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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. Of course amazing OD for IW, it would be even if it was just a hair above the true friday record. I wonder how the preview/OD ratio is compared to CW and Ultron.


    A Quiet Place might be able to manage an under 50% and I bet is gonna go back to under 40% drops for the next two weekends where nothing big opens. Phenomenal WOM.


    Slightly dissapointed about Rampage, I thought it could manage an under 60% drop.

  2. As much as The Rock's draw power has been overstated during Jumanji's insane run he is as much of a sure bet a star gets in this day and age. And you can't discard all the sequels and franchises he made as completely irrelevant to his draw power. Journey2 and GIJoe2 would be heading for huge drops without the Rock, and even the Fast&Furious franchise exploded from the moment he came on board. Of course he wasn't the sole reason  F&F became so big, but he was a factor.


    Of course he is not as big as peak Will Smith was, but no one is anymore and no one will be in the current market.

    • Like 1
  3. Atm I would give it A- which could slip to a B+ in future viewings when the novelty wears off, because a lot of the allure of the movie for me was a great premise/gimmick executed with excellence from the pacing and suspense to the emotional moments and great performances. Thematically it is a little thin and a little obvious but it doesn't matter because despite the "high concept" it feels modest in its goals and not going for BIG IMPORTANT STUFF. And it works like gangbusters because of it.


    The plot nitpicks also do not register for me at all, I don't watch any movie with that mindset, and it's one of the cases where you can find holes everywhere or nowhere at all. I had absolutely no question about where the monsters come from or how a baby cries or not when it's convenient. 


    I don't know where Jim from the Office goes from here as a director, his previous movies were all kinds of mediocre bullshit, but here he made something special. Krasinsky-Blunt deserve all the success and praise coming their way for this movie.


    So for now A-.

  4. 3 hours ago, Barnack said:

    Is Mowgli still getting a release in 2018 ?


    Hard to predict that one specially without any trailers yet, talking animals have been huge, Jungle Book is one of the biggest movie franchise of all time, but a lot of but.


    FB2 could have an hard time doing more than FB1 and Aquabro could do also in that range, making it somewhat possible for Mowgli I guess ?


    Mowgli feels much closer to another fairy tale bomb for Warner like Pan and Jack the Giant Slayer than anywhere near being their biggest movie of the year even if everything they have for 2018 underperforms.  

  5. 2 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

    Like this comes as a surprise to anyone.




    I'm a big fan since her Dawson's Creek days, I'm not surprised that she is good in it despite no comedy background. But the reactions are kinda surprising considering the film is mostly getting panned left and right. "She's the only thing that doesn't suck" reaction wouldn't be that surprising, but she's getting straight up raves instead. Most reviews I read are trashing the movie and then they go "OMG what a role/performance". It's very intriguing.

  6. 3 hours ago, tribefan695 said:

    They wanted to get the story right? I think that's all the justification for a delay you should ever need.

    I hope that's the case, I was just wondering if it was going through some production difficulties/change of staff and got delayed.

    2 hours ago, dudalb said:

    That did not take time to get the story right hurt the second Dragon film badly. They rushed it into production too quick.


    Well it was still decent, but can't disagree with that. None of the main two story threads seemed fully realised, the family reunion and the villain invasion both felt a little rushed and mushed together haphazardly, but I would still take this movie over almost anything DWA did this decade. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, StevenG said:

    Are there any slasher properties that have the potential to make an IT-level killing at the box office? Or is the so-called slasher genre just too 'unpalatable' to have a gigantic breakout like that.

    I ask because I don't think anyone expected IT to gross over 300 million dollars, but it happened.

    Wouldn't it be cool if we had a hard-edged, pure slasher film do over 200 millions dollars? What would a slasher film need to have (big stars? an unexpected angle? A-list director?) to do that?

    Scream 1 and Halloween 1 were peak popularity slashers and adjust to 207m and 184m respectively. The ceiling of the sub-genre is not at all close to something like IT. But maybe it could be done if a slasher had real movie stars or pedigreed cast and crew to draw in the people that dismiss the genre sight unseen.

    • Like 1
  8. I've seen this movie more times than I can count. It's simply brilliant and non stop hilarious.


