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Klaus Fanta

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Everything posted by Klaus Fanta

  1. Ah, fake teenage melodrama... How fun... This movie tries too hard to be a beautiful and tear-jerking movie, while not even realizing that it can't be, because it's most clearly marketed for teens who've read the book. I don't think anyone over seventeen would read the book. And I'd know because I'm Fifteen. My ex-girlfriend took me to see this and of course I pretended to like it, because that's what you do. But on the inside, I was disappointed. It's another teen movie that will die along with all the others. And John Green needs to realize. That the things he writes about happen every day, and that it is not special. 3/10 F
  2. Ah, how I love Tarantino. And this is his first film. For being his first independent film, it is great, yet, as a stand-alone film, it leaves a bit to be desired. A) No real meaning or point to the plot Pointlessly violent (All of his films are violent, but authentically. This film is trying too hard to be as violent as possible, which doesn't seem right.) However, there is great plot value in the fact that it is riveting. SPOILER ALERT The ending scene in which Mr. White, The Boss (Can't really remember his name right now), and his son all shoot at each other was brilliantly suspenseful and well done. 7/10 B
  3. Absolutely timeless, completely re-watchable, extremely well written. The dialogue and acting in Forrest Gump sets the bar for cinema of all variety. The history and political upheaval shown is brilliantly shown in footage which was remastered to fit Forrest into it, which is technologically and creatively brilliant. However, it is a little slow. 9.7/10 A
  4. Hilarious, but the plot lacks any meaning. The characters, their quips, their personalities are done brilliantly, as they always are when Judd Apatow is responsible. 7/10 B
  5. ...... Where do I start? This film... Is an awful excuse of cinema. It's like a fever dream reached by a fourteen year-old after he's jacked off for seven hours and wrote down a bunch of bullshit onto a page in his dazed state. Horrible Writing, directing (If there really is any... It's mostly CGI), acting, and score. A spit in the face for all cinema-junkies everywhere. 2/10 D
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