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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Gotg and IW are pretty much the only Marvel films that have a good visual style, smart to rehire Gunn.
  2. Billie Batson, say my name and a box office miracle will be yours! JHIM-BO!
  3. For me box office tracking becomes boring after a film follows a steady trajectory for over a week. When you can estimate the final gross accurately the entertainment just isn't there. Unless you've created some milestone to pass and it's tight I just don't see the fun in it. Yes this applies to Alita.
  4. Dubbadubbadublab with the classic they hate everything but Jim line. No Dudlad, just assembly line filmmaking.
  5. you've been breaking character a lot lately dman7! I thought you were a pretend cameronite fulltime
  6. You said pedo's are disgusting assholes, that's the sexual attraction they were born with! A pedo who doesn't act on it is going against their attraction and is a better person than say a bigot, for example one who hates a group of people based on the sexuality the group were born with. Barnack I never touch this debate because of people's knee jerk reaction to it. Although it's quite good for seperating logic based thinkers from the emotional based.
  7. When you try to appeal to emotions but you're not smart enough to know the difference between a pedo and a child molester.
  8. Not so fast there! I am expecting it to make 2 billies but I wouldn't be so sure.
  9. Billie Batson's Billion Dollar Billie Blitz will show you otherwise.
  10. oh dear.. basic logic class again thinking others want to oppress opinions of white men != (not equal to) thinking white men are oppressed please lorddex im at work i shouldnt be doing this
  11. Nothing in that snippet points to those posting thinking white men are oppressed. Listen you know them better than I do but I've got a feeling they don't think white men are oppressed and you're just using hyperbole to make them sound worse, a common tactic.. Do what you like LordDex! I'm not in charge of you.
  12. Imagine bringing political non-sense onto a movie board. I'm sure that's what they think Lorddex, defintely not another misrepresentation. So much for dumb talking points huh
  13. The irony. Hilarious how even with all this franchise power of disney sws and the MCU they can't even beat a 20 year old film in Titanic. Jim holds the #1 and #2 spot for the highest grossing film of ALL TIME yet we only have our snark? We have James "Iron Jim" Cameron, the visionary director, box office king and genius. The thing about Jim is that he makes good movies that push boundries of cinema and gives us something that melts the audiences minds. Meanwhile MCU gives us assembly line filmaking, the macdonalds of filmaking. Sure it tastes good but that's only if you don't know any better. When I think MCU I think bland, generic, boring, dull. Atleast TLJ was a total trainwreck which made it worth watching. I won't ever watch Captain Marvel (trailers are horrendous and reviews confirmed it's generic), I'll be watching Endgame and that's probably me done with the MCU, phase 3 was garbage. Jim's taken another 10 years off and the state of blockbusters is worse than ever, now he's back to show you how it's done. Also Alita did well for what it is, it didn't have the Jim magic to take it to a billie but it was a great film (as predicted) and has garnered quite a religious following. You'll see that take effect in the opening weekend of Alita: Fallen Angel.
  14. Pretty much nails it on the opening. (not the boring skit, watch from 6 minutes).
  15. Hey maybe I'm being selfish but I would prefer other films to be made. I would like to see X-Men too! I really don't like the formulaic approach Marvel take though, their films are just not good. If they MCU can re-invent themselves by letting visionaries take the helm and do something to make an incredible blockbuster of course I'm game. However I don't see that ever happening so I would rather other films be made.
  16. They would have very different taste to me but I wouldn't be upset in the slightest. I'm tired of the MCU! We're 22 films in now and I've had enough.
  17. 60-90m 2nd weekend -Jimbo just watch and see I'm a prophet
  18. That's embarrassing. Marvel literally has no shame, tick boxes to make money and don't make any effort to elavate blockbusters. Shame the biggest movie franchise right now only cares about money. Hopefully people will get bored soon.
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