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Posts posted by pinocchio

  1. You can start here, here or here:http://www.slashfilm...k-knight-rises/http://www.nme.com/b...1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1http://www.pajiba.co...y-dont-work.phpPersonally I don't care too much regarding plot holes. People say now that even BB and TDK had huge plot holes.Fact is I never realized them. When I watched those movies it was fun, I was entertained, I got something for my 13 bucks.People start to nitpick if they are disappointed in general. It's easy to attack a movies plot holes. It's much more difficult to define the underlying problems.

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  2. If the movie did not connect to you then it's easy to nitpick this film to death. Hell it is easy to nitpick any film to death if it did not connect to you. There are potholes in TDK that you could literally drive a school bus into yet somehow that movie escapes criticism on here. Why do people hold films up to different standards I will never know.

    There are no different standards. You can get away with a lot of plot holes. If you have a good, tight script you can sell the audience more or less anything. If you have a lazy, bloated, underdeveloped script like the one for TDKR you are in trouble because the audience simply won't buy the shit you created.
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  3. Gee, this movie really sucked. Rex Reeds sums it up very well:"The Nolan brothers seem to be making it up as they go along. Not one character is developed beyond a flat, one-dimensional cardboard paper-doll construct without heart and soul, not to mention flesh and blood. Not one of these distractions invades the plot for any purpose except to extend the running time.""Turning a mosh pit of mystical comic book gimmicks into a money pit of metaphysical mumbo jumbo, Christopher Nolan gives new meaning to both DUI and DWI—“Directing Under the Influence” and “Directing While Intoxicated”—while raking in millions."http://observer.com/...istopher-nolan/In my eyes this is the SM3 for the Batman trilogy. At least SM3 war more entertaining.

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