    And I'm endlessly fascinated about its troubled production history and how it was supposed to be another epic renaissance musical with Sting, I think all the troubles and changes shaped the project into something special. It still floped but it ended up being a great movie and a very unique addition to the Disney canon. And it's not that much underrated any more. Emperor and Lilo & Stitch are probably the only Disney animations of the dark age that was the 00s for the studio that are still remembered and well regarded. Does anyone remember movies like Chicken Little and Bolt and Dinosaur existed and they were hits that people went to see in theatres;

  9. It will definately do well or even great in the countries that horror does well but 200m OS seem a little far fetched. Only the Conjuring franchise and IT have gone over 150m OS in the last 15 years, I think most likely A Quiet Place will end up with 50/50 split DOM/OS.

  10. 1 hour ago, TombRaider said:


    Sex and the city. I know Kim catrall said she wouldnt do it but it'd still make a lot of money and the actresses havent had any success since the last one SJP's show is a flop IMO) so. Also they could actually make a good movie to close it out instead of the horrible second part


    The hangover, some short of reunion. it's not like Bradley is relevant anymore and neither is Zach so this would bring them some easy cash


    I really don't see the point on making a sequel to either of those. Their last entries decreased both OS and DOM, especially DOM they fell 40% and 50+% off of their predecessors. I don't see how they are not gonna have another huge fall both DOM and OS since their last entries were so long ago and not well received at all. And the stars like Sarah Jessica Parker or Bradley Cooper might not demand 20m salaries any more but they won't return without a much much bigger salary and/or participation fees than what they get for every other movie.


    From a financial standpoint those 2 franchises ended at exactly the right moment. They squeezed every last penny out of those properties and walked away just before they enter bomb territory. There is no point bringing them back.



  11. Despite the somewhat underwhelming DOM gross, the OS/WW total is very impressive especially for an original movie. Coco's run have been quite similar to Ratatouille. That was also considered somewhat underwhelming DOM at the time (for well reviewed PIXAR original standards) but absolutely slayed in many other countries and end up beating every Pixar film except Nemo OS.

  12. The main theme(s) is definately obvious to the point that it's spelled in the dialogue multiple times, which was also the case for Ex-Machina but that movie had more interesting characters that felt real, here everyone feels like a stand-in for philosophical musings and little else. All the actresses are doing their best especially Portman with a pretty thin character but it never connected with me. But I don't think it's bad, it builds atmosphere and have some really gripping sequences  (the Bear, the Lighthouse) and the post apocalyptic look inside the Shimmer definately gave a Last of Us vibe, and I'm saying this as a positive.


    For sure it doesn't lack ambition which is a big plus in and of itself, but in the end it felt to me more like an admirable mess than a movie with a coherent vision. I would still recommend it to any sci-fi fan though.

  13. Watched it for the 4th time and everytime I like it even more. I thought some flaws might pop up to me after the inital theatrical experience but a random joke not landing here or a plot beat being a plot hole if you really think about it there don't diminish the experiene at all. The movie gets richer with every viewing and everything about it worked for me, even the Canto Bight detour pretty much ties the whole thing  and its themes together. It's also the part that definately gives prequel vibes (if they were directed by someone who still had stories to tell instead of George Lucas 20 years into retirement).

    • Like 2
  14. 5 hours ago, Juby said:


    That's actually not necessary true. Depending on source, E.T. overseas run was $305 mln (according to the Variety in 90s) or $280 mln (according to NYT in 80s). Ghost's overseas run was for years $300 mln (or a few dollars less according to the-numbers.com), Mojo updated it to $288 mln in late 90s or at the beginning of the XXI century. So, a lot of sources in early 90s could have gave us info that Ghost was bigger than E.T. and maybe that was true, cause films in that era were present in cinemas abroad for years! I would say, E.T. overseas numbers are not very solid, after 2002-re-release they definitely add too many $$ to its OS tank.


    It depends on what sources you choose to trust. Mojo has seperate numbers for the re-releases, 20,3 m. for the 1985 re-issue and 33,3 m. for the 20th anniversary. I don't see how a random article from the 80s or the 90s is more solid than boxofficemojo.

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