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Posts posted by OncomingStorm93

  1. 15 minutes ago, Ohana said:

    I was ofc exaggerating with the 2B to make my point how far some ppl will go here to make their argument win
    But they would invent another number just to trash it.

    So your argument is:


    DC's largest film ever is beating second tier Marvel films

    DC's largest film ever losing to TDK and TDKR means nothing because both those films have excuses for crossing 1B

    DC's largest film ever under-performing compared to studio expectations is meaningless

    DC's largest film ever making only 900m is ok because the success line was 1b instead of 2b.


    Am I getting you wrong anywhere?

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Ohana said:

    How am I lying if I'm stating facts?
    If BvS passed 1B ppl like you would set another bar saying "Oh, it didn't pass 2B - it's a flop"


    If BvS passed 1b, it would have been at the very least a moderate success. But it didn't, which is why we are discussing it's disappointment.


    Suggesting we would consider 2b, a bar only 3 films have ever passed, to be a benchmark of success, is ludicrous. In fact, I now feel stupider for having retyped your suggestion. Thank you.

  3. 6 minutes ago, McNerdy said:

    I think the reviews are definitely responsible for these numbers. Colleagues of mine mentioned they were definitely interested in seeing the movie, but not in the cinema because they read it was a bad movie..


    Bad movie = bad reviews = people won't see it.


    Is this breaking news to anyone?

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

    Exactly. DCU started off strongly box office wise with mediocre movies. They will gain dominance once they produce quality films. SS can easily do GotG numbers and JLA will possibly improve over BvS hitting 1 billion. Also have a juggernaut on the horizon with a solo Batman film. Marvel really need Spidey to return to form in order to compete with DCU after the Infinity War double.


    So you're telling me that Marvel, who has been immensely successful in launching franchise after franchise, should be worried about competing in the future with DC, whose biggest film is turning into a disappointment?


    Logic checks out.

    • Like 17
  5. 6 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    Biggest March OW

         And still fell short of expectations

    Biggest Easter OW

        I'll give you that 

    Biggest March Monday

         Who cares about March?

    Biggest March Tuesday

         See above.

    Biggest DC OW

    Biggest Batman OW

    Biggest Superman OW

    Biggest Wonder Woman OW

    Biggest Zack Snyder OW

         Yeah.... breaking your own in-house records might be good for morale, but once you compare it to expectations and competition, it becomes meaningless. 

    Biggest WB OW outside of Summer 

         I'll give you that

    Biggest OW All Time in Brazil and other countries

         And legs will drop like a rock there also

    Biggest Global OW

         Because Marvel films have staged releases, UK/Europe one week earlier than America, and China later. If Marvel had a global release weekend like BvS for the Avengers films, you do the math. I'm not saying the overall number isn't impressive, because it is, but with the amount of territories having the film that opening weekend.... it should have been higher for the event Warner Bros wanted it to be.


    Is it enough to you or you want more?


    • Like 2
  6. This has to be considered a (minor) failure for Warner Bros. Yes, it will still be profitable, but consider the marketing campaign. I don't care about the costs, just the sheer scale of it:

    3 full Comic-Cons basically dedicated just to this,

    2 years of social marketing, with the Batman/Batmobile and other teases happening as early as May 2014,

    A full year of marketing, with an almost unprecedented four full trailers,

    All of the partners they had spreading the good word, and boy there were plenty. BvS was all over the place.

    And the appeal of having DC's main three heroes in a single film for the first time,


    ... for the film to be (potentially) sinking like a rock, after that front-loaded first 48 hours, is awful.


    Maybe Warner Bros was banking on China. Well, I heard it busted over there.


    Zack Snyder needs to be removed.

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