now people are throwing around "worst ever" in reference to JW and Trevorrow?
  5. Here are some more thoughts: The Bourne Identity > Scooby-Doo Big > Crocodile Dundee II (1st wknd), Red Heat (2nd wknd) - but not > Who Framed Roger Rabbit (3rd wknd) or Coming to America (4th wknd) Scream > Michael (but not > Jerry Maguire, which was #2 on that weekend)
  6. You think Elysium is better-known than We're the Millers? I had almost forgotten about Elysium when I looked up Millers' weekend charts. I also disagree about The Internship being better-known than The Purge. Again, I had almost forgotten about The Internship. I agree, Three Kings is close to as well-known as American Beauty. But I do not think Hook is as much a classic as Beauty and the Beast.
  7. I was always of the understanding that 8 Mile is to Eminem what Purple Rain was to Prince. Not a true biopic, but a fictional story with the artist playing a fictionalized version of himself.
  8. Dimension was a division of Miramax, which was a most autonomous operation under Disney ownership. But yes. Disney was extremely diversified under Eisner - say what you will about him, but under him the movie divisions were run like a "true" movie studio. It was under Iger that they started cutting back their production slate and focusing on fewer movies.
  9. Really? IMO, the most interesting future DreamWorks stuff are the projects that are currently "indefinitely postponed" (Me and My Shadow, Monkeys of Mumbai). Other than Larrikins and HTTYD3, the rest seem like boilerplate DWA films. Mediocre-looking originals vs. sequels to great films that could go either way quality-wise seems like kind of a wash.
  10. Possibilities (looking at BOM's list of biggest movies that never hit #1, and the weekends where they ranked highest): Casino Royale > Happy Feet We're the Millers > Elysium Beauty and the Beast > Hook Slumdog Millionaire > Madea Goes to Jail, Jonas Brothers 3D The King's Speech > No Strings Attached, The Green Hornet, The Dilemma American Beauty > Double Jeopardy, Three Kings Mulan > the X-Files movie (1st wknd), Doctor Dolittle (2nd wknd) I have more thoughts, but I'd rather not use them all up in one post.
  11. To be fair, Rio's existence was not the sole reason for Newt getting canned, if it was a reason at all. From what I understand, Rydstrom left the project due to creative differences/story problems, Docter was brought on to try to save it, he couldn't/wanted to do Inside Out instead, so Newt was put on ice. I could actually see Newt getting pulled out of story purgatory in the near/far future if it's seen to have potential and someone can make it work, much like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and The Snow Queen. Who knows?
  12. Oh come on. It's impossible to hate Peanuts. At least for people around my age and older (who would be the ages of the people working on this movie). At the very least, I think it's impossible to dislike Snoopy.
  13. We have essentially returned to the three-rating system that existed between X becoming taboo in Hollywood in the early 70s, and the introduction of PG-13 in 1984. Except it's PG/PG-13/R instead of G/PG/R. Further reason why I foresee the introduction of a new rating between PG and PG-13 at some point...
  14. I always assumed that was just in the trailer.
  15. If they had gone with the Dia de Los Muertos title, it could have risked raising the ire of the Mexican community again. Remember a couple of years ago when Disney tried to trademark the phrase for film use, and a bunch of people flipped out and accused them of hijacking/appropriating Mexican culture? (I specifically remember a Cartoon Brew article trashing Disney, and holding up Book of Life as the "true" Dia de Los Muertos movie, by virtue of actually having been conceived by a Mexican.) I think Coco is good, and fits with the whole "short title" ethos at Disney/Pixar.
  16. I am avoiding all advance info, like I did with IO. I want to be surprised. Also, Josh Cooley having been involved in IO gives me a kernel of hope for TS4 (which he is co-directing).
  17. Well, TGD still has kind of a shadow hanging over it (undeserved IMO) for being a movie that was taken away from its director. Perhaps some people, remembering Brave, may still believe it is damaged goods by that fact alone?
  18. They have to. There is no way they are only developing sequels, even if more of those are going into production than originals at this time.
  19. As I have said before, they have run out of truly franchisable past properties (Bug's Life, Ratatouille, WALL-E, Up and Brave are almost certainly not getting sequels), so even if most of the rest of the decade is sequels, they will have to do more originals in the 2020s. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel...
  20. If they can make Bo an interesting character, that would definitely get them praise from me. And this can't possibly take place before the first movie unless it's framed within a flashback (which I doubt), because wasn't Tim Allen announced as being in the cast? Also, there is no way they would do a Toy Story movie without Buzz. I also doubt that they'd do it without Jessie. So it's either between 2 and 3, or after 3. My guess is after 3, because otherwise a Woody/Bo love story would be a heartbreaking tragedy, since all through it you would know they're going to lose each other between it and 3. (Though that would admittedly continue the trend of Pixar making us cry like babies, if they were to make it so three-dimensional and engaging that we'd be bawling our eyes out with the knowledge of what happens next.)
  21. Either it's going to be a prequel, take place between 2 and 3, or - as I already said - Toy Story 4: The Search for Bo Peep. We'll have to wait and see. At least they're in a position of "strength" at this point, coming off Inside Out. It's easier to have faith in Pixar when their most recent movie was a great one.
  22. Hey, they got me wondering how they're gonna do this, so that's gotta count for something. I assume it takes place after TS3, Bo was sold or given away and it was all somber and sad as if she were actually dead. Toy Story 4: The Search for Bo? And going smaller isn't necessarily a bad thing, you really couldn't top the third movie anyway. The big "what it means to be a toy" Andy arc is over, I think "further adventures" are less cheapening to the original trilogy than if they tried to go EVEN BIGGER.
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