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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. Corey innocent. Well not literally because he killed a lot of people but his share of the movie was the more interesting while the Michael/Laurie parts were absolutely laughable imo. 


    I get the toxic reaction and it certainly is a mess, but I think it's gonna be more memorable than most Halloween sequels. Just because of the Corey stuff.

  2. 1 hour ago, Brainbug said:


    He will finish the books. Winds of Winter will be released in a few years.


    I truly want to believe that. I want to believe that Tyrion is a time-traveling fetus and the son of Dany and Khal Drogo, i want that theory confirmed.


    I just bought the first book after years and years of putting it off. Will take me probably over a year to read all of them, but after that GRRM better have the 6th one ready


  3. 1 minute ago, DAJK said:

    But part of me would be genuinely curious if he lightning could strike twice with Smile 2.


    Since the Ring analogs never end, the smart thing for him would be to take a hint from Verbinski and let someone else fall on that sword. It's the rare kind of shocking success that would give him a lot of leaway. Why waste it on a Smile 2?

    • Like 6
  4. On 10/8/2022 at 8:23 PM, Cmasterclay said:

    I wasn't going to see Smile but the holds and word of mouth have convinced me. Proof that this is a real effect and not just a nebulous concept!!


    I also went for the same reason. I had no intention of watching it in theatres, didn't look like anything special. It's a catchy premise very well executed. I get why it holds so good and it works like gangbusters with a crowd. Certainly makes more sense to me than the surprising legs of the Black Phone.

  5. 20 hours ago, Torontofan said:


    If Season 8 had the two following fixes

    - Knight King vs Jon Snow epic Duel (arya could come in and kill the king still)

    - The 2nd dragon dying during the battle of King Landing and making it more even affair which leads Dany going nuclear.


    Those 2 changes alone would have allowed Season 8 been much better receieved. 


    I don't believe that. People fixate on specific plot details that stick out in a bad way but even with those fixes I think it would still be a huge letdown. I was a big fan enjoying even the last 2 seasons despite the rampant corner cutting at every turn hoping that it will be all worth it if they stick the landing. But somewhere during the last 4 episodes the bubble bursts and you realise there's no landing to be stuck. They're just gonna keep cramming entire seasons worth of plot and characterisation into a couple of a scenes until the very end. John could have killed  the Night King but his ressurection would still feel pointless and the Long Night like it lasted less than a week. The dragon could die at the battle of Kings Landing and Dany would still feel like she went to sleep a worthy ruler and woke up a war criminal. And even with some distance I still love the show to this day, I even like how most of the major characters ended up in broad strokes. But the finale will always be incredibly dissapointing and there's no easy fix for that. The only real fix would be tha last 12 episodes to be another 4 seasons minimum. 

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  6. I wanted to binge this after the finale but caved in because it's already become inescapeable on the internet and spoilers are just flying around everywhere.


    It's very good, especially from ep.4 on and put me back in a real GoT mood. When that show ended like THAT, I thought I might give the asoiaf books a try if/when  Martin finally writes the next book which aint happening, but I kinda want to read them now despite being forever unfinished.


    Only thing I didn't like was the 3 year time jump in between episodes where every one looks the same and continues on their thing like barely a week has passed. I understand there's a big gap where nothing of note happens but now that they did the big casting change time jump is it gonna be more continuous or are we gonna jump a couple of years every other episode?

  7. It was pretty good. More pleasant than funny, nothing you haven't seen before but imo still a cut above most streaming rom coms.  The director of Mamma Mia 2 was a very good choice for something like this, even if George and Julia being fun and having fun again is 95% of why it works.


    It also opened really really well here last weekend and it's probably gonna end up being a pretty big hit but I'm a bit skeptical about how much it can break out worldwide. It's still the kind of movie we have been conditioned to expect out of streaming and whatever "Remember Movie Stars?" buzz it's having can only take you so far. But I hope I'm wrong. The budget is just 36m so it most likely won't be a flop.


  8. 18 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:



    Ok, I hope you 're right. Infinately prefer for Netflix to push this into BP than White Noise or flop Bardo. At least the critical reception doesn't seem far off from the original in early reactions. We just have to see If the buzz is gonna linger enough without a proper theatrical release. 

  9. 14 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    Knives Out is probably making Golden Globe + WGA + ACE (won't rule out SAG Ensemble, either) and that alone puts it on a path for BP in a 10 year field.


    It gets all those even without the overwhelming positive buzz of the first one? I think that's a lot of assuming. The first one wouldn't get anywhere near the oscar convo without everything absolutely going its way. Huge box office success, almost shocking critical success, a ton of good will for Johnson after a subset of Star Wars fans made him their new villain. And it still just got a screenplay nom and maybe would have gotten a BP nom in a field of 10. 

  10. Not sure why Glass Onion is being a contender all of a sudden just because the Netflix main horses floped. Even if the movie has the same great reception as Knives Out (which is a big ask), is not gonna have the surprising lengthy boxoffice run of the first one and the "original movie saves cinema" narrative. It's gonna be "just" a murder mystery with jokes after all. Even if Netflix throws all their weight behind it, I don't see why the academy will deem it important enough this time.

  11. 24 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    I’m not even talking about the Shia thing. That’s an entirely different can of worms. There just seemed to be plenty of tabloid news about her relationship with Styles that made it feel like it was the 1990s all over again. 


    I'm not following gossip that closely to really know but Styles is the kind of celebrity that would be on tabloids for real or made-up reasons every other week. So it makes sense their relationship would be heavily covered anyway.


    But I didn't get the sense that she was labeled "Cheater" or "House-ruinerer like it's the 90s. Like I said until a couple of a weeks ago I think she had a fair amount of good will both from the media and from the "movie/cinephile internet" that actually knows who she is.

  12. 1 hour ago, WittyUsername said:

    I mean, the media/tabloids seem to be destroying Wilde over her relationship with Styles, don’t they? 


    Not really. For months it has been mostly Styles stans doing a twitter crusade against her and some gossip about an alleged feud with Pugh that most people considered typical tabloid bullshit. But the general sentiment online I think was fairly positive for her until like a week ago. People def took her side when she was served with divorce papers on stage and called the whole thing a pretty low blow by Sudeikis.

    It wasn't until the Shia receipts came in and the Miss Flo video that the climate flipped on her. And it wasn't because of Harry Styles. She was caught with her pants down trying to use a casting change to score some girlboss points while badmouthing her lead on camera. That's it really. Sexism exists, women get criticized unfairly, Harry Styles fans are truly deranged but Wilde has only herself to blame for this mess.



    I also truly find this whole saga very entertaining, I don't even care about the movie anymore. Miss Flo arriving in Venice minutes after the press conferance is over? can't make up this shit.

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  13. On 8/3/2022 at 4:49 PM, jedijake said:

    Alice Looking Through the Looking Glass


    I mean, the TOTAL gross wasn't even 70% of the first one's OW !!!


    Maybe in strict numbers but how can you call that the biggest dissapointment when pretty much everyone expected it drop massively or outright flop at least a year or more before release. Depp and Burton in the 6 years between the 2 Alice movies went from biggest names in Hollywood to boxoffice poison.


    Prince Caspian is more like it. People expected that to be one of the big movies of that summer right up to the last minute.

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