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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. At least I was just let off with a warning Not really sure what for tbh, the message didn’t really make sense to me in relation to what I’ve been saying. But I guess they don’t want me to do any comparisons or commentary with the Batman anymore, which should be simple enough. I’ve got 8 sexy late legs to focus on instead now 😍
  2. Digital release isn’t a big deal, probably will have a “harsh” drop that weekend on the sense of like 30% 😛
  3. Who caaaaaaaaaares. Such an uninformative statement. If Sat sees a nice bump and it comes 135+, that is medium. If sat is weaker and it’s 125, medium. It’s neither spectacular nor bad, what is so hard about this.
  4. I know it’s gonna be public in like 2 hours, but I’d love some holdover data while I’m still awake 😂
  5. Acting like it’s a failure is silly and untrue. Acting like sequels are in danger is silly and untrue. But 100M would not exactly be “event sized” in the year of our lord 2022. Lottttttta stuff has opened to 100+ adjusted. 140 is closer to event sized, it’s fairly subjective of course.
  6. Pretty decent growth from previews then. Maybe 125-145? ~ 138 is parity with Begins and smh, so if it hits the upper end it'll end up pretty decent. Anybody got crumbs on Uncharted/Dog/Spidey?
  7. Predicting the total once you have a full OD is boring, we are predicting it off previews only for the thrills.
  8. Updated detail view: splits Prev % 39.27% TueWed $4,000,000 Th $17,600,000 True Fri $33,400,000 1.55 Sat $39,078,000 17.00% Sun $27,745,380.00 -29.00% Total $121,823,380.00 3.0007 True IM ^ IM-> 5.639971296
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