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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Pretty much the only thing I use letterboxd for is an mcu tier list. WhatIf isn’t available because it’s multi-season but would go between gotg2 and Cap:tfa I think. https://letterboxd.com/thanos__legion/list/mcu/
  2. When people were talking about a “big spoiler” that night initially I thought we were talking like “Ikaris kills Ajax” or “Eternals purpose is to destroy earth” not “some British whoever appears for 20 seconds.”
  3. I was really tempted to tell you point blank that the “huge post-credits spoiler” from the premiere was a complete nothing burger that you wouldn’t give two shits about
  4. This was great. A little slow going in places but that worked fine for me, overall I didn’t feel the runtime. Didn’t mind exposition, characters mostly worked for me. Initial reaction top 10 MCU.
  5. SC regional comps also get mildy interesting with Ida. Iirc it didn’t have much effect, but could skew stuff by a couple 100k or so. I suspect Eternals is ending up (slightly) IMAX heavier than BW or SC (maybe someone with the right data can confirm or disprove) and that is affecting the MTC1 ATP more than explicit price hikes — but the big diff vs BW is of course the lack of matinees. Overall though I think we have a pretty tight range.
  6. These regionals are pointing to 10 imo after ATP, but high 9s wouldn’t be surprising by any means.
  7. Well, yes. I think that is more the cause of Spiderbyte’s original point than a refutation of such. On this we are certainly agreed.
  8. I think WW84 got about as much attention on the board but less in the press, possibly I just saw less of it because of algorithmic feed curation and such. It was also a more interesting story what with being certified fresh, but that’s not too relevant to the claim I suppose.
  9. Like I said earlier, the lower the better at this point. Let critics get it out of their system and lower expectations further.
  10. Yeah the true IM should be at least 3.1 for 71 true fss off 23. Not sure about hitting 23 though -- let's see what Th walk-ups are like.
  11. In a weird way I think that it’s better to be at 50 than like 65, you get lower expectations and more “it’s not nearly as bad as critics said” reactions.
  12. Couple of Korea specific issues, I’d wait on other markets. That said, the critic to audience correlation for the mcu is reasonably high, so…
  13. Excited to hear Cap will be providing $9M this weekend, should really help with the walk-ups. Unless they've already prebought $1.5M
  14. Yeah that is like 5% low (vs my median), vs the usual 30% low or whatever.
  15. Sing 2 is definitely the December release that needs a long PS run 🤨
  16. Good thing it went to 59 from 60 or we wouldn’t have all these rubberneckers pumping sales
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