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Everything posted by Essem

  1. If this last season of GoT was made into a cinematic trilogy of 2hr 30 mins movies. What would its box office be like?
  2. How much did WB loose from JL? It wasnt thaaat much right? shazam wont reach JL number but it cost under half as much as well.
  3. It's all about gauging how the audience like the movie or not. Seeing the "buzz" after the theatrical release is over. If they feel a Shazam 2 makes sense they will do it. A shazam black adam movie with the Rock feels like a no brainer to me though. Or a Black Adam solo then a Shazam/Black Adam as the 2nd movie for both of them.
  4. I know they wanted to save the boardroom scene for the full movie but having at least parts of it in a big trailer would add SO much more hype and anticipation. It would get more people talking about it and getting butts in seats. Because it was great.
  5. The first part of the movie with Sivana, is brilliant. From the car until he enters the cave with the wizard and the Deadly Sins starts talking, GREAT sound effects. I was like wow if this is what were in for this is going to be something special. It didnt quite live up to that for the rest but it was good. Definitely enjoyable. The budget limitations does show itself in the 3rd act in my opinion, Levi vs Mark Strong fight is fine. Although i wish they went a little further. It felt like they held back a little too much, a little reserved BRING OUT THE POWER AND UNLEASH like your life depends on it. Also think the rest of the family fighting the sins was a little "low budget feel" in the way they moved and fought although we didnt see too much of it. They had the same color pallet as Doomsday but didnt have the budget behind them as Doomsday did and it showed.
  6. Saw it today. I liked most of it very much like 3/4th of the movie is excellent. Id personally rank it as number 3 in "DCEU" after MoS and Wonder Woman.
  7. I just dont think selling a CBM towards "kids/families" is the right strategy. How many families with mom dad and their 2 kids go to see a CBM together? CBM as of today is more towards couples and group of friends going together. And how many groups of friends wants to see a "family/kids" movie. I just think they havent been selling the movie correctly. that and beeing squished between 2 MCU Juggernauts is just gonna lead to its "downfall". I'm thinking 300-400 WW atm. 150 dom, 70 china and 150 os-china for a total of 370 WW. I just hope a sub 400 WW (if it happens) wont discourage WB to go ahead with Black Adam and eventually Shazam/black Adam movie. In my local theather in Norway has sold 53/600 on friday (opening day)
  8. Yea the release date is beyond terrible. If this had Aquamans spot last christmas its not too much of a stretch to say it would have done double of what it will now.
  9. who says "in the football" thats like saying "lets play bowling" instead of "lets go bowling"
  10. I'm actually surprised he wants to come back. I would just give the middle finger to Disney and refuse. Let them find another director and sort out the mess they made themselves. I would assume he does it out of respect to the cast and fans of Guardians franchise.
  11. This. Its sad that being profitable is not enough for a CBM. If it ends up doing less than Justice League (which is likely). The media will paint it as being a failure despite costing less than half of what JL did. Because that is what is generating clicks.
  12. Does this have something to do with the costume? I read something they wanted to make the costume a little smaller and not so padded.
  13. I'm surprised that WB is going forward with a Flash movie. I just dont see the draw and appeal. With the TV show going side by side the need to go and spend money to see The Flash on the big screen will be diminished in my mind. The TV show takes away from the mystery and "coolness" factor from a potential movie. If you wanna watch Flash just put on one of the 100 episodes that are out there. Flash should just be used like Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye in the MCU. Would IronMan/Tony Stark do as well as it did and be the phenomenon it became if there was an IronMan TV show running on season 4 at the same time the first movie came out? I think not. WB hasnt been good enough with protecting the charachters. If the goal is to have a cinematic universe like MCU, then having TV shows running at the same time with the same charachters is a terrible idea.
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