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Everything posted by blurredbynes

  1. I was disappointed tbh. It was a decent movie but I felt like the scares were kinda lacking. The CGI ruined a few of them by being really dodgy. If the leper and the synagogue woman were practical effects it might've been cooler I think. I agree that there should've been more dialogue heavy Pennywise scenes. I loved when he was talking to them in the house or just chillin but then they'd randomly make his head big or some shit. I also don't like how they changed Georgie's death but it's a small detail. Mike was the Slipknot of the group honestly. Or maybe the Katana. Just showed up with not a lot to do. Something about Ben was very 'child actor' and I really didn't like the scenes with him. Still keen for part 2 though cause its a fresh start with the actors (not that Bill, Richie, Eddie and Bev weren't great) and they can hopefully improve the CGI.
  2. Wasn't my cup of tea. Usually expository dialogue annoys the hell out of me but this could have done with something more. I didn't read up on Dunkirk before seeing this because I thought it would influence the tension I felt not knowing if they were rescued or not but now I feel like I should have to understand what the hell was going on. I didn't really care about a lot of the characters. It was neat how they switched up the timelines but I didn't understand how Cillian Murphy's character was on the boat trying to stop the young soldiers from getting on and then later he was in a plane wreckage? Harry Styles really impressed me, he was very natural. Kenneth Branagh, Tom Hardy, anyone else of note, they were fine. Just fine. Wouldn't see again. Wouldn't recommend. This style of storytelling was not for me. That cinnamon tography tho
  3. https://twitter.com/TheRock/status/880199614082670592?ref_src=twsrc^tfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com%2F106751038.html also the Rock has paper thin skin
  4. I thought the payoff/justification for Karen Gillan's outfit would be the one "omg why am I wearing this in the jungle?!" line and then never addressed again, and I have a feeling that's what's gonna happen
  5. I tried to watch the miniseries for the first time as an adult and it was pretty terrible. Couldn't make it the whole way through so I just watched all Tim Curry's scenes on YouTube. I'm excited for a (hopefully) watchable version of this story
  6. I was wondering what you were talking about cause none of the main women were white apart from Rita (lol). I don't remember them showing her parents
  7. I liked it. I laughed and I audibly gasped at parts so any movie that can get a reaction out of me has got me invested. There's probably quite a few things critics will pick apart and there were some things I thought were stupid but there's so many big movies that I've been to lately that have just been very meh so an enjoyable experience is a welcome change.
  8. when i was young i broke out a lot not sure how much of an impact Australia has on the overall box office but i think it will flop here. It comes out on the same day as Beauty and the Beast which has had some pretty insane marketing but i haven't seen shit for this besides a billboard. Not even a trailer in cinemas (and I go to the cinemas a lot)
  9. This idea could be a bit wild so don't mind me, but fans and the press could acknowledge them both. John Goodman, Samuel L Jackson and Tom Hiddleston have been getting heaps of press (without anyone criticising their looks in favour of another) and while they are obviously bigger names, Brie Larson is an Academy Award winning actress so it should be a given that she's a large part of the hype for this movie. There should be plenty of room to acknowledge both her and what could be a significant role for Jing Tian
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