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Posts posted by OncomingStorm93

  1. 9 minutes ago, WeneedtotalkaboutKevin said:

    Kevin needs to hire Ari Aster (the director of Midsommar) and Robert Eggers (the director of Lighthouse) !!!


    For those who say Kevin is not taking risks...I would say the contrary...and ask you all to think about these...


    Captain America:  The Winter Soldier  

    A political thriller that questions the role of governments


    Captain America: Civil War

    A political drama that explores the partisan politics of U.S.


    Antman movies

    Can love and relationships survive in the realm of Quantum Mechanics? Can humanity overcome the barrier of science?


    Captain Marvel

    It asks how memories shape a person , sort of like Memento


    Thor movies

    The duality of God/Man in one person, mirroring Jesus Christ, reflection on Christianity   


    Black Panther

    Analyze the racial discrimination which is rampant right now in US society


    All these movies have deep and big themes. They ask important questions. You might question their execution but you can never doubt the ambitions behind them. Yet, you still wonder if Kevin is risk-taking enough to make Doctor Strange 2 a horror movie? 




    Feige takes CALCULATED risks. This is the third director he's parted ways with, and we know from several others who served out their film that Feige's word is absolute law.

    • Like 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

    Wright departed in May 23, 2014 - 14 months before the film was released, not started.   Reed was hired 2 weeks later.  Filming was pushed back just a  few weeks while McKay, Rudd, Reed et all worked on the script.


    Marvel bringing in another writer in Oct indicates the version of the script Marvel want's in further along than Ant-Man's was.


    Sam Raimi is a great idea though getting in a few months before filming might not be what he'd go for.



    Yes, that was a typo, I meant to say 14 months before release.

    • Like 2
  3. For a frame of reference, with Ant-Man, Edgar Wright departed the project just over 14 months before shooting and Peyton Reed was hired about 6 weeks before filming began, and the script was somewhat re-written in that span.


    This film has 16 months till release, but is without a doubt going to be more special-effects heavy than Ant-Man, so I imagine production is supposed to get rolling in the next couple months. Will be interesting to see what happens to the current script. Scott's pal Robert Cargill, who co-wrote the first film with Scott, appears to have wrote the first draft, but Marvel brought in someone new in October. If Feige wants to hold on to the script, and can secure another VFX capable director in the next couple of weeks, this film will be fine.

  4. I'm just seeing the composer news now. Unbelievable that Hans Zimmer's coffee interns need to cobble together a Bond score in just a couple of months. I don't see how it won't end up being a generic mess.


    Also makes me wonder what is going on with the Bond theme. Adele's Skyfall started development 18 months before release, and a full cut was ready a year before release. On the other hand, Writing's On The Wall, a horrible piece of music for SPECTRE by Sam Smith, was put together just a couple months before release after Radiohead's song was rejected.

  5. I've been very negative about this film's prospects for critical and commercial success over the past two years, given the noted post-production issues, the Disney/FOX deal, the failure of New Mutants, and other reasons. Until a couple weeks ago when Boone announced the theatrical release was full steam ahead, I really did think this was destined for Disney + or Hulu.


    All that said, this is one hell of a great trailer. Perfectly paced, introducing you to every character and their primary traits. Really nice imagery as well, and genuinely frightening (though not outright scary) shots.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Jay Beezy said:

    Deadline suggested people didn’t like the ending.

    I loved the ending. Might be my favorite thing about the film. Well, behind the cinematography, music and editing. I think Sandler's performance in this is good but overrated. I didn't like how much of the plot revolved around specific sporting events.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Menor said:

    Anyway there was never any indication this would have better word of mouth than TLJ. PostTrak scores were below TLJ as well and RT is not comparable due to the change in system. People exaggerate the "badness" of TLJ's reception by general audiences anyway. 

    We still have IMDB as a constant indicator. TLJ sits at 7.1 and last I checked TROS was at 6.9

  8. 3 minutes ago, Starphanluke said:

    Sticking with my (probably misguided) prediction that TRoS will actually play well with audiences and will be a crowdpleaser. Just saw it again with a full crowd and people seemed to love it.

    Same here. Sold out 400ish seat LIEMAX theater. Crowd was into it. Then again, preview night crowds are hard to disappoint.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Wrath said:

    I agree, but I think the problem was after TLJ they had SO MUCH ground to cover they just had to do everything fast.

    So much ground to cover after TLJ?


    There was no ground left to cover. So J.J. had to make new ground. He made too much new ground to cover. His own fault. Several plot points and locations in the first 45 minutes could have been consolidated.

  10. 3 minutes ago, estebanJ said:

    Go bulls.


    I just got out. 7/10. By far the worst aspect of the film was the editing throughout (but especially in the first 45 minutes)


    This film would have benefited from breathing room. I don’t mean slower paced scenes. I mean starting every new scene with establishing shots before jumping into the dialogue. There’s literally no fat whatsoever in the editing, and any dietician will tell you that some fats are good for you.

    • Like 1

    19 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:

    I think he is the only STAR Director right know that draws people to the cinema and is becoming even more popular film by film.


    What are other directors today you can make a case they are similar to Nolan? Maybe Tarantino?

    Not for blockbusters, but Edgar Wright and Wes Anderson are brands at this point.

    • Like 1
  12. CATS was secretly planned by Disney, three years in the making, to make Rise of Skywalker look better by comparison.


    Sidenote, the Wikipedia article for CATS currently describes it as a "surrealist horror film"


    My favorite blurb on RT right now: "You must witness the hubris of director Tom Hooper. You must witness the hubris of Hollywood. The hubris of these performers."

    • Haha 3
    • Astonished 1
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