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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Yeah I just do not get it, both the predatory and the anticompetitive part. Reading the comments, there seem to be a giant misunderstanding what a tax write off is, the expense made to make those movies are always tax writeoff like all business expanses are, only possible change is that they just can use it sooner. Shelving movies are because they would hurt the brand or not worth taking a release spot and the cost that goes with releasing a movie, how is that predatory ? Predatory: inclined or intended to injure competitors by unfair means Which competitor have been hurt and how ? By the decision of WB of not releasing a movie ? And the analogy with burning a building for insurance money I do not get it either, spending $100m on a movie to save $20m in tax is a terrible business decision that you never decide to do in advance, claiming insurance money when that amount ended up higher than what you could get for the building if you sales it makes sense.
  2. In this case, if they are showing it and trying to sale it to streamer, it will be hard to argue the anti-competitive aspect no ? Specially a movie no else could have made being an WB IP.
  3. They want to link money incentive with their own success as much as they can, if the bonus are not linked to incentive talents into turning show into high performer (during the press tour, own platform and other ways they can have to help) they make 0 sense to them. It was probably making the working talents and their agents angry (who are completely outvoted by the non-working members) a group they would care more about.
  4. GoG had great trailers, that lead to a big OW, it was not really a case of needing to watch the movie before watching the movie.
  5. No one has to, until yesterday no one did. Are there many places where you cannot buy tickets in person ? Reserving seat long time in advance has a very high value to some that are ready and want to pay for it, they never need to (if they did not start online only purchase yet).
  6. And here it is under $8.50: https://www.cinemark.com/TicketSeatMap/?TheaterId=371&ShowtimeId=449062&CinemarkMovieId=94792&Showtime=2023-11-12T18:30:00 I am not sure what are we supposed to do with those 2 anecdote and value them more than NATO calculated average price or AMC declared average movie ticket price (a chain with Imax and Dolby extra charge rooms) in their annual financial declaration.
  7. Black panther did 181m when the franchise was 14 years old and both first movie were just 1 year apart, Gran Turismo did 44 millions domestic in total. In that sense I wonder if a Captain Marvel 2 movie would not have been much easier to sales, every thing post Endgames or on TV could have that challenge, but they had a billion dollars established brand during peak MCU they could have easily used. The poster called The Marvels, does not seem to future flying jets, does not seem to be set in the 90s I could not tell you the link between the 2 movies after watching the trailer outside that the Captain Marvel character is in it.
  8. There are better ways to do it than others, but for the people used to be on the other side, they will feel what it can be for the people getting the numbers, careers possibly ending, project cancelled, etc... and will find distasteful a glee celebration about it. A bit like when a publication close, people that hated it and hated the people working at it will often not like people celebrating it too much when they work in the media themselves. I wonder how much of the target audience had a peacock subscription Quite in line with the $10.53 of last year for the whole country and being same price than the ATP in 1970 ($1.44 in 1970 dollar now even for a big chain that has Imax-Dolby etc... vs $1.55 back then including the mom&pop)
  9. Not that it would be a big surprise, but that could make the annual tickets estimate sold on the-numbers.com quite off the mark (which use BO/average ticket price) But: The ticket-price increase represents the biggest three-year jump in many years (2019 was eight percent higher than 2016). Factors include the general rate of inflation and a higher percentage of premium tickets sold, as well as fewer children-oriented hits. This make it sound they try to make an average of ticket solds and NATO member would know the exact value if they wanted we can imagine. Lot of ticket are bought with child price, elderly rebate, rebate tuesday, theater chain points reward system and in place with the regular full price are still under $8.50: https://www.cinemark.com/TicketSeatMap/?TheaterId=371&ShowtimeId=449062&CinemarkMovieId=94792&Showtime=2023-11-12T18:30:00
  10. It is about trend, the elderly fear public space 2020-2021 stat will mass it out a bit. per capita yearly attendance 12-17 2009: 7.9 2012: 6.2 2019: 4.9 2021: 2.5* covid, we will not know before 2023 stats maybe 2024 how it settle down 18-24 2009: 8.4 2012: 7.8 2019: 4.7 2021: 2.0* covid, we will not know before 2023 stats maybe 2024 how it settle down But 18-24 per capita being the same has the 25-39 in 2021 is a faster decline than the worst projection I think if it hold up, not so long ago the 18-24 almost doubled the 25-39 per capita. 2012 2-11.: 14% population, 14% moviegoers, 11% tickets sold 12-17: 8% population, 11% moviegoers, 12% tickets sold 18-24: 10% population, 13% moviegoers, 19% tickets sold 2019: 2-11.: 13% population, 13% moviegoers, 10% tickets sold 12-17: 8% population, 9% moviegoers, 12% tickets sold 18-24: 9% population, 11% moviegoers, 13% tickets sold In a short time it went from 32% of the ticket to 25%, the 60%+ 12% to 15% of tickets because while the older group yearly ticket purchase declined a bit, the youth it cut by 40-45% pre-pandemic, I imagine worse now. Driving and dating went down fast in the mids 201x among the youth.
