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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. On 4/21/2022 at 1:16 AM, dudalb said:

    Amazing Spider Man 2 has to be in the conversation. That pretty much killled that version of Spidey.


    Don't remember what the predictions were pre-release but that was kinda the crimes of Grindelwald of its time minus the Depp stuff. Sequel to a movie that made a lot of money on brand strength alone but landed with apathy even inside the fanbase. I remember it was endlessly mocked for the Electro look and the universe building stuff months before release.


    fyi I think the movie is fine, certainly better than the dire AS1, but it just had tons of bad buzz before during and after it came out.

  2. 20 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:


    The article said "Leo is one of the leads" which would imply Gladstone, as well, but I'll keep her Supporting for now. 


    I've been thinking Gladstone is gonna be a lead in this for a while and we know they have repurposed the story when the movie was still up in the air. It's still no clear though, if she doesn't have considerably more screentime than anyone else except Leo and it's more spread out, they can easily fraud her into supporting.

  3. 5 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    It's very lenient what's considered original or not now lately lol. Even, technically, Northman isn't original.


    Maybe let's just count anything that isn't MCU, DC, or a video game 😆


    You 're right that if you start including stuff with asterisks we 'll end up debating every single stuff and how original it is. But at the same time I think dividing IP vs original stuff in regards to boxoffice has to do with whether a movie succeeds without the help of a pre existing fanbase or pre existing familiarity with the premise.


    Even before our IP dominated times half of Hollywood projects were always based on literature or real life events. Some of them were famous enough to give the movie a push but most of them didn't.

    Jungle Cruise is an IP as much as Rampage was a video game adaptation. Which technically they both are those things. But how much IP matters or even helps when 99% of the audience has no idea about it. And I'm not saying this for you to change the list you 're posting. it's v helpful as it is.

    My main point is that anything that is based on source material isn't automatically IP or helped by pre-existing popularity. A biography of an icon like Elvis might be fair to be grouped with IP but most biographies aren't. Ditto a book that was a huge best seller vs just a book that got turned into a movie.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    the 2nd one still did 300m WW. If each one continued to up the ante with nostalgia and maybe a new popular current action star, it could have sustained. But the 3rd was PG-13 and leaked online while the Fast franchise overshadowed it as the popular macho franchise


    Forgot about the third being PG.-13. That was a really stupid decision. But anyway I think that particular brand of nostalgia and its main hook of old macho stars together always had an expiration date.


    In comparison the Fast franchise also was riding a similar nostalgia/legacy wave from 4 onwards but also evolved into a different kind of franchise between 5-7, more than doubling its audience in the process 

  5. 15 minutes ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    What a quick death for a promising franchise. I doubt even Statham can save 4. 


    was it though? This was mostly built as a Stallone comeback vehicle and the buzz of seeing all the macho guys of yesteryear in the same movie. Even if the sequels were better it would have run its course well before expendables 4 was greenlit.



    Glad about the Northman not doing terrible. With the constant doom and gloom the last couple of weeks I really feared this was heading to Last Duel level of bombage.

    • Like 3
  6. On 4/5/2022 at 7:39 AM, WrathOfHan said:

    Feel like Avatar 2 is going to fall victim to what Two Towers and to some extent Dune suffered: the franchise is far from done, so what's the need in nominating Cameron/a bunch of techs? VFX, Sound, Production Design, and Cinematography nominations/wins will happen at least.


    Cameron has a much bigger status than Jackson or Villeneuve and on top of that he kinda has a big narrative for a locked BP/BD nom IF Avatar 2 lands well. Took him so much time to make the sequels that there's negative buzz around them for years. If Avatar 2 is a well reviewed mega hit with groundbreaking tech he's not missing. He can only miss if the movie really underperforms.


    now about the early "favorites"

    I'm just not feeling She Said being that slam dunk of an oscar frontrunner at all. It kinda seems too soon-ish for the subject matter to be across the board embraced in the industry.

    About Killers of the flower moon I have the feeling Lily Gladstone would be a co-lead just based on her being included in the first released still. It will look especially bad if she is the 5th supporting player in a sea of white guys with a story like this.

    And Babylon I think is a bit overestimated. It's gonna be very R rated and methinks it's gonna have a too much discourse problem. If Chazelle can get people mad with jazz saving and not enough american flags, imagine what he can do with orgies.

  7. If this is indeed getting dumped Focus are just st00pid. They could have dumped it or sell it to a streamer when Eggers presented them with the original cut and said sorry that was a bad idea we 're cutting our loses, go back to A24.


