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Posts posted by tonytr87

  1. Difference between Emma and Gosling is that Emma is a star power while Gosling is not. It`s due to likablity (Emma) and lack thereof (Gosling). he`s an extremly talented actor but no charisma and he definitely comes off as unpleasent smug.

    You're insane. Gosling has charisma in spades. That's one of his defining attributes. And the guy is one of the least smug people in Hollywood. What are you smoking and where can I get it?
  2. None of nominees is WTF because they were all in conversation, including Jacki Weaver. It`s just that Oscar pundits are too focused on precursors whereas AMPAS is getting more and more independent from them. Namely, they don`t pick precursor faves but they still pick people who were in general awards conversation. Total WTF would be,lets say, Chris Evans for TA because he was never in any conversation.

    I wasn't referring to precursors. I was referring to the fact that Weaver's role is not Oscar caliber at all. Great movie, and she's fine in it, but an Oscar nomination? No.
  3. lol, pretty funny that Haunted House went up while Gangster Squad fell.Like I said, people are much more forgiving of poorly reviewed comedies than they are of poorly reviewed crime dramas.

    This is true. Mainly because comedy is much more subjective than a crime thriller. A bad crime thriller is a bad crime thriller. Even if HH looks absolutely wretched to me, different people find different things funny.
  4. I have to agree. It seems like everyone I know is interested in seeing it. Never thought a Bigelow movie would be such a draw....

    I called it months ago. The story of how we caught Bin Laden is a very tantalizing one. Just watching Youtube videos of crowds of people reacting to the news told me that a movie about how it went down would nab moviegoers' interest.
  5. It's really a love it or hate it film. I don't think anyone else except numbers has a middling or non-extreme reaction to it. I personally loathe it.

    I thought it was a good film, but highly overrated. The fact that Zeitlin got a nomination for that, his very first film, over Affleck who just delivered his third great movie in a row...is just silly.Sometimes I think old Academy members watched it and mistakenly thought Malick directed it.
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  6. I think the playoffs is the main reason January has always been a movie 'dead zone', because otherwise it's a perfectly fine month. When it comes down to seeing a movie that I might want to see and watching RGIII live tomorrow, the choice is clear. Most of America would agree with me.

    American Football is the most overrated THING of all time. I watch how rabid people are about it and I just don't get it. But I guess that's what happens when you have a nation full of traditions (football) and full of people who prefer not to think for themselves. And yes, I'm an American.
    • Like 1
  7. You got to be a Loonie to inflict yourself the overlong Dwarvesfest dinner that seems to drag on forever 4 times (?!) without feeling bored. Non-fans would rather take a nap waiting for the action bits.

    Never read a single Tolkien book and I liked the dinner scene, as well as the rest of the movie just fine. It's not a masterpiece like the original trilogy, but I'd give it a solid B+
  8. You may be partially right, but just looking at everything else, I think DU is going to lose more audience to both Gangster Squad AND Haunted House than any other of the top films right now.

    Haunted House is a flop in the making. And I think Gangster Squad lost a bit of steam when its release was delayed. I don't feel the anticipation for it like I did late last summer. There's also the matter of director Ruben Fleicher being a big question mark (sure, Zombieland was funny, but his last effort was a big misfire). The cast is promising, and I'll watch Gosling in anything, but the trailers come off as formulaic and a little over-the-top.
  9. The Guilt Trip:30% fullTrailers:Don't rememberMovie: C-Tripe. Harmless tripe, but tripe nonetheless. Streisand seems to mistake endless nagging for humor and Rogen seems to mistake fuming in response to said nagging for humor. A few chuckles here and there. The entire audience was over 50, so naturally not much of a reaction from anyone. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still bland, unfunny, and predictable.Les Miserables:90% fullTrailers:Don't rememberMovie: B-Great performances from Jackman, Redmayne, and especially Hathaway salvage a film plagued with bad direction, slow pacing, an uninvolving storyline (at least for me), and bad CGI. Crowe isn't horrible, but he's obviously the weakest link voice-wise. Bonham Carter and Baron Cohen are amusing but nothing more. Hathaway will win an Oscar. Jackman will be nominated. And hopefully, HOPEFULLY, Hooper isn't nominated for Director. I'll commend him for not cutting during some of the tremendous solos dolled out by the cast, but everything else...bleh.Django Unchained:85% fullTrailers:Dark Skies - silenceThis is the End - big laughs, looks great, can't waitScary Movie 5 - chuckles, looks pretty horridZero Dark Thirty - some chatter, perfect trailerThe Last Stand - laughter AT it, looks horribleMovie: ATarantino's 3rd best behind Pulp Fiction and Basterds. Funny, entertaining, violent, disturbing (in a good way), iconic, and filled with great performances from Dicaprio, Waltz, and Jackson. Foxx is good too. Typical Tarantino in all the best ways.

  10. Audiences agree with critics more than the other way around. Hundreds of reviews come out on RT for every movie these days that the corroIation with the public is undeniable. I haven't seen KTS yet but I think audiences were pissed off by KTS because it was apparently very different than what was advertised and audiences hate being deceived.

    You'd think audiences would like being surprised. Dummies.
  11. Isn't that exactly what they do...ALL THE TIME.

    Yep. Honestly, I don't know where these stats come from. Has anyone here EVER been polled or known anyone who was polled after a movie? The only occasions I can think of are free sneak previews (which aren't included in Cinemascore), so how reliable can it really be.
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