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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Eric LIED to me (or probably just a typo). Yeah so even very pessimistically, 40 2nd weekend, 227 cume, add 90% (mcu worst, aeg/hulk) is 302. very very likely, but not “locked”
  2. Black widow added 2.02x d4-d10, so 220 d10 cume -> 297.5 or so. Thor could easily be worse than that. “Locked” is me meming. Safe to say that whenever I use that word in the near future it will be for things that are not locked.
  3. Overall a very medium movie, with not much especially positive or negative to say about it.
  4. The two most interesting parts of the next 3 months could be a pair of releases that gross less than 100M combined.
  5. The story didn’t really recover here for me but at least some of the early charm and visual flourish returned. These have often had really poor scripts, pacing, and villains+solid main characters — which all things considered is probably better than good scripts, villains, pacing and really poor main characters so… that’s something, I guess.
  6. She was an absolute sweetheart, too pure for the game. But then she pulled me into the FML community a few months before it shut down and I’ve been running it for like 20 months now. So it all worked out.
  7. Yeah I was too friendly in the end, overextended myself trying to get Keanu and dajk to top 3 with me. If I just kept it to me and Keanu would have worked out pretty well iirc.
  8. I think what everyone is really interested in here is how will Black Phone gross on Wednesday and can it hit 100M
  9. I don’t think the suspension should be reduced, but I do think it would be interesting to be a bit laxer overall. I am sympathetic to the “this place was a toxic mess in 2018 and more aggressive modding put out that fire” line of reasoning, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s still needed or that the pendulum can’t swing too fsr the other way. SW hasn’t had a movie in 3 years (and none on the horizon for like… 3 more?), not exactly a high intensity topic right now. Marvel v dc, not exactly a high intensity topic right now. Killing of the fanboy war thread may have helped there too, but I think a large part is just time and distance. I know modding involves a lot of tough judgement calls and I’m not saying people should just be given a blank check to derail and abuse other posters, but I also feel like there’s more of a mods vs (significant subsections of) users vibe around here recently which has a negative feedback loop in terms of good behavior. On the other hand, there is potential that raising the bar for what gets people two points would just result in some people pushing the line further, getting about as many warnings in the end but with more unwarned bad behavior along the way. Maybe hand out 0 point warnings liberally to let people know they’re heading toward the danger zone and need to cool off or find a new topic. I’unno, it’s tough. Just some thoughts.
  10. That was funnier when you *were* on the receiving end though because you had the satisfaction of being right
  11. I do feel like the mods are sometimes a bit on the restrictive and overly censorious side recently (say, past 1-3 years) ….buuuuuuuut how hard is it not to go on a rude condescending insulting rant all over the weekend thread when you’re at 8 points. Not hard. I’m all for getting a little feisty sometimes but EC often didn’t know when to rein it in or let it go.
  12. Slightly stronger than past Tues I suppose but not that huge. Are the resumed discounts in effect yet across the board, or only partially?
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