    But going above and beyond to "fix" the movie with test screenings and reshoots and Cuaron's blessing and cutting a more audience friendly trailer only to arrive at the same conclusion a year and several million dollars later is just stupid. Even if the movie wasn't compromised like Eggers is saying, why even put all of the cast and crew through all of this just to dump it at the last minute.

    • Like 5
  8. The "fallout" with every Will Smith project getting paused feels a little fake to me. Apparently even Bad Boys 4 isn't happening anymore lol. It's just studios temporarily shielding themselves from bad buzz until this whole thing blows over.

    If anything this is close to the Cruise on Oprah incident if that was an isolated thing. Which it wasn't, Cruise was on a year long crazy tour at the time going on talk shows to diss psychiatry as a fake science and lobbying european leaders to recognise scientology as a religion, his canceling at the time had more to do with his continuing unhinged public behaviour than his one public meltdown on live television.

    Assuming the slap and his acceptance speech is all there is gonna come from it, this is just a case of a big star momentarily shattering a very carefully constructed public image. It will never be forgotten and there 'll be jokes about into the 2030s but by this time next year the streamers that are freezing his projects right now will crawl back and the new Bad Boys will not be headlined by Martin Lawrence whenever that happens.


    • Like 2
  9. I got really curious when the script first leaked and read just a little at the start because I didn't wanna ruin the whole thing for me. From what I remember it definately felt like it's gonna be a very hard R so the wolf of wall of street comparisons make total sense.


    minor spoilers I guess about the first 20-ish pages of the script


    The opening is really just one big party sequence at a Hollywood mansion introducing I assume most of the main cast while crazy stuff happen around. I remember a hooker peeing on her client's chest and then ODs, everyone doing all kinds of drugs, topless waitresses, a midget that does tricks with his dick or sth, an Elephant walking around as an attraction and the whole thing devolves into a mega orgy by night's end.


    I'm sure some stuff will be cut/altered both for MPAA and budget reasons, but if the vibe of the rest of the story goes like this it's gonna be wild.

    • Astonished 3
  10. 3 hours ago, Barnack said:

    Avatar slipping too a small movie hurt here (not necessarily different than Private Ryan loosing back in the days, but that was in sandwich between other event movie).



    And even that one lost to another massive hit if we keep inflation in mind. Shakespeare in Love or American Beauty might look comparable to the Argos and the Green Books in gross out of context but they were absolutely massive hits around the world, #8 and #6 respectively in their year worldwide. And as fall releases they were among the movies most people were watching in theatres for weeks before and after the ceremony


  11. 33 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    We discussed this the other week in another thread but the 2000s was when star vehicles started to fade away due to the lack of viable rising stars and a shifting pop culture that was dominated by the takeover of "reality" TV. That more than anything else opened the door for IP to become the new star power.


    I think all those are reasons but the biggest shift by far imo was 2001 as a whole. hp1 and lotr1 made close to a billion dollars starring nobodies with sequels already in the pipeline sending the entire industry chasing popular IP and Shrek, Monster Inc were #3 and #4 signaling that animation isn't just Disney turf anymore. It was every bit the tectonic shift that Jaws and Star Wars were in the late 70s even if some already established movie stars continued to be relevant long after 2001.


    The top 5 the previous year:

    1.Jim Carrey star vehicle

    2.Tom Hanks star vehicle

    3.Tom Cruise star vehicle

    4.Russel Crowe star-making vehicle

    5.Mel Gibson star vehicle


    This is litteraly the last time the top of the boxoffice looked like this. 


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  12. 1 hour ago, titanic2187 said:

    Sometime it is not always about how widely seen the nominees, but how the entertaining the ceremony. 70th Oscar may have miracle-like blockbuster like titanic in the mix but the ceremony if you look back, was so much more well energetic.Just look at the opening monologue, and see how responsive the crowd. 



    Yeah I don't agree at all that the hosts ever mattered that much in the grand scheme of things. Billy Crystal or Whoopi Goldberg might have been great and iconic but you and me would pull close to the same numbers presenting awards to Titanic, Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan in pre-social media times. Oscar viewership started slowly falling from the mid 00s when they went from awarding some of the biggest movies of the year to some big hits that weren't that close to the biggest of their year to an occasional populist hit or two contending every now and then.

    And then there's the part of new media emergence, linear TV slowly becoming obsolete and much of the most casual audience consuming the awards in bits and pieces online. That part won't change even with more popular movies and hosts.

