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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Not “MCU level” as in say NWH ds2 L&T QM, but maybe mcu level as in BP2 Gotg3 Eternals. Great reception can help some, as can being animated — but Previews this high and being mostly summer th work against.
  2. The IM for Transformers is more interesting to me than the previews almost. If it plays like a mainline Transformers entry because of vestigial fanbase interest in the Th experience, that could be like… 5.5ish? If it played almost like a first entry then more like 8.5 I guess. For now I would take ~7-7.5 but with high uncertainty.
  3. When will these frikkin studios figure out that buzz trackers are more important than NBA 😤
  4. Man they couldn’t even wait another two days for a modicum of mercy 🙃
  5. That’s a fair approach but also not what most people are thinking of when asking whether something is a “good comp” or not 😛
  6. No, to be honest I thought it was a pretty good faith response and this one is rather bad faith. You said you’d never seen a movie opening over 100M get his kind of reaction, but: This probably isn’t opening over 100M to begin with plenty of movies that open to like 90-110 area get slammed If what you actually meant was something much narrower and more nuanced then I guess it’s probably true but no longer seems particularly meaningful to me.
  7. Surely this will not even generate 1% the slams and meltdowns of the most (in)famous 90Ms opener?
  8. Spiderverse is having a great middle and seemingly finish. Being a good comp for live action DCEU would be a miracle for it
  9. Not to mention that if BA was your only datapoint (which it isn’t) and it was 2x right now for a 15.2 comp… the default case would be for that 2x to narrow to something more in the ballpark of mid 1s for like 11-12 previews. I do think summer can help counteract that somewhat with th walkups but even still the BA th comps will very likely fall, maybe a little maybe a lot
  10. Except it doesn’t seem to have been made to appeal to most of those
  11. Animated reboots revealed to be in a shared continuity via post credits, we can probably wring 30 movies outta this 😏
  12. Dude! I didn’t even know that was a spoiler until your comment 😕
  13. Hmm, pretty limited Sat num meltdowns. 100 pages in danger, flop
  14. Gotg can’t even hit 375 at this point, sad as it is. I hope SV2 crosses 400, in which case gotg2 likely has summer 2nd place followed hopefully by MI7 but could be Tlm if the season goes poorly
  15. Bit of a weak fri for guardians so seems unlikely. Better chance on the 4day than the 3day.
  16. Woah this is a huge diff from both rth! I wonder if CS was missing some data yday or something — Tlm, f10, and gotg nums were all bad. Otherwise it was an insane late night on the west coast
  17. Yeah, there are people losing their minds over replacing a white animated character with a black actress. Coming from the usual far right nazi wannabe psychos.
  18. I kind of feel like it’s still Iron Man, but in a very different way than it was ever Bat or Spidey. And my guess is that spidey will take it soon, after say SM4 and beyond or possible just after across. Perhaps Batman will take the top spot again around time of battinson3 or B&B2 or whatever. Or may be some as yet unexpected contender.
  19. The private point estimate went from something like 125->120 I guess but the geomean went from ~127 -> 107M (-16%) which is more meaningful imo
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