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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. The movie could be amazing, but the way its structured feels like they probably should have shot both parts simultaneously. Both to make sure there actually is a part 2, and to make sure the wait time between films isn't longer than a year.
  2. Thank you! That's gonna be a major disconnect for the general audience if they haven't found a way around it. Him constantly seeing futures also sounds like an eerie opportunity to go too far into my biggest fear that I mentioned earlier, about how it could be running mostly on the promise of substance in future films without having hardly any itself.
  3. More of a general question, but sort of related, who even is Paul in the book? I haven't read it, but usually for a renowned series I hear so much about I still tend to pick up at least what makes the main character(?) work or interesting. I don't know anything about Paul so does he have anything to do with why Dune is good, or is it almost entirely on the story/world?
  4. Wait, a Denis movie is slow paced? Nah for real though, the only thing I've been weary about - and what I hope won't be the case (though seen signs pointing in both directions) is if it's not layered enough with themes and ideas. If it's too empty and running mostly on the promise of substance in future films, it won't be for me.
  5. Unless things go south very soon, I predict a similar metacritic score to those films. Highest I can see right now is 85. EDIT: Which by the way is a fucking amazing score.
  6. Yeah let's be clear, I can definitely see it in a theater, but unless that theater doesn't open or I decide not to travel 4 fucking hours for the movie, the "largest screen possible" will be supremely pathetic and practically make the endeavour pointless.
  7. Well maybe this is the best time for me to vent. 😁 My local theater, and objectively the only theater even remotely close to me worth visiting (especially for something like Dune), shut down two weeks ago due to a catastrophic flooding in the city (apparently two months of rain in two hours). Water damage apparently fucked things up in there, so it had to close for "a while"... and well, it's still closed with no signs of when it might open up again. Dune is opening on the 15th, tickets in the country went on sale today, and here I am holding my breath that this damn theater will open up on time - as I watch the other worthwhile theaters get sold out (yay for Dune). I don't want to have to travel up to 4 hours to see this thing, but I will if this theater doesn't open. But then again I might not even get to make that choice, since I'm hesitant to commit and buy tickets. Bit of a catch-22, very lovely, very exciting. From a once in a hundred year pandemic, to a once in... I dunno 30-50 year weather catastrophy in this location, they're really trying to get me not to see this thing.
  8. lol I've never seen anyone misspell his name as 'Van' before, but somehow multiple accounts pulled it off there, and even a 'James One' appeared.
  9. French letterboxd reviews are selling this movie much better than the marketing, put "It's a bit brave to let something like this loose on the people" on the poster, damn it!
  10. Yeah, we had it scheduled for sep 3 here for the longest time until it became the 10th. If IMDb is to be believed, France is getting it already by tomorrow?
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