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Everything posted by Momo

  1. Yeah, I saw "Your Name" made 235M in Japan. Was like damn Japan sure does love anime/family films.
  2. Alrighty thanks. I admit I'm new Japan box office. So sorry for being naïve. Was looking at Box Office Mojo. Seem children movies do quiet well in Japan or am I reading to much into that?
  3. So 8 to 15M $? I guess that's better then nothing. Which it did in SK. Granted for China it's bad,but the movie was basicly getting nothing at this point before China. I guess it only chance it has left is people go into the movie and liking it possibly giving it a good WOM.
  4. It's the Disney machine. Disney tends to eat up all it's completion. Really not that fair,but 48M nothing to sneeze at. I can name a few movies that would died for that much. heh
  5. Detective Conan is doing pretty well. Is that Live action version or the anime? I remember the anime a while back.
  6. @keysersoze123,I have given up on PR making any money in China. Hence my post on Japan thread asking about any pre-sale sites. Since Japan it's last stop at the theater. At this point LG pretty much knows if they want to make another or not. If their happy with it doing John Wick/Tyler Perry type money. Then another will be made. If not. It was a good one and done picture. That I can always wonder what if on. P.S. Before, I move on from PR in here. What do you think it final tally will be in China? 10-12M?
  7. Is their a site to follow Japan pre-sale numbers like China has?
  8. That little for GOTG 2? Just wow,I guess the rumors I heard were true. China just not fans of GOTG franchise. P.S. @TigerPaw,I agree with you. If they do make another PR. LG going to need to make some serious changes,because clearly it didn't do well OS. As for Donnie Yen being in it. I would love that. I doubt he play a ranger. Since they are usually young teenagers in PR universe,but a henchmen to Lord Zedd could work. If LG really wants to get bold. Hire a huge name to play Lord Zedd. That the one main vilian that in the beginning of PR Universe was bad ass. You know before he become Rita's bitch.
  9. Talking about GOTG 2 numbers. You must have misread what I said. As for PR in Asia at this point I would be surprised if it makes any money in Japan now and it was created there.
  10. That bugs me out even more. I expect PR bad numbers. But GOTG 2 to not be doing so great in China. Is shocking to me. China audience seems to be very fickle about what they like. I mean take Warcraft for example. In the US it bombed,but in China they loved it. lol
  11. @fmpro,is that $8-10m total run or just the OW for it. Also is that a firm projection or just your prediction as of right now? Sorry, I guess I'm looking for any thing positive. After PR and the way GOTG 2 now looking. I'm looking for any thing to hold my hat on. lmao P.S. I'm still trying to figure out the maoyan live box results site. I thought I had the 3 day total of PR correct of 73m.. But if it 60m. I'm clearly using the site wrong. lmao @keysersoze123,you might be right. If they did make another one,do you think a bigger name would actually help it. Like say if they cast someone of the Rock stature or so on. P.S. Yes,I still think it possible. LG has a history of making sequels for movies that we wouldn't consider blockbusters. John Wick,Tyler Perry,etc.
  12. Pretty clear in my opinion they did a shitty job promoting this movie OS. Not even the Smurfs movie did this bad.
  13. Ouch,don't know why the OS market hates the movie so much. I saw the movie. It's a good movie. Seems the name itself hurt the product. Shame in my opinion.
  14. So worse then it did in South Korea? Where it didn't even make $1m..
  15. Once again, why are you comparing a marvel movie to a kids movie? There are much better comparisons. Also, yes I know this is a tracking thread,but I still don't see why peeps want to track a movie that be luck to get 6m US wise.
  16. Ouch. Second movie (PR was the first) that I was rooting I was rooting for and is not looking good. Bummer!
  17. Oh,ok.. So GOTG 143M is it's yuan number got it. That seems low...ouch
  18. Would also like to know what he means. Is he talking yuan or $ @Olive, is that yuan on GOTG 2 or US dollars. Hard to keep up with how you guys word the numbers on this forum.
  19. It will a least hold the top spot for the next 2 week with WOM,no?
  20. I'm not expect much because of how it did every where else OS. The most I was hoping for after it run was 50m. That was my tops hope. I just thought it was a little early to right it off because movie like Zootopia that he mention or even A Dog Purpose. Show surprises do happen. lol Will it even do GITS or Smurfs numbers is my question now. lol
  21. Ok so the 61712.41M on GOTG 2 is actually 61.7M then,correct?
  22. Just, because you been tracking on this board for a while. Doesn't mean all your outcomes come true. Look do I think PR going to do good? Most likely not,but 5 days out and you claim to know for sure how it will do. Plus you just proved my point. Their have been other cases were movies you thought were dead in China before it release surprised you. You can never say never. P.S. I think GOTG doing just fine. I don't get what people wanted from it? F8 numbers? It was never going to reach that. lol Shoot, BATB didn't even reach that.
  23. They both got 5 days though. Both could increase by then. Movies have made late increases before. Ok,I admit I'm a novice when it comes to following the live box office thing on Maoyan,but you say 0.25. For this novice on it. Explain why I see 25.12 and not 0.25 like you are saying. Is my google translator screwd up?
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