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El Gato

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Everything posted by El Gato

  1. DC needs to just focus on solo films for the next few years. I can't wait for Wonder Woman 2 and I have high hopes for Aquaman & Shazam. Here's hoping we get a MOS2 and a solo Batman film with a new, younger actor!
  2. I can't predict opening weekend, let alone domestic total, for films that haven't even released a trailer/teaser yet. Only ones I could genuinely predict are Black Panther, New Mutants, Avengers, and maybe Deadpool 2.
  3. Yeah. I usually end up discovering really good movies through streaming or Redbox and thinking to myself "why didn't I see this in theatres"... I need to expand my horizons lol Ps: I forgot I also saw Blade Runner and Kingsman. Those aren't super flicks...
  4. I only go to the movies to see superhero films. Im part of the problem Of course there are times where my friends take to go see a non Super flick (this year it was Kong). Lol
  5. Your kidding right? Wonder Woman 2 is definitely going to increase its overseas total from it's predecessor, assuming the quality remains the same. JL box office total is what happens when you try and take short cuts and hire a director who isn't a fan/doesn't care for the source material! Not even popular characters like Bats or Wondy can save it.
  6. Gavin O'Connor is directing. Looking at his track record, in terms of directing, he has 3 fresh movies and 2 rotten ones (highest is 82% and lowest is 35%). Could go either way for SS2...hoping for the best though. Edit: Definitely has a better track record than Ayer.
  7. Those are some interesting choices. I'd love a Blue Beetle movie, but only if it stars the Jaime Reyes version. Hawkman/Hawkgirl would also be cool. Solo movies are the future!
  8. JK Rowling sucks at world building! She should have stuck to Europe (UK) because it's obvious she doesn't know anything about North/South America! She gave the Brazilian school, Mayan architecture for crying out loud! I dread to see what she does with Asia and Africa... Just my two cents. Also, who asked for a Han Solo film?
  9. Sunspot is probably the most well known of the group since he appeared in Days of Future Past and X-Men Evolution. Mirage and Canonball are somewhat known if you grew up watching X-Men Evolution. The others are virtually unknown to the GA.
  10. http://www.cbr.com/shazam-film-casting-breakdown/?utm_source=CBR-FB-P&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_campaign=CBR-FB-P&view=list So according to this casting call we are going to get Eugene, Pedro and Darla in the Shazam movie!! That's pretty awesome! Freddy was also confirmed as well. Only Mary is missing. Curious to see what roles they'll play...
  11. Anybody else see Iron Man's new armor? He looks a lot like Blue Beetle!! Some fans are even calling him Iron Beetle lol. I wonder if DC will ever bring him to the big screen? Latino superheroes are so rare that it would be a huge missed opportunity if they didn't! Don't ignore your B-list DC!!!
  12. Happy Indigenous People's Day!! Screw Colombus (and Cortes)! Anyway I'm not surprised Blade Runner underperformed. I saw it with some friends and they thought it was slow and boring (not enough action).
  13. Justice League Dark fancast! Joe Dempsie-- Constantine Alessandra Mastronardi-- Zatanna Wes Bentley-- Deadman Luke Evans-- Etrigan Emeraude Toubia-- Black Orchid Boris Kodjoe-- Dr Mist No idea who I'd cast as Swamp Thing or Madame Xanadu.
  14. By playing White characters... No thank you! I'll take the real deal (Katana, Amanda Waller, El Diablo, Cyborg, Black Panther...etc) over pandering (Deadshot, Heimdall, Valkyrie...etc) anyday!
  15. You guys aren't getting my argument! What good does it do to change a White characters' race to Black/Latino/Asian? The character will still be White everywhere else! Take Deadshot for instance. He's Black in the DCEU but is still White in the comics, tv shows (Arrow), video games (Injustice 2) and cartoons (JLA). Meanwhile a character like Bronze Tiger, an actual minority character, is sitting in limbo in all mediums! He could have used the exposure! Especially being portrayed by Will Smith! Changing Zatanna into a Latina will do nothing! She's still going to be White in comics, tv shows, cartoons and video games. Instead what it'll do is lessen Black Orchid's chances of being used which would be a shame because she's an actual Latina who could use the exposure.
  16. Still doesn't change the fact she isn't a Latino character. If they want a Latino character so bad then how hard is it to use an actual Latino character like Black Orchid? She could use the exposure!
  17. I'm aware of the previous 3 versions of Black Orchid, however none of them have an association with the JLD. Only Alba Garcia was a member and she is the one with the most comicbook appearances to date as well. I want REAL, LEGIT Latino characters. Characters that are undeniably of Latin American descent in every medium they appear in whether it's comics, cartoons, video games or live action (ie Blue Beetle, Jessica Cruz, El Diablo and yes Black Orchid). Zatanna isn't Latino, in fact she's been portrayed as White (with blue eyes none the less) in comics, cartoons and video games. So race swapping her is insulting and huge cop out considering she'll still be White in comics/cartoons/video games.
  18. Because race swapping is incredibly insulting. Its basically saying, oh sorry the actual minority characters we do have aren't good enough so we're just going to change this White characters race instead. It's a cop out. I'll take charcters like Black Panther, El Diablo, Cyborg, Amanda Waller, Falcon, Katana...etc over race swaps like Deadshot, Heimdall...etc anyday! Black Orchid is actually Latino, in the comics and cartoons so using her and bolstering her overall profile is a huge win in my book.
  19. Yeah I think Swamp Thing is a lock too, a long with Etrigan. Question is will there be a 6th member and if so, who? Hopefully another female. As for Latinos, I'm aware of Eiza but I'd rather she play an actual Latino character like Black Orchid instead of race swapping Zatanna.
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