    There's no magic combination that will get the ceremony back to the old 40m numbers. Which makes all the bullshit the producers have pulled to jump 5m in viewership from the year that almost didn't happen even more ridiculous. Maybe in a year when a couple of populist hits are contenders and not just below the line winners they can crack 20m again, but that's about it. ABC and The clowns that run the academy will have to accept the new normal eventually.

    • Like 3
  13. 9 hours ago, Cap said:

    My friend and I also suggested that everyone should only have 45 seconds from when they get up on stage And speak their first word to finish their speech. And there’s a timer countdown from 45 to 0. And then once they reach zero if they are going over still they get like slimed. Or a trap Door opens. Or someone comes out with a giant hook. I think it would be more engaging for the audience because there’s now a sense of like urgency because oh my God are they gonna finish in time?! And it keeps everyone on schedule.


    people running up the stage to get a a few more words in



    if anything is ever gonna beat Titanic's viewership record it's this


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    • Haha 1
  14. This is getting more desperate and sad with every day that passes. They are really chasing the mythical potential viewer that wasn't watching the oscars even when they actually had 40m viewership. 


    Saddest thing of all is that if the ceremony somehow gets a small uptick in viewership, they 'll think it will be because of all the unbelievable bullshit they re pulling. Not because 2020 was a year that most people had no idea new movies were premiering and competing for awards in the midst of corona.

  15. 1 hour ago, grim22 said:

    If Coda pulls it off, it will be a very similar run to Parasite, including peaking at literally the exact right time.


    CODA's rise is still way weirder and more abrupt. I think it's because of how long this season has been and how late some of the biggest precursors put their awards, namely PGA and WGA.


    Parasite had a steady rise all season long with reviews, critics awards, boxoffice and real-world buzz on its side. By nomination morning it was a clear threat and after that quickly became the clear alt to the big budget late breaking frontrunner. 

    CODA I think by nomination morning was an early contender that many had written off and was just happy to actually be nominated. I don't believe anyone had it higher than 5th in the lineup a month ago. And now it's winning stuff a week before the oscars while the voting is happening. That's why the backlash has be so OTT and immediate. They know they 're running out of time lol.


    If it actually ends up winning it will be the weirdest path to victory since I've start following the oscar race. 

    • Like 2
  16. I 've watched it twice and despite the runtime never felt that it drags to me. It's a pretty quick 3 hours.


    Even if it borrows a lot from both Fincher]s thrillers and Nolan's trilogy, it's a very well-realised take on Batman and on top of that the most visualy dynamic superhero film in ages. I completely bought into the atmosphere of Gotham as a rotting cesspool of a city. Even the most emo touches like Batman's tortured dear diary voice over and the Nirvana song that both got a chuckle out of me at first, they fit nicely with the whole mood of the movie.

    The cast is uniformly great too even if no one gives THE performance for the ages. Pattinson and Kravitz are good and more importantly very sexy at the centre, but also all the supporting players pop in their scenes. If I have a personal favourite though, it's Colin as the penguin. Mostly because my expectations were very low for him after the fat suit reveal in the promo, but he's a delight and the make up work so good I would have no idea this is someone in a ton of prosthetics if I didn't already knew. 

    I also enjoyed that the flooding climax felt like the most direct mirroring of Nolan and specifically the 2 ferries sequence, but Reeves actually blows up the flerries and lets them deal with the aftermath. It might be the least impressively staged set piece of the entire movie, but it worked for that reason alone.

    The only little thing that bugged me both times was that the Thomas Wayne reveal had to be followed almost immidiately by a lengthy Alfred monologue reassuring Bruce (and the audience) his dad was just a good guy that got mixed up with the wrong people. This is the only moment that felt studio noted to me, even if it wasn't.


    As far as Batman rankings I have Returns and TDK way above the rest as my favorites. I wouldn't put this right next to them just yet, but it's a clear #3 for now.

    • Like 1
  17. Power of the Dog might be similar to Roma as a shaky "difficult" frontrunner but CODA and Belfast are nothing like Green Book. And with PGA and WGA being so late this year, the fact that none of them has cemented itself as the crystal clear alternative to the frontrunner even with voting starting tommorow makes it all the more difficult for the upset to actually happen. 


    Maybe CODA actually breaks all historical precedent and win all of its 3 noms. Maybe Belfast will suddenly win PGA after being beaten by POTD left and right all season long, but most likely people are just bored and talking around in circles about upsets because its mid-March and the oscars are still 2 weeks away.

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