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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. Okay, though, serious question. We still going to get a Mark Hamill cameo in GotG3? otherwise, I'll be upset.
  2. Maybe it's just me, but yay modern living where everything you did will be treated as if you just did it, and no one will ever think it's possible for you to change or grow.
  3. What are the odds Disney is diving through everyone's twitter looking to get it scrubbed clean.
  4. I should say, haven't seen Gunn's tweets, and I'm sure they're bad and all that, and I'm in no way surprised the writer of Tromeo and Juliet made some offensive, mean, or over the line jokes in the past. It's just, you're gonna pull a hamstring stretching to equate that to what Roseanne did.
  5. Two different situations that while share similarities aren't the same, and can't be easily equitable. The fact that you're trying to lump them together (And then separate them further in your post) is disingenuous to the circumstances and serves only to attempt a moral high ground. You don't get to have it both ways. No. It wasn't. It was systemic behavior. You'd literally have to purposefully not have paid attention, or be lying right now, to think it was because of a "single tweet" *says while defending a racist*
  6. It could very well have been Resistance or new Clone Wars. Just poking fun at the idea that this is a response to anything that isn't a year old. The lead time on any of this is almost a year ahead of time. It reminds me that Filoni stepped down as Supervising Director of Rebels back in 2016...I wonder what kind of project would have asked that of him?
  7. Oh, I don't disagree on the whole, but like I said before, Arrow won me over eventually and he was straight up murdering people. But I do have some problems with the Avatar of Peace being explicitly, and bloodily, violent.
  8. You're telling me that kind of lead time for production and lead time for animation that clone wars was set in stone before Rebels even ended? I'm shocked this isn't a reaction to whatever recent thing I think it is!
  9. @Porthos Ok...if Caleb Dume was in the new show...I'd admit my interest would pique
  10. All is forgiven. I love you again.
  11. I don't have the gifs or words for a proper response. Excuse me while I spend a long time in thought and contemplation.
  12. Ohhhhhhh I see. Have no memory of that standoff though.
  13. I get that. I'm just not enthused about going back to clone wars. I felt like Rebels was closure enough for me.
  14. Yes and no. She's definitely more defense than offense, and her attack powers are meant to put a stop to fighting, non-violently, blinding for example. Dove is partnered with Hawk, who is the fighter of the two. Dove would rather find peaceful solutions to a problem and would avoid fighting if at all possible. I mentioned her powers. Her suit is a manifestation of her powers, not a costume made for her. So it makes little sense for the suit made by the energy of Peace to have razor feathers. So while yes, she can fight, though rarely does, and it makes little sense for her costume to incorporate anything like razor feathers.
  15. I am not enthused. Sorry. I just don't have much interest in going back to the clone wars.
  16. My point is, I have never seen Dove portrayed like this in any run. Dove is the Avatar of Peace. That is where the power comes from. Showcasing Dove fighting and using her wings to bloodily cut someone is the antithesis of what her character should be.
  17. But...that Dove was Don Hall, not Dawn Granger. Even then, the trailer's version of Dove doesn't track with the 5 issues Liefeld ever wrote for Dove anyway.
  18. Okay...So I'm fine with Edgy Robin, even if cracking dudes necks and stabbing them in the neck is a little...much, but I accepted Arrow doing that, eventually. And Raven's a little weird, but hey, new take. Starfire I'm mildly confused about, but that's fine. Beastboy had a second of footage. But I'm still very unsure how Dove, Avatar of Peace, has razor sharp wings that will cut a dude, was ever a good idea, and isn't a complete betrayal of what is supposed to be her character?
  19. I have thoughts on this trailer for Titans. Pretty much summed up by "Fuck Batman", as said by Jason Todd.
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