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Posts posted by ThePhasmid

  1. I enjoyed the director's previous work, and this is possibly the strongest thread in the tapestry of the Conjuring universe. Let's be honest, Nuns can be effortlessly frightening. Their moral authority of a stern motherly brood taps into very deep fears. The last person you want to piss off is your mother (or a figure similar to her). However, some of the clips seem to teeter on the brink of parody. I hope that isn't the case for the final product. I do think the marketing has done its job to seal a decent opening and overall box office take, though.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Alli said:

    I think it dilutes the impact of the reviews by making everyone a critic. bad idea imo

    Agreed. Why not utilize a system that makes Audience Reaction equally as promoted? Create a more pronounced "Preferred Critic" section. This can be a cross section of a variety of people that aren't part of a critic's circle, but are equally as passionate about film. Filter out the nonsense. I know it might sound like Lettrboxd, but that's RT's direct competition in that regard. Why? They totally nerfed equal access of discussion from the community. Same thing happened to IMDb. Part of it can be blamed on trolls, but I don't know about the "lack of funds to control user content". I'm calling BS on that.


    Back on topic, the division between the two should be clear enough that RT still promotes professional critics while also giving the frequent user the ability to engage in a community that shares diverse opinions in a civil manner.

  3. 11 hours ago, AndyK said:

    The Keep is a great Nazi horror movie.


    Hasn't got a great RT score, mainly down to technical issues on the audio, but it's regarded as a cult classic now.

    The Keep is an interesting Nazi horror film with an amazing soundtrack. It's one of the few times a film has made a fairly easy read more indecipherable. I can see why it's one of Mann's lesser appreciated efforts despite its cult following also being understandable. There's really nothing like it out there, for better or worse.

  4. Finally, some good news with the casting choices (besides the titular character). Ed Harris

    21 hours ago, HesAPooka said:



    "Top Gun" sequel filming aboard Norfolk-based aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln

    I've actually walked the flight deck before. Pops was a Naval Officer (Brown shoe), and invited me on a Tiger cruise. It's a massive runway, btw. It'll be interesting to recognize some of the interiors of the ship as well. It was damn near like a floating city out at sea. Several 7-11 style mini-marts and barber shops. Two massive cafeterias with coffee, chocolate, and vanilla ice cream on tap 24/7.  Two movie theaters, libraries, and gaming/computer rooms. Joke among the crew was that there was a secret bowling alley hidden somewhere. Anyway, they clearly chose the best Nimitz class aircraft carrier to film this on. It ain't gonna be cheap. that's for sure.

  5. Hughes Brothers have always expressed that they wanted to break out of the success of their classic gangster films. From Hell was a major misstep, because their penchant for striking imagery didn't mix well with the pulp historical aspects of the plot. It appears Book of Eli and Alpha show promise that they're able to do it, but Hollywood doesn't know how to market these efforts.

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  6. 1 hour ago, OdinSon2k14 said:

    Statham almost sabatoged himself, running his mouth about the PG-13 rating 😂! Keep your trap shut, at least until after the first two weekends 🤣!

    He's probably going to retcon some of these comments when the sequel is greenlit, and there's no way WB green lights an R rated Meg sequel after the success of this one. They're going to keep the formula in check.

  7. I can see why The Meg scored big this weekend, respectively. It's a no-frills crowd pleasing monster flick primed for the later summer crowd. It's Deep Blue Sea lite (sorry, Deep Blue Sea is still the champ of B-Grade shark films). Well made disposable entertainment with Statham enjoyably reveling in the fact that he knows he's in a "Statham vs. Big Ass Shark" film. They were wise to keep him out of the picture for a little while after the introduction. His presence brings it all together.

  8. Don't swim beyond shore break in rocky bottom water with cold temps. If you see seals, stay where you can stand. Know your fins (dolphins are cool). Keep the bling at home. It's a really simple algorithm to avoid a shark attack. Obviously, the easiest choice is to just stay out of the ocean 😉. I say this as someone who constantly swims/surfs near San Onofre State Beach where many baby Great Whites are spotted annually (cruise YouTube for videos). Also, I can't wait for this film to be released (bad reviews and all).

  9. 1 minute ago, Alli said:

    which is his best film? you're talking about EOT, right?


    EOT suffered because it was released after the mediocre sci-fi Oblivion. People probably expected more of the same...mediocre sci-fi movie

    EOT suffered due to a monumentally awful marketing campaign that advertised it as a derivative and by the numbers sci-fi film. Nothing could be further from the truth. Oblivion, which I enjoyed, had nothing to do with its shortcomings in the box office.

  10. I still can't get over the entire Paris section. The seamless transition of verticality. Skydiving, motorcycle chase, boat escape, and the final car chase. All of them being some of the best examples of their respective cliche in the genre. Of course, only being slightly broken up by a couple of fights as Tom normally does when in da club.

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  11. Claiming this to be the best action film in a long time is hard to argue for and against. However, calling it the most clever is a much easier debate. Almost every escape usurps the audience members expectation, and does it in a way that doesn't insult their intelligence. The devil is in its simplicity, I suppose. While I do enjoy the recent batch of Fast and Furious films, their heist/escape sequences lack the logistics and panache that a primed vehicle like Fallout presents. Instead of thinking "that's ridiculous", you're actually thinking "why didn't I think of that". That's extremely rare in a bombastic espionage series such as this and Bond. This film is the best example of the M:I series cleverness.

  12. I would say this is the most white knuckle ride of the Mission: Impossible series. I can't decide if it's the best right now, but it certainly contains the most suspenseful set pieces in one sitting. Also, the comedy works far better here than it did in any of the previous films. My entire theater laughed out loud at the Wolf Blitzer prank. It's a nice little easter egg moment to the intro of the original Mission: Impossible, but it's much better executed here. Possibly the best use of a newscaster/late night personality I've ever seen.

  13. 50 minutes ago, grim22 said:



    I just saw TV spot for that film, and it's one of the rare instances where the people who edited the trailer seemed embarrassed to be anywhere near it. As for MI6, this is another film that elevates the franchise despite average box office results. It's like when you attend The Raid in select cinemas, and realize no one cares. I hope the legs are better than average. Every aggregate available on the internet would suggest so, but when does that truly matter?

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