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Posts posted by gadd

  1. It's a privilege to witness a moment of box-office history alongside a community of box-office enthusiasts. As much as the rivalry between Avatar and MCU fans was occasionally exhausting, I'm glad we got a real race out of this that has potential to continue in the next few years through re-releases and so forth. While Endgame's opening weekend was truly astonishing, there was a part of me that wished there had been a little more suspense in certain regards like there was with Infinity War's OW. Ultimately, what we got was much more exciting simply because the idea of surpassing Avatar felt like a pipe dream to me regardless of the insane pre-sale numbers and gigantic first week.

    It's great to have had two huge blockbusters with very different runs contesting for the #1 worldwide spot. Avatar's success was built on awesome WOM, the astounding visual spectacle it boasted and its four quadrant appeal, whereas Endgame demonstrated the rewards of patient, careful planning and a firm belief in your brand's USP. 

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  2. 8 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

    What time is the panel EST? 

    I’ll then add on five hours here in the UK and probably be up all night. 

    It will be at 1.15am UK time. I'm probably gonna stay up for this, and I've never done so for a Marvel Hall H panel before. It will be a nice way to round off the crazy journey that was Phase 3.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Jake Gittes said:

    Standards were higher back then. 

    Yes and no. It seemed much more difficult to get 90% or higher on RT back then, yet blockbusters like the SW prequels, Spider-Man 3 and Kingdom for the Crystal Skull all got a fresh rating. I recall reading a 5 star review of Superman Returns from one of the big film publications at the time and becoming convinced I was going to witness a masterpiece.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    Barbie for Oscar! 


    it looks like they want to approach it differently and I'm so excited to see what they do. is it coming out in 2020 or 2021?

    Last time I checked it was scheduled for May 8th 2020, but I can't see them making that date if they're only in the screenwriting phase now, so probably the latter.

  5. This project appears to be moving so fast that it feels like a missed opportunity not to have it ready for December 2020. I know Cruella is slated there right now but it doesn't carry the same weight as a Christmas tentpole family release that TLM would. As it stands, this will probably take either the March or May 2021 slot reserved for a Disney live-action movie, which is in keeping with the usual 2 year-gap between cast announcements and the eventual release.

  6. Just got out of this and thoroughly enjoyed it, Homecoming and this are neck-and-neck in terms of my Marvel rankings (middle tier but still very solid). I think had stronger comedic moments and utilized the majority of supporting characters better (with the exception of MJ, really liked her in this), but in my view FFH contained bigger stakes, a stronger emotional arc for Peter, and a villain whose abilities significantly render the action sequences more visually arresting than the ones in Homecoming. 

    The post-credits scenes, as everyone else has said, are brilliant, probably the only ones in the MCU that have resolved some issues I had with the narrative. Talos getting the recognition he deserved.

    Possibly the best part of the actual movie was hearing Back in Black used so well to book-end the whole Infinity Saga.

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  7. The Wrap review apparently spoils elements of the ending just in case people are thinking of reading it.

    If anything else I'm loving the notices for Pugh, she's a star in the making (her turn in The Little Drummer Girl was superb) and hopefully 2019 is to her what 2011 was to Jessica Chastain and 2015 to Alicia Vikander.

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