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Posts posted by OncomingStorm93

  1. 3 minutes ago, MrFanaticGuy34 said:

    Yeah. This is exactly my problem with how movies are doing right now...and even this board. I’m being told to chill.....like i’m being scolded at. And i can control it fine....it’s just that...whenever movies (that i want to see succeed) underperforms and looking like to underperform, i’m really concerned and bothered. That’s why it’s rubbing me the wrong way. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    You've gone on an extended rant blaming audiences who didn't want to see the movie for it underpreforming. Perhaps you should blame the studio for putting out a lackluster product, and the distributor for marketing it so poorly. And you're blaming people on an online box office forum, none of whom had a hand in the making of the awful film.

  2. 2 minutes ago, cdsacken said:

    Always with the extreme opinions I see.


    Well I loved Independence Day and no surprise it absolutely dominated the box office that year. That presidential speech is awesome sauce.


    We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We are going to live on! We are going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!



    Didn't work quite so well the second time...

  3. 28 minutes ago, Maximum Avery said:

    You mean thursday?:o



    No. I'm indicating that previews have been pushed back into the workday on Thursday, so now the only logical thing is to start them Wednesday evening so people can get the first showings without having work conflicts.


    And the cycle will perpetually continue until previews start at midnight Friday the week prior to release.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Jayhawk said:

    For WB it seems to be their new norm. Think it's silly because 4pm is too early to have first showings IMO, too many people are still at work. Though everyone is creeping up as 6 pm previews seem to be pretty normal for big movies with some special fan events at 5 pm also becoming quite commonplace.  

    I agree. Logically, previews should start at 12am on Thursday. Or 10pm 8pm 6pm Wednesday.

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