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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. Don't know if this has been discussed but do you think Adelaide was aware the entire time she had switched with her other self? I'm assuming so because she obviously remembers the event and could've not been telling the whole truth when she told Gabe about it. I'm wondering because the ending kind of plays it like a revelation to her, so maybe she repressed it? It felt like another one of those open-ended things. I could be overthinking this lol.

  2. 8 minutes ago, baumer said:


    LOL yea okay.....this film has more holes than swiss cheese.  That's not opinion, it's fact.  


     Look, I'll back out of this.  In my older age I've gotten tired of arguing with a mob.  You guys love it and that's actually cool with me.  I'm glad to see so many people liking a horror movie.  Just wasn't my tempo.  I am not trying to say you guys are lying, I'm not saying that at all.  And I'm not going to spend the day arguing with you guys.  If you enjoyed it you don't need me to feel the same way in order for your opinion to be validated.  :sparta:

    Yup, that's what I needed, your validation to know that the movie was good. I didn't see it as an argument more a discussion, I mean it is a message board after all and I wasn't trying to gang up on you, but oookay

  3. 4 minutes ago, baumer said:


    I'm saying his name has influenced people's enjoyment of it.  It's an incredibly silly film with plot holes galore.....but people are over looking that for various reasons.

    It's more than just his "name" though. It's everything, his style, vision, whatever. Like I kinda get what you're saying, I like Tarantino/Wes Anderson/The Coens and will watch any movie that they put out because they're great filmmakers with great instincts. But if they make a movie that sucks (which in my opinion they haven't yet) I'm not going to go "Well it's them so I have to like it!" 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, baumer said:


    I'm not saying audiences are faking love for it.  I'm saying Peele appeals to people and hence he gets a free pass in a way.  

    Aren't those basically the same thing? Yeah Jordan Peele's name got a lot of people's foot in the door absolutely, but if people like the movie they like the movie and vice versa. I saw it with a group of friends last night and some liked it more than others. Some were saying the same thing as you about plotholes, no one was going "Well it's Jordan Peele so therefore it was awesome." I think everyone's giving their honest opinions about the movie and like you a lot of people aren't going to love it.

    • Like 3
  5. 33 minutes ago, baumer said:

    Let's pretend that we live in an alternate universe and some other filmmaker made the exact same film that we saw on screen over the weekend, I don't believe it would get the same reactions that it's getting with Jordan peele's name attached to it.

    Alright, I'm pretending I'm living in an alternate universe where Roland Emmerich made Us and Nickleback wrote Hey Jude. Us is still a badass movie and Hey Jude is still a great song, WOW.

    • Like 3
  6. Watched it again last night trying to wrap my head around the whole "Jason is tethered" thing. I don't get it? Why him and not his sister? I get him and his mom had an extra close bond, but they both had the same parents so why would he be any different than his sister? Just cause? And if he was special/different, wouldn't Pluto/Other Jason be as well, since he had an "untethered" mom and "tethered" dad?


    I'm still not entirely sure who was controlling who. There was the line at the end about the people down below controlling the people up above like "puppets" or whatever. But there's that moment where the dad pushes his glasses up his face and his doppleganger does the same. And when he bangs his head on the boat's motor it seems to injure his doppleganger. So maybe since the two of them are sharing a soul like Red says it's more complicated than one's movements controlling the other. 

  7. Enjoying the analysis I'm reading here. It does get a little confusing when you're reading it and trying to figure out who's who though, lol. I didn't get that Jason was "tethered", the theory makes sense though. I figured that Lupita's character was the evil twin version from the first scene, and the thought crossed my mind that Jason might be when they revealed the thing with his mouth. But they didn't state that outright in the movie, so is that just a theory? 


    Also what are your guys takes on what the tethered and the underground actually represent? I think it's like a parable about our subconscious? Also what was up with the rabbits?

  8. 29 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

    How scary is this? I rarely find movies scary, but when a movie really does unnerve me that uneasiness can stick with me for awhile, and not really a big fan of that to be honest. That's kind of what I got from the trailers for this. 

    I don't scare easily either, I'd say "unnerving" is more the word for it. The last movies I remember feeling "scared" during were Lights Out and Don't Breathe.

    • Like 1
  9. This was awesome, totally lived up to the hype. I kinda want to watch it again which doesn't happen very often.



    Not a complaint but I totally saw the "twist" coming, pretty easy to spot if you're paying attention, and if you've seen a certain Simpson's halloween special ;) I guess the only complaint I'd have is the trailer gives away a lot of the movie, especially if you watched the trailer a bunch of times like I had so I guess that's kinda my fault


    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

    Think boxofficerules isn't trying to paint these as flops, but movies that arguably disappointed or underperformed relative to expectations, both here on BOT and in the industry. Obviously Glass and HDD2U are both financially successful, but considering expectations, buzz, and tracking, it's arguable they should have made more.

    Well he said they were both underperformers and that Blumhouse is in a slump this year... which just isn't true. I haven't seen either film so I'm not caping for them quality-wise, but this narrative that the films were in any way financial disappointments or underperformers is silly. I get that their predecessors were more profitable, but they're still having a fantastic year and Us is going to be huge. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Yandereprime101189 said:

    Nostalgia works better than original movies like Jupiter Ascending and Valerian.


     This is the biggest problem lately. We all complain about remakes, but the original-concept films, at least ones not based on comics, manga or any other source,........aren't much better. You get a few good kernels, but some of them don't succeed because people are hesitant to get burned over a potential bad original movie.


    It's not about original films being superior to films based on other source materials, it's an age-old argument and you have your good and bad examples in both camps. A movie being a part of a larger franchise can still offer something new and interesting and they can be successful, look at something like Into the Spider-Verse or Logan. That's my problem with most of these Disney remakes, they don't offer ANYTHING besides cheap nostalgia. It's just "Hey, here's the shiny new version of that thing you loved as a kid!" Which if that's what you want, cool, but I'd take something like Jupiter Ascending or Valerian with a little more personality that's at least trying to do SOMETHING new and mix it up a little bit.


    As for the trailer... it's not even good looking nostalgia, it's literally cheap-looking. And someone tell these actors to stop emoting so much, it's crazy! "What do I have to I have to do." "There's a cave of wonders. Bring me the lamp." WOAH, CALM DOWN WITH ALL THAT EMOTING OVER THERE.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

    How is that the road less traveled? How many films are out there in which a woman saves the day "because she is a woman" (how does one assess that anyway?)?

    Lol right, what does that even mean? She catches people falling off a building with her womb?

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