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Posts posted by OncomingStorm93

  1. I made a box office breakdown video of Justice League's opening weekend. I analyze the numbers, extrapolate the data to predict a final count, and specualte as to why this failure happened. Some of you enjoyed similar breakdowns I've made in the past for PotC 5, Deadpool, and others. I promise it's more analytical than other YouTubers I've seen discussed here. Hope you enjoy!



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  2. 4 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


    What battle is lost? You think if this film loses money, that WB can't make another Superman or Batman or Wonder Woman movie that will make money? That it kills the whole DC franchise? 


    That's silly, they can always just re-boot these eternally-popular characters, so the only issue here is if the film makes money, and the jury is still out on that.

    Because success in Hollywood is needing to reboot your property because of critical and financial loss. Got it. Glad we cleared that up. I didn't know that Amazing Spider Man 2 was a success story!

  3. 5 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:

    BUT, there's no danger of the latter with a film involving Batman or Superman. They are literally bullet-proof in the sense that no matter even if a film of theirs tanks financially, the characters are so well-known and liked by the public that WB can always just do a re-boot and the public will give it a chance. 


    This is, quite literally, a film involving Batman and Superman, that looks to be tanking. And the point isn't to be rebooting endlessly. Would you call The Amazing Spider-Man series a success?

  4. 27 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:

    No, it's too early to tell if it will make money or not. Jury is still out but folks like you are acting like a financial bath is in the bag. 

    Ah, yes, because WB was hoping for "to early to tell" if they will make back their investment. Look how low the bar has been set.


    If the question is if JL would make any money, and not how much of a profit it would turn, then the battle is already lost for WB.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Diana Prince said:

    Judging by this weekend, if JL sold like it did on NY, it would have opened in the same range as BvS. The sales have been really good today in NY judging by the AMC chain. Obviously judging by the hugely disappointing numbers, NY is an anomaly.

    We haven't gotten any national estimates for today. Who knows, maybe it has a better-than-expected (after yesterday) performance today. Unlikely, but possible. We are still hours away from that first data.

  6. 5 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


    Objective means "on its own terms". Even for a movie that cost $250m, a $95m opening weekend is pretty good. It's not great, but it's nowhere near a disaster.


    By your logic, if i won $10m in  a lottery tomorrow i shouldn't feel good about it, because hell, that pales in comparison to the $50m someone else won the week before. 

    For a movie that cost 300m (most recent reports), plus another 150m in marketing, which would necessitate a break even point of around 800m; No, 95m is not a good opening. Extrapolate that opening and you get a domestic run that will end around 250m, and overseas isn't looking like it will make up the balance.


    Nice try at spin, though.


  7. 7 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


    If we call JL an "abysmal" or "atrocious" opening, what do we call how Mars Needs Moms or John Carter opened? Supercalifragilistically Abysmal?

    WB/DC hating causes a lot of hysteria/hyperbole around here, and someone needs to maintain  a proper perspective.  This reminds me of the BvS "legs" hysteria of last year. Reading the BvS posts, you'd think it was a Heaven's Gate level flop when in fact WB reportedely netted a $100m profit on the film.


    Crazy talk ... :sadno:

    You think WB was happy with a 100m profit? They were expecting BvS to gross 1b+. And they will almost certainly be taking a write down on JL.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    I'd say it's a testament of both that (and it is true: It's performance is box office history in every way)...... and also a testament of how much of a letdown, and dare I say a fiasco JL's opening really was.

    I'd say it's a testament to the quality of those films. It's breakout opening wouldn't have happened if not for the film's quality, which in turn informed the film's great marketing. And vice versa with JL.

  9. 15 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


    Objectively, it's a good opening. Compared to various expectations of studios, fanboys, etc.? Maybe not. But go with the objective, not the hopes and dreams.

    It might open to half of the last film that featured Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. How is that objectively good?

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