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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Lots of kids will be vaccinated by the time Encanto comes out… but the people silly enough to be waiting on that will probably be waiting for 2 weeks after a 2nd shot or whatever.
  2. cRuMbLiNg after just 9 hours, Ghostbusters claims another record
  3. Dunno about that. Even if this debuts at 70 it’s probably under Encanto for the 2nd weekend.
  4. Yeah the nostalgia is what complicates things. Maybe give it another few days and see how MTCs/other regionals are holding.
  5. Why not? Family action-ish comedy should have a pretty good final/day 1 as a baseline, right?
  6. Hey, this is totally off base. They also want 90s nostalgia, 00s nostalgia, and 10s nostalgia.
  7. Because there are only like 5M worth of MCU diehards out there, maybe less. Simple numbers game.
  8. Yeesh, maybe read the comment carefully instead of the condescension next time 🙄 Yes, it is literally a spin-off. That does not mean that spin-off is necessarily the best frame of reference as far box office comps go. It’s a different sort of relationship to the original property than you typically see.
  9. Same way they didn’t all show up on Thursday for Shang Chi. Most of the people who showed up to BW previews were general audience, not mcu diehards like me. If Eternals looks less appealing to some of them, they won’t be there Thursday. Also it is a bit harder to hit like 160 mins on a school night vs 130 or whatever when there’s no school.
  10. I guess expectations haven’t been totally recalibrated after all 🤣 I think a very optimistic scenario is like 11*8.3 to barely beat venom. Pessimistic lets say 8*7.5
  11. Waking up, love to see it. Very curious about reception for a few reasons.
  12. If you wanna derail with a joke it has to be one that people are only 60% sure is a joke.
  13. I think expectations have been largely recalibrated over the past week, so I (perhaps naively) think we’ll be fine as long as we beat the Meltdown Bar™️
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