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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. It’s not like this is ambiguous either, the posts are all right there if you want to read what people thought as final predictions instead of referencing what you imagined they thought 😂
  2. Holy fuck man. For real this is infuriatingly ignorant and misleading. The actual forecast were low 20s. It’s low 20s. It was extremely on point and now you’re trying to spin it as a miss because you had misunderstanding of what was predicted (or are deliberately referencing the lowest possible nums thrown around to make it look better for Batman)??? Just stop.
  3. No. no no no no no please actually read tracking posts if you’re going to comment on their accuracy, JFC
  4. Interestingly the non atp true th was closest. More mtc1 heavy than NWH even removing the early stuff, mostly expected nothing too extreme.
  5. Aladdin is counting the two wknds limited I think, that looks like the 10th wide wknd. 12th wide was pres, where the only figure I can find is a 6.7M 4day, but probably corresponds to a 5Mish 3day so still above Busters. NWH needs a 19.3% drop for Busters.
  6. Atp will now be fixed at $1 USD in all territories for convenience
  7. Ah yes, “intuition.” If you want people to take that seriously (as a force which consistently outperforms more analytic approaches, rather than sometimes beating them for purely stochastic reasons) then I guess you could always go and drub people in the derby
  8. Crossposting. NWH was barely touched. Combined with the amazing vertical from wed and I think a 30% drop or better is likely.
  9. Finally back, in my rightful place… as NWH max
  10. Cannot believe you would make such outlandish statements in a 100% serious manner like this, but I just don’t see any other possible interpretation.
  11. We’ll have to see just what these walkup hype posts amount to when the preview number hits. It’s not impossible, doesn’t seem very likely to me atm. Not much has happened since last night 😛
  12. Legs seem pretty drastic there, although Sonic into dumbledore certainly won’t do it any favors.
  13. Feels like a strawman. People are aware that things *can* go sideways (positively or negatively). That’s why you get your “probably”s, your “looks like”s, your “present outlook X-Y but see how it goes”s. On the other hand, things usually don’t go outside of regular trends. That is what makes them regular trends. Our trackers have been absolutely killing it for years and years, even and perhaps especially during the volatile conditions of the pandemic. So let’s nip this “people are too obsessed with presales” narrative in the bud. It’s the info that is available, use a little discretion, but it’s extremely valuable especially for big releases.
  14. Can never tell if people really believe this or it’s just a fun meme.
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