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Everything posted by GambitPool

  1. I hope it surpasses Avengers and Jurassic World just to rub it in my friend's face. They've been arguing with me this film isn't big enough to open to 209mil.
  2. I got a hold of some script reviews and summaries a couple years back. The reviews were mixed-negative then. I figured Payne would fix the 3rd act issues before filming, but he kept it the same.I'm really disappointed as Payne's one of my favorite current directors.
  3. With Disney's Fox purchase, is this still a trilogy? Or a one and done film? I wanted to see what they had planned.
  4. We talking about trailers? I had the worst trailers before JL. Pitch Perfect 3 Some movie about old people with Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones. That awful Tomb Raider trailer. I mean if you're going to hint at Tom Petty, then fucking play it. Or don't hint at all. I mean pick one. Deadpool 2 teaser couldn't save me from this crap.
  5. I'm legitimately shocked we didn't get that. War was a story tailored made for the big screen. It was written specifically as a blockbuster. It had the action, easy to follow plot, character moments, and comedy for a first JL movie. The comic was a freaking template!
  6. They probably should've put Wondy front and center in the marketing. She's a bigger deal than the JL at this point. Hiding Supes was great and all, but the general audience had no idea he's in the movie. To many, Supes is the JL. The heart and soul of the team. They ripped the heart and soul out marketing the film.
  7. I'm rewatching MoS right now. I have such a love hate relationship with it, but if they could have built upon and improve the framework instead of rushing Batman and JL, I think things would have turned out better. The elements were there with the right changes.
  8. Apparently Snyder was only chosen because he could get MoS done before the rights were up. WB didn't want a director who'd take their time. http://www.vulture.com/2010/10/fox_offers_wolverine_2_to_aronofsky.html I've also read that Snyder was like 7th on a list of directors Nolan was looking at.
  9. Assassin's Creed, Alien: Covenant, and Annabelle Creation. Are there any other AC movies coming out this year? What are we, building up to an AC Slater movie?
  10. Flashpoint took the entirety of DC Comics history to get too. It was a way to restart DC and get rid of all the baggage every character had. I'm assuming people are laughing because WB is trying to fix their mistakes so early in their universe.
  11. Long story short. Flash screws up the timeline, creates a messed up universe, fixes it, then creates a better universe.
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