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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. I like how this post went from anger to depression/acceptance by replacing the question mark with the period
  2. I watched Deconstructing Harry for this but it's not a great Allen, though it does a couple things I wouldn't have expected from him. Also it did stop me from ever doubting again that Judy Davis is a goddess.
  3. It'd be a major missed opportunity if they at least expand it into 600-800 theaters by Christmas. Probably won't hit 1500+ until January.
  4. He's a Snyder fanboy who thinks WB compromised his next surefire masterpiece with reshoots & Whedon's involvement to the point where it isn't even Snyder's movie anymore. So now he's found an excuse to gloat.
  5. Those had additional elements to attract people, Theory worked as a romance in addition to a biopic (and there was more novelty to Hawking as a biopic subject than there is to Churchill right now), Imitation Game had a wartime-thriller aspect to it and starred Cumberbatch at the height of his Sherlock popularity. I think Darkest Hour can come close to Theory if it gets a Best Picture nod, otherwise it'll be lucky to even break 25m.
  6. I don't see Darkest Hour going very high. What appeal is there to it other than watching Gary Oldman in near-cartoonish makeup make speeches in dusty rooms? It's one of the less interesting movies of the awards season and doesn't have the acclaim or the guaranteed presence in the Oscar race (aside from Oldman) to make up for it.
  7. I still think Shape of Water is contending. People just haven't been talking about it because there hasn't been anything to talk about in between the festivals and now. It should pretty easily be the most nominated movie of the ceremony and I can still see GDT winning director.
  8. I can see Shape of Water going over 100k. Disaster Artist might do over 40k, or even blow up to near-Black Swan levels.
  9. Something weird happened. I made a post a couple of pages ago that was sent OK and shows up in my #content but I don't see it anywhere in the thread When I click on the link to the post it just takes me right to the top of page 95. Except there's Pink's double post there and nothing from me. Is it possible that when a lot of people are posting stuff at the same time and new pages rapidly get created something can fall through the cracks like this? Not that these couple of lines are so very precious to me I just never had this happen before.
  10. Yeah. I would have picked Jason Bateman in The Gift and Jason Segel in The End of the Tour for best actor before anyone else to start with. Liev Schreiber in Spotlight was my favorite supporting actor, it's a better less-is-more performance than even the one Rylance gave.
  11. Yeah because when you work on a single film for 12 years it's because you want a golden statue on your shelf, not because you're like really personally passionate about it or anything. All sarcasm aside the 12-years-to-film thing is the selling point simply because it is the easiest one, the film itself never makes a show of or asks to be lauded for it.
  12. Speaking of Good Time, I know the chances of Pattinson getting in would be slim in any year, but is A24 even trying to do anything at all to get him in? Cause if not that's a shame. I can easily see him pick up a few critics' awards, being like this year's Hardy in Locke or Driver in Paterson or Isaac in Llewyn Davis/A Most Violent Year. I wish they got the bigger awards bodies to notice.
  13. Hammer is very subtle as well. No look-at-me Oscar acting whatsoever. In a more competitive year I dunno if I'd even be predicting him for a nomination, as great as he is.
  14. I feel like there was a similar air around Di Caprio by the end ("yeah this isn't actually great acting but look let's just give this guy his fucking Oscar and be done with it"), didn't stop him. I guess he had the box office and the "it was so hard to make!" thing on his side, but then Oldman is Oldman. See, Academy, none of this would have happened if you'd just given Oldman the statue he deserved for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Would have been free to reward Chalamet or whoever this year.
  15. As someone with basically the same build I protest. We really thin guys can use some representation, especially if it consists of this guy getting it on with both Armie Hammer and Saoirse Ronan in different movies
  16. Yeah 30m would make me happy and around 50m sounds like the best case scenario. It's not as safely crowd-pleasing as something like The King's Speech since it's still a basically plotless film about a gay affair, and doesn't have a provocative hook of, say, a Black Swan. If 100m did somehow happen it'd be one of the biggest box office stories in ages.
  17. It's seven votes jesus. Will probably be "ruined" long before I get to it. (It only comes out here on February 1)
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_cinema Granted PTA doesn't go anywhere near those extremes but still. Replace "slow" with "unhurried" or "deliberately paced" if it's easier. I guess the problem is that we can use the word very differently - we often say "slow" and mean "boring", but it can also be just a description rather than a judgment of quality, which is what I'm talking about right now.
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