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Everything posted by roxas11

  1. But an Oscar backlash always seem to be much stronger than normal I remember when Zero Dark thirty was actually winning the Oscar race in 2012 but than the backlash over torture happened and it never won another major award after that. American sniper also faced a huge Backlash when it was released during Oscar season and in my opinion I think the LBJ backlash over Selma was a big reason for why it was snubbed at the Oscars. Straight outta Compton had the benefit of not being in the middle of an Oscar campaign when the backlash over Dr Dre happened plus as you pointed out a lot of people already knew about Dr Dre and Dee barns ( it was no secret) but by the end of the day most people simply didn't care about an event that got settled in court over 25 years ago. But you better believe If the straight outta compton controversy had happened during Oscar season The Backlash would have lasted much longer than a day ( The other Oscar campaigns would have made sure of that lol )
  2. Not liking a music genre has nothing to do with a movie being good or bad. I don't like or listen to Country music at all but I still thought Walk the line was a great film with terrific performances If a movie needs you to be into a certain type of music in order for you to enjoy it than in my opinion that movie has failed Straight out of Compton works for the same reason that Walk the line did because even If I didn't care for the type of music in it I still thought it was a was a well directed film with a good story and great performances from its cast.
  3. I never said it was I said Dee was a Public incident that everybody knew happened for a "FACT" and that is the one that Dre had to answer for and yes that is the one He needed to pay for The other incident with Michel'le is an allegation I can not say one way or the other if any of it is actually true because she made the call not to initiate legal action
  4. The comparison with bill Cosby is ridiculous Cosby raped and drugged 35 woman Yet he went on for decades without paying his actions or facing any criminal charges What Dr Dre did to Dee Barnes was terrible but unlike Cosby he actually paid his Dept to society He was fined $2,500, placed on two years' probation, and ordered to perform 240 hours of community service and produce an anti-violence public service announcement. Also unlike Cosby at least Dre acknowledged what he did was wrong ( Cosby still hasn't done that) last but least Dre never try to hide what he did from public (Bill Cosby spent years trying to make sure his 2005 disposition never went public )
  5. The public did know about this but the reality is they just didn't care about it. When it happened it got a lot attention but lets face it a lot of people at the time simply did not care about what was going on in the world of Hip hop in 1992 and as far as the Mainstream media was concerned Dre was already seen as a violent thug long before he ever did anything to Dee barns. In their eyes what Dre did was neither surprising nor did they they think it was worthy of mainstream coverage. The Dee barns incident was not some grand secret that Dr Dre has been trying to hide from the public like Bill Cosby. Its well known incident that even Dre himself has talked about up over the years ( he recently spoke about it in Rolling Stone) In the 2000 hit song "Guilty conscious" Eminem said this to Dre lol You gonna take advice from somebody who slapped Dee Barnes? The other issue is that Dre himself has too much of low profile for this to ever really catch on in the Mainstream media 1. He rarely gives interviews and he disappears from the public spotlight for many years after he drops an album. 2. He never had a "Good guy image" that the media could tarnish and Im convinced that Dre is leaving the public spotlight for good after his final album and Straight Outta Compton ( smart move on his part ) Im glad that this issue is being raised but It really does feel like this is 20 years too late
  6. nothing sad about it at all "The movie about rappers" got way better reviews and had way better marketing while the spy movie just looked bland and the marketing did not do a good selling a remake of a 50 year old show to a modern audience.
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