  11. Some of the stuff pointed out have been common in the industry for at least 10-15 years, changing the distance between characther, taking take 2 for one and take 6 for the other, using 2 different take and mixing them together because each had some wanted aspect performance wise.... that has been going on in the tv and movies you have been watching. If they do not tell us, it is all perfect, if they do tell us it can become an issue (Tom Cruise as stunt double, much better if they stay unknown). Some stuff would be illegal to be any different under fair use laws, most of them are a big deal for the employee but for the customer usually the less hand tie by rules, the better.
  12. To make a worldwide promo tour after the movie release would be really rough, there a reason movies promos start so much before release to build awareness, right or wrong there a believe in that (and you can correct course with tracking feedback) It would be a rare live event thing that did not move at all in the last 50 years (at least in the US): Cheaper than in 1971 according to the MPAA (the conversation like many could be driven by NY-Los angeles ticket price), would we compare to music or sport live ticket pricing....
  13. I think this can be exaggerated quite a bit, John Wick franchise, Creed 3, 5 nights, Scream, Equalizer 3, Minions almost did a billion last year. It is something pretty much everyone say and repeat and sound true, we mentally exclude horror, we mentally exclude mid-budget animation, we remove under $30m budget, but often stop to consider the 85-90m has midbudget when the low mid 40m in the 90s will be considered mid-budget when it is the same money, etc... I remember a producers round table type talk in the late 90s saying the same (Titanic success pushed that narrative a lot, then Stars Wars-Lords of the Rings-Spiderman-Potter, etc.. happened to confirm it) it has been a long time on the artificial life support by now. And can also be exaggerated sometime, Kevin Hart from Ride Along to COVID-19 run was really impressive. People will focus that stars need to stay in a lane almost all the time to work (Cruise running, Washington protecting the widows and orphans in a action movie, the very exact Liam Neeson brand he created, but that was not uncommon before, John Wayne could not make Genghis Khan work, Stalone-Diaz-Roberts-Arnold-Sandler needed to right vehicle and so on)
  14. It is the notion that predictability is an insult for an action movie like that or that only plot points that can have surprise element. The movie has 2 of arguably the best action sequence in the history of the medium, that what it tried to do, that what people watching wanted to see, it just needed to competently enough connect them together to not lose the audience and it did. From Titanic, Lawrence of Arabia, Bonnie and Clyde, Jurassic Park, Godfather to the Lords of the Rings trilogy (take any historically base affair that do not stray away or popular book adaptation, Marvel in general), a lot of the audience could tell you in good enough term what will happen... that not what movies tend to be about (so much that one can rewatch them and still enjoy them).
  15. $220M after tax credit was how much they spent more than a year ago (september 2022), there a full year of post production over that and reshoot. $260M-$270M would not surprise me
  16. Probably way less than 15 years ago, during the DVD era it was common to plan and be happy to spend more on the theatrical release marketing than the ticket rental you got back (let alone starting to pay the budget back), on a yearly slate a studio could spend more on theatrical release than theatrical rental. In 2006 for a studio like Warner brother, for the motion picture side of the business only 21% of the revenues where from theater, 29% from TV, 50% from home video. The most revenues era in the history of Hollywood probably the 2004-2007 just before the financial crisis, the one Matt Damon talked about how easier it was to greenlight stuff, assemble cast of Jim Carey romcom made with a $115M budget ($175M now), movie doing 1.4 time their budget at the theater turning a profit, etc... (look at Batman, first captain america or Bond of that era, giant success back then because of how many windows and how much money was in them back then, would be considered flop now) Could be possible that the post theatrical revenues are the lowest in a very long time for studios. Sure studio certainly have what it does for the streaming platform in mind but back in the days it was what does it do for their giant next year DVD and TV slate. I could imagine the lower the audience, the higher proportion of it are more hardcore fans that watch all of them which will be more male heavy.
