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Posts posted by ThePhasmid

  1. It's crazy how all of this has turned around in Tom's favor. Paramount basically denied ever having knowledge of his existence back in 2006. Now, they should be counting their blessings that Tom is choosing to stick with them. Mission: Impossible is primed to be the true heir to Bond. I'm talking another twenty years. It will have its peaks and valleys, but I see it sticking around for awhile. I know people hate when I bring this up, but Tom's body will eventually reject these insane stunts. He will have to resume as owner and producer. Someone will replace him, whether it be as Ethan or someone else. I wonder who could ever replace him, though.

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  2. 3 hours ago, DeeCee said:

    2 is a must see. It’s the only way to understand the Sydney geography and the Easter Egg links to all of the subsequent films. 

    I agree it's a worthy addition despite being only moderately entertaining. What are these Easter Egg links you speak of? None of the characters, outside of Luther, are ever seen or heard of again in the series (to my knowledge). I haven't seen any other small references related to the film in any of the other entries, but I might not be looking too hard. I could be wrong, but there may have been a small joke related to the deliverance of the self destruct message in M:I II???

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  3. 12 hours ago, antovolk said:

    Gonna take a great BOND 25 to top this/bring the franchise in line to, at least for now, its superior American cousin


    I don't know about being a superior series, but it officially has had a more consistent run than Bond has ever had (4 quality films in a row). It simply boils down to how Cruise is able to select top quality talent for this series. Mission: Impossible has always been the exotic sports vehicle compared to Bond's more classical ride. Everything moves faster and sexier, but Bond is still excellent for other reasons.

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  4. Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation had a nice steady run at the box office.  Ghost Protocol had to battle the stigma of Cruise's questionable public image, which peaked around M:I III obviously. Once everyone found out how amazing the film was, it went on to do big business. Rogue Nation felt slightly more quiet in its marketing compared to Ghost Protocol and this film (despite it being my second favorite in the series). I think this may perform similarly to M:I II, though. This is hitting all the right marks at the right time. Nothing standing in its way, really. Should we even consider 70-80M OW at this point?

  5. Christopher McQuarrie consistently surprises me with his ability to create wholly unique and diversified action sequences that maintain some sense of sound tactics and logic behind them. Of course, there are a few flights of fancy when it comes to Mission: Impossible (a requirement for the series). However, when it moves to fight and chase sequences, this director has the ability to make the viewer think along with the action. "Oh. OK. That is not only fresh, but it makes sense." For instance, when the opponent in the above mentioned fight scene decides to use a broken pipe to defend himself. Something you wouldn't necessarily see someone else do despite it being a smart move.

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  6. Quality before quantity, gentleman. Tom Cruise didn't jump out of a plane well above cruising altitude over night. That takes incredible timing and precision, especially when the green screen is not considered an option. This series entire catalogue can only be counted on one hand over a couple of decades for a reason.

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