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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. Sure it's been done before but I think not with a movie of that scale. This like Dune or OUATIH is the kind of movie that will get 10x the media buzz/coverage of any other smaller auteur movie in a big festival. It would normally be the start of a large scale marketing push until the release. It will be weird if this open at Cannes with all the breathless coverage a 200m Scorsese-Leo movie would get and then pump the breaks for 3 months to relaunch in September in a smaller festival. This isn't comparable to Parasite or No Country for Old Men. It might come from a streamer but it's still a gigantic movie with a ton of pedigree and star power. And it 'll release in theatres supposedly with all the marketing hoopla that entails.


    I'm not saying it won't happen. Just noting that it's kind of unprecedented.

  2. On 3/18/2023 at 7:54 PM, CoolioD1 said:

    speaking of 2020 working on a theory that Mank = Fincher's Aviator (trying too hard with the bait) and The Killer = Fincher's The Departed (back to basics crime thriller that people want to see from him, no real Oscar aspirations but maybe if it rules hard enough?)


    Sadly the only way this would be possible was if The Killer wasn't a Netflix film.  

  3. 13 hours ago, John Marston said:



    it topped the charts on Netflix for a while in addition to its box office run. Surprised  the sequel hasn’t been announced 


    IMO they are at the same spot Tomb Raider was in 2001. The movie was a big financial success but doesn't seem to be really liked that much by anyone. If the second one is just as generic it could drop heavily into bomb territory like Tomb Raider 2 did.


    or they should just fire Fleischer, which I doubt they will.

  4. It was a good show but yeah the game is just better. Every one I know who watches this fresh pretty much loved the whole thing, but I still think the gameplay parts with Joel and Ellie add something that the show can't adapt. I think if they had managed to expand a bit their story here and there it would be perfect. How to expand I have no idea, but I'm not the one getting paid to think of that stuff. Anyway the show was really well made and very good. Maybe I'm being a bit like those GOT readers bitching about every little thing even when the show was great anyway.



    3 hours ago, FilmFincher said:
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    totally agree


    Both Marlene and Joel were already decided and Ellie would only just make it harder whether she said yes or no. None of them had the guts to tell her. 


    • Like 1
  5. Surprisingly good. I was a bit cold on Creed II and the too much legacy stuff after loving the first one, but this is a great bounce back. And it kinda makes this sub-franchise it's own thing. MBJ has done just great both in front and behind the camera. I think despite whatever backstages shenanigans ensued, Sly must be proud for him.

  6. Very good episode and probably the best looking one so far. I've said they 've done a great job with effects and set decoration for the post apocalyptic cities etc but you can't just beat natural location shooting. 


    I think the writing is a bit on the nose and kinda has to because they 're playing catch up to hours of character development that happen during gameplay. The most popular takedown of the game by haters for years has been that it's just a tv show with some shooting galleries thrown in which is just not true. The struggle is real to keep up, but they 're lucky the cast is so good all around and sells it. Pedro, Bella and Tommy, Maria all absolutely killed it in this episode.


    I also like that they have the faith in the cast to not adapt all the action set pieces of the game and have infected everywhere. It would look borderline silly if Joel and Ellie were shooting their way out of the University one episode after the Kansas escape and killing Clickers along the way. But it makes you wonder how are they even begin to approach the second game that's twice as action packed and unfolds over a much much shorter timeline.

    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, stuart360 said:

    You could argue thre signs were already there withe The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy videogames flopping hard, especialy The Avengers which came at the hight of Marvel movie popularity, or so it seemed.



    Not really. Those games flopped because a Tony Stark or a Star Lord without RDJ and Pratt voice/likeness still means very little to people as a draw. They 're not Batman/Spider-Man and I think the same will happen with the Wolverine game they 're making.


    1 hour ago, stephanos13 said:

    I wonder how they (Feige, Disney execs) feel now for holding off X-MEN and Fantastic 4 for so long after they got the rights.


    Probably a sigh of relief that they didn't toss them right away into this multiverse stuff.

  8. 5 hours ago, Hatebox said:

    I'm assuming they're going for some post-apocalyptic Karen vibe. Can take or leave her but I see the logic in swapping faceless raiders with motivated, named antagonists.


    Yeah, from the first moment on it screamed they were going for unassuming soft voice nice lady being actually ruthless militia commander or sth. I'm fairly neutral on her so far. Lynskey is a good actrees, maybe she 'll pull it off next episode. 


    As for the ep. I think I'm in the minority that likes this and episode 2 the most so far, which are the two that kinda adapt gameplay instead of the story and that's have been the most interesting thing so far for me. I hope someone finds a bottle of aspirine in a deserted bathroom in a future episode.

  9. 12 hours ago, MikeQ said:

    Also, upon second viewing, can we talk about the fantastic production design and art direction? The compound is incredible.

    And go back and look at how the house changes over the years - e.g. the dinner scene when Frank first arrives to the dinner scene at the end. The art we see throughout the episode. Etc. These are the kinds of details that resonate.





    Yeah the Prod design is really impressive. One of my favorite things about TLOU in general is that it skips ahead 20 years to the point that the zombie apocaypse is routine. Whatever's left of humanity just gets by in various ways and there are adults born after the fall that never knew the world before. 99% of zombie themed movies and TV just keeps going after outbreak day, which makes sense. Because with such a big time-jump everything gets way more expensive and still runs the risk of looking fake. Thank god HBO got the money and the right people to spend it on. 

  10. It was very good but I think the pre-release hype for this one was a bit much. I think it's on par with the other 2 eps which were also pretty great but it wasn't some giant leap imo. Maybe the hype was so big because it was the more radical diversion from the game which was the best thing about it. Those diversions is what will make this show its own thing.

    • Like 2
  11. I was sceptical of this being extremely faithful and maybe pointless for fans of the game, but it's better than I hoped. I prob can recite the entire game from memory, so the expansive stuff is really what's selling it to me. Anna Torv for example makes Tess pop more than she did in the game just with a few moments of extra stuff. Otherwise it was a pretty good, the characters and setting are already well established, so here we go.


    I also don't get the bit so many people do about the spores getting retconed. Like it's fine, it's a TV show, you gotta watch peoples faces when they act. Game lore is not the holy bible, you can bend it. Don't be like Star Wars fans.

  12. 17 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

    why do people say this game is so good I stopped playing video games around 2010 someone help me


    I got out of video games around the same time and as a result never bought a PS3-Wii-360. Playing this and GTAV on a borrowed PS4 pulled me right back in. If you like this kind of story focused games it's possibly the best ever made.

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