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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Jim has spent 25 years in the number 1 highest grossing film spot. Berg has had 19. Star Wars has had 6. Marvel 0 DCEU 0 POTTER 0 I guess my question is, how much longer will he hold the #1 spot? I'm thinking until 2040 (15 years after Avatar 5) which will give a grand total of 47 years at the top spot.
  2. It gets you to like Rose, Jack and the Titanic and forget that the ship is going to sink.. it makes the disaster sequence that bit more amazing.
  3. worse than Marvel is the blade runner franchise, we've had of 2049 of the buggers you would think they would stop making them by now
  4. yeah I know exactly what you mean, years of experience have taught us to never say never and expect the unexpected. That's what it means to be a box office veteran.
  5. Exactly what I was thinking, are you a mind reader? Honestly speaking it would nice to see something original come out and be huge just like Avatar was, I don't see that happening again though sadly. Seems like the top flight of box office is going to be dominated by Sequels, reboots and remakes for some time to come.
  6. Anyone seen Dinsey shilling The Last Jedi on rotten tomatoes? Now that no ones looking there are multiple streaks of 5 stars with a generic comment.
  7. as a general statement those whose username is an anagram of nymphicuk are morons
  8. https://www.maoritelevision.com/news/regional/rotorua-haka-performers-inspire-avatar-2-film This could be something the SJW crowd snaps at Avatar 2 for when it's released.
  9. The general audience isn't dumb, if the last film was bad they're less likely to watch the next one. Both TFA and TLJ were bland as hell. See SOLO... case and point
  10. It has damaged the imminent Kathleen brand, they're going to have to reboot again or something.
  11. I've found the quality of a movie doesn't really affect the opening weekend and Solo's opening weekend was terrible.
  12. With Disney likely taking over from fox I'm worried Avatar might directly fund remakes worse than the originals and the MCU/Nu-Wars 1) How much of Avatar sequel profits go to Lightstorm/Jim? 2) Who gets the money for Merchandise sales? 3) Who owns the rights to Avatar (I assumed it was Jim)? 4) Will Disney be able to release crappy Avatar spinoffs or continuations not by Jim?
  13. @CJohn You took the words right out of my mouth in the OP, if you could keep the thread updated on what fraction of A we're at I can stick to football this weekend.
  14. What dulap does is make something up then doens't defend it. The two classics are. "Avatar fanboys say money = artistic merit" "Avatar fanboys hate everything that makes money that isn't Avatar" Both are obviously false but dulap repeats them often. You're completely right about MCU/Nu-wars, they lack heart. They aren't gripping and never have you on the edge of your seat, it's simply a neat experience which is fun. You can feel watching them that they are studio-made rather than having a visionary behind them.
  15. This is fluff of the maximum order. "I didn't like Avatar 2 and it's 11 years after the first" Thanks for that insight.
  16. The MCU films aren't good and how likely (not likely) it is to compete against Jim doesn't change that. The comedy is weak, they look like they're TV budget (has improved lately), the action is terrible (shaky cam jumps), they don't take risks and they all feel the same. Disney Star Wars is just straight up bad and creatively bankrupt. Blind worship? Don't make me laugh. Anyone with eyes can see how brilliant the man is, making the two highest grossing films of all time and a handful of instant classics. From my view if you're into film and you don't worship Jim you're blind.
  17. I was a kid so I was TPM's target audience and I loved it, so all 6 were good for me.
  18. I grew up on Star Wars so memes aside Disney did actually ruin something I like.
  19. True, true. Avatar tripled the current champ when it was released in 2009. 3x wolfwarrior is about $2.4b
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