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Posts posted by OncomingStorm93

  1. 6 minutes ago, TimmyRiggins said:

    Sure, the reshoots are happening, and Disney could have found a way around the contracts to dump it on Hulu or Disney + later this year, they didn't have to give it a sweet release date in April, but sure, keep making up fantasies in your mind.

    The only fantasy here is that "the reshoots are happening". It's been an 18-month fantasy so far.


    Until it's released in theaters, there's no guarantee it will be released in theaters. This will be Disney's "Cloverfield Paradox", a mid-budget genre film not worth the reshoots and not worth theatrical distribution.


    You act as if Disney is contractually obligated to release this in theaters.

    • Like 4
  2. Let's recap New Mutants:


    Indie/Romance director Josh Boone pitches an R-rated horror mutant film set in an insane asylum to Studio Hack Simon Kinberg. Kinberg and Fox hire Boone to make the film a PG-13 "young adult" film. Kinberg is to busy directing Dark Phoenix to bother being the only producer on New Mutants, leading to a messy production. Boone feels "a bit neutered" by the studio. Filming wraps up, "It" becomes a breakout hit, and Fox decides to reshoot parts of New Mutants to fulfill Boone's original R-rated vision. Over time, it becomes apparent half the film would need to be reshot, and difficulties arise in getting the cast together, all while Disney buys the studio. The release is delayed by, at minimum, two years. 


    Everyone caught up?


    This film's going to be as big of a mess as Dark Phoenix.

    • Like 6
    • ...wtf 1
  3. 44 minutes ago, Litio said:

    Why are people rooting for this don't be released in theaters? New Mutants won't be big enough to affect a big brand like MCU and I'm pretty sure the audience knows how to differentiate the movies from MCU. I mean, if audience thought Dark Phoenix was a MCU movie, why it opened so low at box office?
    If you don't want to watch NM, just don't watch it. Is that hard? 

    Because it doesn't make economic sense for Disney to invest in reshoots and release this mess. It makes more sense to cut their losses, and use this to promote the heck out of D+ as an exclusive.

  4. 13 minutes ago, EarlyDeadlinePredictions said:

    IW had more memorable action scenes and showcased the heroes powers more than Endgame did. 


    Also had better pace and shorter run-time which affects re-watches.

    IW's third act settings of Titan and Wakanda were also much more visually interesting (colorful) than the gray battlefield remains of the Avengers compound.

    • Like 1
  5. 39 minutes ago, TimmyRiggins said:

    Why are there STILL people wondering whether it's going to theaters, it is, it's been confirmed multiple times or do you just not believe it? Dark Phoenix will have no bearing on it, the average joe would have no idea from the original trailer that this even takes place in the X-Men universe. That Disney is investing money at all in the film for reshoots MEANS something. Call me an optimist but I can see The New Mutants as one film Feige and co will use to introduce the mutants in the MCU, it wouldn't take much, they have the time to throw a connection in there, it can even be subtle. Fact is, the multiverse is one of the best things that's happened to the MCU, it opens up the possibilities for New Mutants or the X-Men to be happening in another dimension or something.


    Fact is, we don't know their plans FOR SURE, rebooting the X-Men themselves is what everyone is assuming, but Feige having produced the X-Men trilogy (first ones) makes me think he probably respects it, and they've got a fantastic main cast right now, not to mention the OGs, I would be really surprised if Feige just throws it all away, we'll see.

    Couple points:


    1: This movie was confirmed to be released in 2018. Then confirmed to be released in 2019. Then super duper confirmed to be released in 2020. The reboots were "scheduled" for multiple points over the past 18 months. Disney hasn't invested any money in reshoots yet. I'll believe it when I see it.


    2: Feige will not be retrofitting a low budget Fox horror mutant spinoff film to introduce mutants to the MCU. He will produce a film from start to finish, on his timeline. Everything in the MCU stems from Feige from the onset.


    3: Feige hasn't had anything to do with X-Men for the past decade. Why would he want to continue with a franchise that's about to take a $100m+ financial loss? The franchise threw itself away before Feige would have the chance.

    • Like 8
  6. 9 minutes ago, Royce said:

    "Alanis is clearly doing his part to support Avengers: Endgame at the box office. Avengers: Endgame's worldwide total is now $2.730 billion, putting the film within $60 million of catching Avatar's $2.788 to become the highest-grossing film of all time."



    That's 309 hours / 12.9 days / almost 2 whole weeks of his life spent in a movie theater for Endgame.

  7. 3 hours ago, LawrenceBrolivier said:

    I didn't ignore it.... I just don't think it's difficult. If they could do it in the comics for 10yr olds in the 60's.... and they could do it in the cartoons for 10yr olds in the 90's.... and they could do it for teenagers in a live action movie for 20 years starting in the 00's.... Marvel, the studio who figured out how to take the Guardians of the Galaxy and put them on screen without years of buildup, can probably do that for the X-men too. Most audiences are capable of understanding the concept by now, which makes it easier to explain in a couple lines when they put it in a movie later.


    My concern isn't with audiences being unable to cope with the concepts. My concern is with messing with established continuity. I'm saying that given there is a giant established continuity that most decidedly does not currently have mutants in it, the concept needs to be weaved in gradually, you can't just introduce X-Men off the bat. It's about better serving the narrative. Nothing in Guardians contradicted what had been established in the MCU to that point. Introducing mutants opens a huge can of worms in regards to what's already been established on MCU earth. Marvel Studios has succeeded in weaving in concepts gradually throughout their cinematic universe, I trust and expect they will have a gradual approach to mutants and the X-Men as well.

  8. 10 hours ago, LawrenceBrolivier said:

    Of course they can. It worked just fine in the '60s, for example.

    The idea that in 2025 audiences would need to be "warmed up" to the notion of the X-Men doesn't make any sense.  If you can introduce all the Guardians of the Galaxy in a single movie, or all the Eternals even... you can introduce some X-Men. 

    It seems you ignored the second half of my post where I stated the difficulty is in regards to the concept of mutants needing to be established in this universe that absolutely does not already include mutants.

  9. Secret Life of Pets 2, The (2019) and Dark Phoenix are in a tight race to see who can have a bigger OW drop off than their predecessor. The (2019) needs 52m to make half of what the first opened to. Dark Phoenix needs to get to 33m to match the 3-day opening of Apocalypse (which had a 4-day holiday weekend of 80m). Right now, SLoP2,T(19) is winning the race for more embarrassing regression.

  10. 42 minutes ago, Geo1500 said:


    I agree it would be wise to leave that slot all together and move to december. Mulan will premier 2 weeks later and it will limit Zilla vs Kong alot both DOM, OS, J and C. Pixar's Onward will come out a week before Zilla vs Kong but I think GvsK can survive Onward some what but still will be competition while Mulan and G.I.JOE will also release the same day. I think Mulan and G.I.Joe will be stronger competition

    I think Mulan has the potential to explode at the box office. If it's a faithful adaptation (not necessarily in plot, but in tone, strong characters, cultural authenticity, and scale of war).


    Also, given the almost entirely Chinese cast, does anyone else think Disney might have filmed Mulan in both languages? I'd have to think that a trailer will debut with Lion King.

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