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Everything posted by Newbie

  1. So in two weeks from now will we be able to cross 300 million domestic?660 overseas?960 a full week before China, or am I running a week fast?
  2. Seriously have we moved up to 20th or 19th of all time WW. I found it odd that we got no announcement for passing Two Towers, which would have easily happened this last week. Heck we almost made it off of just the week's US performance.
  3. When do we normally get final numbers for this time of the year? Can't believe we still don't have final weekend numbers yet.
  4. And what's the average age of its audience? I don't remember what the first weekend of Return of the King was but Fellowship was much more older then younger. Trek versus Wars is also similar Wars always had percentage wise much younger audience then what Trek did. There are variables above a d beyond one film did x so this film should do x isn't valid statistical work. Even basic first year college courses should make that clear.Example why did the finale Potter have so much larger midnight? Then other Potter films, even with a year separating the last two? The addition if the variable of the finale of that series. For just a very basic additional variable.You state because no other franchise the size of LoTR opened in De ember. But we have seen films open in other months that have been huge with a new property. Just this year in March I believe, it happened. Between just Decembers lack of anything over 8 or so million, and the various factors that are fairly unique to the month of December, what about the general impact to midnights after Batman? I still no many people whom have to this day changed how and when the see movies. In fact the group that I normally hit films with (same group if ten plus occasional date) was fairly stable until Batman, after that point last night was the biggest showing as a group we had made with 6 people. Some of are group will no longer see films at night. Hell my brother is worse after Batman his family has not gone back to see any movies nor are his kids allowed to see them with their friends.Now I know that behavior is atypical but I have a hard time believing it hasn't changed some people's patterns.
  5. And yet we still before yesterday never had a December film do close to what the Hobbit did. There is no statistical trend showing vast increases for December midnights, no matter the film.
  6. Baumer I think part of that is after the first film a significantly larger percentage of its full domestic gross was earned in its first weekend. Far larger then most any sequel. Thus it's been statistically much easier to get a fairly accurate range based on its opening, it's first show, it's first day it's opening weekend then you will get for most any other film or film series.
  7. but are you forgetting its December. Where no film has ever done even ten million. It's just odd that no popular fis or franchise or movies based on books or stories with rabid fans has ever opened previously in December.
  8. Well the family I was taking to the Hobbit after school today, mom just called she doesn't want her kids out in public.
  9. Why did this happen. I know that some films will start early at 10 pm, but I have always seen midnights with them.Any other cities do 10 pm shows? And if so did they in life midnights?Because I am really wishing I got more then 1.5 hours sleep right now.
  10. Seriously I am surprised actually that it isn't doing a little better (immortals), I mean sure it looks stupid, but really there hasn't been a lot of general movies geared to the stupid masses lately.
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