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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Can't tell if two other apples for Noodleman is surprisingly high or surprisingly low.
  2. 99.9999 certain. I'm in survivor, so I enter the updated estimates into a spreadsheet as they roll in over the weekend. The Parasite number provided Sunday morning was $1,241,334. I recognized the actual number as being a spooky exact match before going to mojo to get the copy paste to demonstrate what I was asking about.
  3. The Sunday "estimates" aren't really a matter of tracking though, it's the distributor literally taking a guess at Sunday business. No way you nail it to the dollar unless every showing is pre sold to capacity, which clearly wasn't the case given PTA. @Charlie Jatinder, @RthTIFF, any insight into this mystery? Just a crazy coincidence that the Sunday guess was close enough you leave unaltered?
  4. Never seen this before, can somebody more experienced explain what's going on here? 11 11 - Parasite (2019) Neon $1,241,334 $1,241,334 n/a +0.0% 33 $1,821,976 $1,821,976 2 (actual is equal to estimate down to ones place)
  5. Ahead of Mal1's OS debut in like for like markets and at today's rates. But Mal1 only did some 380M OS at today's rates, so even the same legs would give it ~410M. So 550 is highly unlikely.
  6. Hmm, should be slim chances at 500M then. Let's see how the next weekend goes.
  7. Just to expwnd on this a tad, I was thinking of how Alice2 and Slop2 didn't have much worse legs than their predecessors, despite/because of the big OW drop. Lego Movie 1 to 2 is even more similar though (69M 2014 OW legs to 250M +-10, sequel 5 years later) and the legs dropped more than I remembered. Though it got HtTYD in 3rd weekend, whereas Malificent doesn't have much competition until Frozem double feature weekend, and could feasibly get some small measure of Halloween help.
  8. I think Maleficent can do to 125ish with early indicators of reception and the upcoming schedule. Won't commit to much until we've seen the first 10 days though.
  9. 84 is 4x as high a dislike proportion as 96. My rough impression of how new RT aud functions is: 100-95:great 94-88: good 87-75: medium 74-60: bad <60: awful
  10. The caveat upon which everything hinges. Reminds me of Alita, which was also pretty incredibly recieved, among the people who decided to go see it in a theater. But that didn't get too many people on the fence interested, and we'll have to see if it does for Mal (FWIW I say yes -- "sequel to well-liked Disney family movie" is much broader than "relatively faithful adaptation of obscure robot anime").
  11. Saw this immediately coming back to the thread from updating my spreadsheet . my very first initial guess number for Jojo was 430, why'd I have to listen to other people 😢
  12. Fine, you people have convinced me to rewatch Jaws. Eventually. If it works more knowing from the beginning that you need to 100% ignore how goofy the shark is, I'll let you know, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
  13. I know I said I was done with the Jaws stuff, but I think it was fine back then that it didn't look real because people weren't accustomed to 21st century visuals. '70s effects in the 70s won't take you out of a movie because it's what you're used to, so it's real enough that you're used to accepting and rolling with. To make another forward looking counterfactual, it's totally possible that I have a kid and they're running around in 2040 watching shit in immersive total VR, and they try to watch an unremastered version of Iron Man, and they just bust out laughing in the first dozen minutes all "Oh my god Dad, these effects are sooooooo goofy. I can't believe people were able to buy into this, this movie just doesn't work for me at all. Even if the characters are interesing these awful '00s era visuals just totally take me out of connecting with the movie." And I'll say "that's too bad, but I get it."
  14. To be dramatically more on topic, surprised that Mal2 is still holding on to 96% with almost 1000 audience reviews. OTOH that raw review number is kind of low for the time of OD we're in. I can imagine a lot of people saw it, were whelmed, and didn't exactly feel compelled to go spend their time giving it a 3/5 on RT.
  15. I edited in a closing paragraph that will maybe keep things more restrained? Maybe? And I gave serious thought to just letting the whole conversation go. But sometimes you just need to speak truth to power. This will probably be the last post of mine on the topic though. I think I've stated my position pretty clearly, I predict some people know exactly what I'm talking about and some disagree strongly, and I dont expect much flow from one group to the other.
  16. Show 20 normal people Jaws who haven't seen it before, ask their opinion without trying to influence it, and you'll get at least a dozen reactions ranging from "fine I guess" to "eh" to "that was bad." I understand that it was revolutionary, contemporaneously. But evaluated in a vacuum, from a modern perspective (which is not, I should stress, what I endorse as the best way to evaluate movies)... Well, I was being diplomatic before. The shark is glaringly fake. As a result there's not a real sense of danger anywhere in the movie, and the emotional stakes just dont work. It's pretty tough to spend a movie sharing in the characters' fear of plastic pulled by wires. It's also riddled with cliches -- which, I'M AWARE, weren't cliches back then. This is *if* you, for some godforsaken reason, wanted to look at it only from the perspective of a normal modern first time viewer. But from such a perspective, the film basically just fails to work at all. In the context in which is was actually made, and released, and received, and broke boatloads of records, and had a huge cultural impact, sure, a masterpiece.
  17. Gone with the Wind hasn't exactly aged well either... Movies are (admittedly, to varying degrees) a product of their time, what clicks in the 30s or the 50s or the 80s wont necessarily click in the same way for newer audiences. Nothing wrong with that. MCU might not click with people born in 2030 or something, but it's not really being made for them. It's being made for us.
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