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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Imagine talking down to a fan of the director with the two highest grossing films of all time on a box office forum. Imagine bringing political non-sense onto a movie board. Imagine and not being able to form an argument without atleast 4 false assumptions and 3 strawmen. Imagine getting upset when anyone talks criticise critics (the irony) Imagine gathering hate for a fandom and going in their discussion thread to put a negative spin on what ever you can. Imagine being a Disney/MCU shill (lol)
  2. I like to get a guage on how the general audience is feeling about a film by asking people at work about at. Pretty much no excitement but also no hate. "It's good" is what I hear. Pretty much the state of Marvel I would say, they should really try innovating or something... suppose it's about money though huh? That's why I support a director over a studio every time.
  3. I don't get why people don't just post the quote when talking about it instead of posting their (most likely biased) interpretation of it.
  4. If you have to say "I'm not saying I don't like white dudes" three times I think you've probably haven't really thought out what you were going to say in the first place.
  5. Sure it can snowball but what's it matter if this makes 400m or 410m. Don't get the excitement personally. If they needed the money for a milestone like a Billie or something then yeah sure but CM gonna sit between 0.5A and a Billie with or without that 500k.
  6. Great it's another getting excited over 500k episode, my favourite.
  7. Well said Peeeewdiepie. Good to hear there's some reasonable people left in the world.
  8. RT doesn't promise anything. Titanic for instance had some of the best WOM of all time, yet pretty much every MCU film has a higher rating than it. Although Titanic does has 36m votes against it, probably because it's the best box office run of all time huh
  9. Yeah too many over predictions around here. Quick dudadlab gives us an Avatar 2 prediction to bring us to am equilibrium!
  10. Ye the difference between 10.9 and 11 is game changing.
  11. 😎Dumb marveldrones getting excited when a 10.5m Monday raised to a 11m... They need some perspective they really do. Suppose people do get excited for league 3 teams or college teams (for the USA)
  12. I like strange days. We need a serious discussion to define Jim movies by there types. Perhaps the JCU can be Jim films + productions with screen play
  13. 1. Avatar 5/5 2. Aliens 5/5 3. T2 5/5 4. Titanic 5/5 5. The Terminator 5/5 6. The Abyss 5/5 7. True Lies 4/5 8. Alita 4/5 Ranking the JCU.
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