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Posts posted by Momo

  1. 1 minute ago, Nova said:

    Also keep in mind that PR had that BOGO for Friday. Of course I'm not sure how well that promotion went but the tickets purchased under that was for Friday. 


    That's another thing I couldn't understand. Why the mad dash to give away free tickets? You want people in the theaters paying money for your movie. Yet the cast and that promotion keep giving away free tickets. lol

  2. 4 minutes ago, Barnack said:


    136 million domestic would be a rental of around 70-74 million, remove 50 million in P&A, there is 20-24 million left to start paying for the budget (is it possible that you made the common mistake of removing the studio P&A from the box office instead then removing it from the studio part of it ?)


    It depend how that 25% exposure come from, if it is because they achieved to do 75 million in pre-sales and that the budget of the movie was 100 million, it turn it in a 25 million movie that you release it only in the US and UK and you just have to make 25 million to cover it.


    If it is part pre-sales, part financing partner that make it a bit more complicated.



    So basicly your saying Lionsgate covered their butt knowing the movie could very well flop. lol

  3. 6 minutes ago, Outrageous! said:

    There is something else from that Variety article I wanted to discuss:

    What is Bob Iger and the rest of Disney thinking this weekend?  I know "Beauty and the Beast" is huge at the box office, and I am doubtful he regrets selling the Power Rangers rights.  There were rumors long ago that Disney wanted to create a Power Rangers animated series, but Toei, the Japanese company that co-owns Power Rangers told them no.  I've noticed that Haim Saban usually tries to not mention Toei when discussing Power Rangers.




    They are thinking we just made a boat load of cash from BATB. I seriously doubt the care about PR right now. Honestly,Saban came off like a prick in that article. It's not like since he bought it back it's been doing great. The current series is producing like 0.5 or 0.6 right now. lol

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Harley said:

    My nephews would love PR. No doubt. I can't help that Lionsgate has been here before. It feels they are desperate for a new franchise. This feels like Divergent redux. If PR only make 250m WW why bother trying to make this a franchise?


    Yeah,just doesn't make sense. Unless they sure it will do extremely well over seases and possibly banking on doing well Blu-ray wise. Much like Picture Perfect and Pacfic Rim did. This is coming from a PR fan. So I would love for to be a franchise. Just seems unlikely.

  5. 3 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    You also said:

    Ant Man under $150M domestic

    Fan4tastic would do $60M OW even with the reviews it's got.

    Strange having a 3.7x multiple for domestic

    Kong would do $40M-$45M OW hoping for it to bomb.

    Beast would do $130M at most OW and fall like a rock then did a 180 and said it'd do less than $150M OW

    No one is perfect at predicting so kudos to you if PR does over $50M OW.



    Starting to think he likes annoying everyone. lol But like you said if he right. More power to him.

  6. 1 minute ago, alisson23 said:

    Yeah, but it needs to do $100M+ OW to be considered a success here.


    Excatly considering the budget rumored to be 100-120 million. I can only guess their banking on it doing well overseas,but with Russia making it rated R now and only Hong Kong playing it in China. Even that is remote.

  7. 2 minutes ago, DAR said:

    Isn't PR kind of following along with expectations for it?


    Yes,but some of us were hoping it do more. So we would get more movies and such. I'm not like Gokira2012 though. I never thought it be Marvel level. His past coments were just silly. Plus,like others said the spot they picked for it was just silly. Lionsgate had to know BATB would be a monster.

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