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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. honestly I have to question whether sfran43 human or is model 43 of super franbots
  2. it's an edit of the original titanic 2 poster
  3. I don't think RT and stuff will have an effect on the OW so I'll just leave my $240m where it is.
  4. Surely they have more stories to tell besides hyper-gonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process?
  5. Marvel shows they privilege sameness over invention, to such a fatal extent that even modest revisions on the established formula (as in the much-ballyhooed Thor: Ragnarok) are praised to wild excess. Their baseline tradition of passable quality inures us to demanding anything better, or anything else at all, really.
  6. Biggest weekend is one of the weakest records... it points to your franchise power rather than your film's quality. it's like complementing a 800 meter runner for having the highest top speed then he doesn't even make the podium, big deal
  7. greatest movie? Haha you have to be kidding me, it's low tier popcorn flick god only knows how it made so much money. I wonder if James Cameron has ever had an original thought? Blue space cat gully with wolvesahontis is one of the most unoriginal films I've ever seen and It's a crying shame more people went to go see this rather than excellent film-making like The Force Awakens or Avengers, instead somehow a giant TECH demo made more. Avatar 2 will bomb, everyone's forgotten about it and has had ZERO cultural impact. I don't think I've seen a single Avatar poster in my dorms at the university of reddit. With the 3D gimmick gone this will struggle to make a billion worldwide. Can anybody even name a character from Avatar? I didn't think so, how about a single line? Nah didn't think so.
  8. For me it's that only 5 non-Jim films have ever made over HALF of Avatar..then there's the $750m gap between Avatar and TFA
  9. You guys are getting it all wrong, the only film Avatar should be scared of is Avatar 2
  10. Thursday... 20th Century Fox Invites You to a Special Presentation Highlighting Its Future Release Schedule Hosted by: Stacey Snider, Chairman and CEO Chris Aronson, President, Domestic Distribution ALITA
  11. In 2025 the top 5 highest grossing films of all time will look like this. Avatar 5 Avatar 4 Avatar 3 Avatar 2 Avatar
  12. was rather a dig at BBC than calling that dude picture a pedo or something lol, no issues here though just wanted to check I wasn't off the rocker and I did actually post it
  13. did you remove my jimmy savile BBC burn or did I just imagine typing it lol, I agree it could have sent that thread in an odd direction
  14. Well to be fair only 5 non-Jim films have ever made 0.5A, it's a monumental achievement for anyone who isn't Jim.
  15. What I've found from the WW and now Avengers comments is that the overwhelming majority of people talking smack never take the time to read the full quote or understand the context. They're quick to fling mud and get defensive really fast.
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