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Posts posted by Momo

  1. 1 minute ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

    Intense for BATB

    OK/Good for PR

    Life isn't Death at all, and it isn't dead either

    Kong ain't got shit on BATB

    Old Man Logan might break the 200 million figure domestic

    Get Out will get its sequel called Get In

    John Wick has had a Wicked performance



    All in all, not bad at all. I loved Logan and PR, and I'm glad that both movies are performing well ( Logan and PR ). Logan is a huge hit, but PR still has a long way to go, though it has better reviews that what I thought it would get. It's 82% RT score is quite good and it hasn't dropped since Thursday. 


    Kong still did well for itself. Even if it didn't put up BATB number.  Looking forward to Kong vs Godzilla. Huge Godzilla fan.

    • Like 1
  2. Still enjoy these forums for the most part since I have been here. Will continue posting here,because I love other franchises/movies other then PR. Like I said congrats to fans of BATB. It's not my cup of tea,but it earned it success. The Disney movie I'm waiting for is Aladdin in the future.  Wasn't much into Lion King.

    • Like 9
  3. 6 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


    Pacific Rim made it (barely) with a 37 m OW.


    Yeah, were Pacific Rim made it's money was OS and Blu-ray sells. Granted Lionsgate did that 25 percent thing OS on this movie. I still think OS number will determine if Lionsgate thinks Power Rangers has a future.

  4. 1 minute ago, elcaballero said:

    I haven't had a lot of free time the past couple of days, so I haven't been following what's been going on numbers wise. How are Power Rangers and Life looking for the weekend?

    I do know my Derby is going to get slaughtered by Slamma Jamma, though.


    PR is looking like 35-36m 0W from what being said on here.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Xillix said:

    Full disclosure: I'm a huge Power Rangers fan and I'm disappointed in these numbers too. I full well know that anecdotal evidence is worth jack but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited when my Thursday night screening sold out. It was at the back of my mind that I could be seeing front-loading in action and I didn't want to believe it, but if that's how it plays out then that's how it goes. All told a mid-30s / low-40s weekend is in line with long-term projections and, if not a hit, at least not a complete embarrassment. There's a difference between being disappointed and HOPING something crazy will happen with the Friday to weekend ratio or the weekend to total multiplier, which my less logical faculties still are, and outright rejecting reality. That's just making it harder on yourself.


    So yes, I'm sad that sequel prospects aren't great. But I'll live.


    Yeah,the number disappointed me also. Was hoping for a least close to 40-45 million. Even though I made a prediction lower on another forum. I really didn't want it to fail. Dispite what some might think.

  6. 3 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    @Gokira2012 PR has an A on Cinemascore.

    Also they could come in late, thinking it might have been between 1 AM to 2AM for the east coast, I live in the central time zone.


    Can I ask why don't they wait for the Pacfic Time zone or they don't think will actually impact the number? Just curious...

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