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Posts posted by pinocchio

  1. I think he is one of the movie lovers that worked hard to supply a certain website and now just feels tired.He doesn't say he will give up the site right now. But it's like: There are other things in live and so on.Stuff like Insidekino.de or Cine-directors always depend on individuals. If they quit it's over.

  2. I'm still waiting for the plot holes. Yours pinocchio, because the article you linked is clearly BS. I'm up for positice cricism, but when someone rants about Caine's acting or Bruce's broken back or the journey back to Gotham that's not criticism, that's BS.

    Alfred, I just gave you three links of a million when you google "Dark Knight Plot Holes". And I clearly said in general I don't care for plot holes at all. What's your problem? (This is getting silly.)
  3. I think pinocchio you need to take off your hatred glasses, because you make no sense at all. The WoM is excellent. The OS figures are great so far, which clearly shows that our original 1.2 billion prediction could have happened. 1 billion is still very likely, which is amazing given the current predicament that the film is in.

    How in the world do you come to the conclusion I have "hatred glasses"? Enjoyed BB and TDK, didn't enjoy TDKR and that's it.Stuff like "WOM is excellent" is just the usual nonsense fanboys tell. I would never say based on my own experience that WOM is bad. Just doesn't make any sense at all. What's your problem?
  4. 15 theories and only 1 valid point, which isn't a plot hole. Could someone else stand up with a plot hole, because I smell lots of BS here.

    You smell tons of BS because you are obviously a huge and devoted Batman/Nolan fan. Which is okay. But there is also the mainstream audience. They don't forgive that easily. TDKR will miss TDK numbers by a mile domestic, it can be happy to be flat in Europe. Maybe some asian markets in the end will still deliver a WW gross that comes close to TDK. Right now I predict 900 mio worldwide.
  5. Problem is that Brosnan, after Connery, was the Bond the general audience liked most if you look at tickets sold and gross. ;)Craig so far is on the same level as Brosnan, but he just delivered two movies so far and not four.

  6. Yeah, that a good summary. When I watched the amazing bank robbery in TDK the movie got me. From this moment on it was clear that if most stuff was as good or as intruiging as this brillant opening I would never even TRY to nitpick.When I watched TDKR yesterday I started to scratch my head maybe 5 minutes into the movie and the spell was broken.

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