  17. Yep but it was a big production like Ender Games or Mortal Instrument. Potters became YA when the children reading the first book grew up like you said, maybe the final 4 books-movies or so, the PG-13 Potters stopped to be children movies. Looking at this: https://www.epicreads.com/blog/adapted-books-on-screen/ There title a reconize but I am not sure I ever knew what the movie were (city of bones, Papers Towns, 13 reasons, 5th waves, artemis fowl)
  18. Fault in our stars, Hobbits, Golden Compass, Ends Games and obviously Harry Potters franchise were others big YA book adaptation. Some smaller did really well like Love, Simon or The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  19. The industry would love those $630m outside China (that was more than say Winter Soldier or Mission Impossible Rogue Nation at the time) on a small Liongates production and promo budget now. Spiderman, Guardians 3 this year, Batman, Thor, Black Panther, Strange last year were just giant success
  20. Not sure that the case at all, in the sony leaked email the industry did seem to give a lot of credits to the Russo's at the time and a lot of money. Gray Men got a giant budget... the super big cast, big producers to helps, it would be rare to get that kind of control of a $200 millions movie if the industry did not give you credit for those Marvels successes. I would not assume they did not got a lot of good offer to make other Marvel films that they just refused for now, it is almost certain they did get offers, they probably wanted to try their "own" stuff a la Gray men or their production company and if they go back to franchise something different like Star Wars. And why Russos-Markus-McFeely films outside the MCU are not as beloved ?
  21. Maybe relative to expectation of being safe at greenlight time, but a MCU movie will even now always do something just by habit. Depend on the definition, giant movies like the The Adventure of Pluto Nash did not reach 10m at the box office, Heavens Gate did not do $5m and closed United Artists has an independant studio. John Carter, Battleship, Mars Needs Moms there is good one to compete with. Has for the budget being close to $300m, maybe the gross $275m figure was the spending made in date of september 30, 2022, around $220m net a year before release, those COVID production cost can be wild.
  22. Flop sometime are used for big underachiever, Mission impossible will get a sequel and the structure of the back to back covid production challenge make things a bit hard to call a flop. DBO/WWexcluding China box office 5: 195/562m 6: 220/606m 7: 172/519m It dropped 22% domestic, 15% ww from the franchise peak, but under a normal $200MM or so budget (which maybe it had if all insurance check get in), not really a big flop. And we do not know it lost the studio money (and maybe they wont until the how much that co-shot a bit at the same time production will end up costing for the 2 movies, what they will do), how it was structured between them, David Ellison, Cruise, C2 motion. For example: https://deadline.com/2023/08/mission-impossible-tom-cruise-transformers-paramount-financiers-c2-bron-1235450302/ Studio are often the first to get their money back (but make a lower profit multiplier when it turn out to be a big success)
  23. There 2 different dynamic, if an EP run on a show was paying so much you didn't need to work the next full year and you were working often enough (all the time you would be quite rich). Someone working on a construction project making so much that it last them 12-14 months would sound really nice to many people. A bit the same for actor, $5000 a week as a starting minimum is quite the good money, expenditure for agents-unions-audition junket-living in popular place near the action and being lucky to work 12 weeks a year because there is 160,000 members, a million that want to do it for free and not enough work for half of them. As for no residual that a bit strange thing to say a streaming platform cannot play something out the original window without paying residual, 1.2% of what Netflix pay for the content goes in residual (and if Netflix is the producer of what similar content cost them in the open market), residuals non-adjusted for the WGA-west was at their highest even in 2021 nearly half a billion dollars was paid by the studios. How much pay a day would it be needed for all those people to do a leaving considering how low that amount of days can be... It is a bit of strange situation, were studio pay for days of work is a really high amount and the average worker situation is not that good because of just how much of them there is sharing the pi. Would they not have really good data on this, which shows are primary screen and which shows tend to be secondary, that something you see show build to be secondary screen with a little showing of what will happen and what did happen every 8 minutes.
  24. If your sample is random you do not need to be big (a 3,000 really random sample will be good for a 320 millions population) if it is biased you need almost everyone for it to matter. How that is not a fanboy or an haters would take the time to take steps to review a movie.... in an anonymous way not in a letterbox trying to gain something from it way.... usually not enough to dilute the activist voters. Can you imagine an elderly doing that, taking a picture of a movie stub to rate a movie on RTs ? Easy to fill a very small piece of paper and a pen given by someone with like 6 question on it when you walk of a room.
  25. Cinemascore ask everyone that was in the theater, it is a less biased sample (it as issue, it is about Californian or somewhere sample) and the type that go see a movie early in release at a certain time, but much better that the very strange sample of people that want to take step to rate a movie on RT
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