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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. First wknd missing 41% of audience. 2nd weekend if it do 64M is missing perhaps 20% of audience. Caught up for wknd 3?
  2. Tbf the biggest deviation was on Mon, so there is a coherent theory that Gotg3 is simply playing stronger on weekdays and this would balance out in a weaker fri/Th without being detectable in mon-Th data. The alternate theory is that because of stronger reception (and franchise issues causing more people to sit out OW with a “wait and see if people say it’s good” mentality), Gotg3 will simply have a better ratio from first wknd:first weekdays, and first weekdays:2nd wknd.
  3. It’s ERC, so quite possibly rounded a bit. Could be 7.2, could be 6.9 (less likely). Either way it’s a nice hold from Mon (~-20%)
  4. If it’s that preview heavy it becomes hard to see for me with this start, but if this is going way smaller than Bay stuff because hype/fandom died out and is gone, perhaps won’t be so previewloaded either.
  5. I’ve gone out of my way *not* to attack or insult anybody regarding this run. But it’s a box office discussion forum, people are gonna have different takes on what kind of box office is likely based on what we’re seeing and when those interpretations are very far apart from each other it makes sense to say so. Sometimes feels like (some) people around here are unfamiliar with having conviction in a disagreement.
  6. The Transformers comps seem reasonable enough and the start indeed seems pretty fine. I think this will be another movie where reviews are pretty important but not hard to see 50+. Guess like 40-55 without looking too hard yet or having much in the way of other regionals 😛
  7. I think he’s referring very specifically to BO community spats. EC and Reddit have been going kind of wild ever since Sun ests and there has been some spirited disagreements here over what previews made sense to expect when and what legs make sense to expect now. Out on the general internet it has indeed been an extremely chill and controversy free release with good vibes all around.
  8. Sorry to hear that, but if it’s not feeling right then taking a step back for a bit sounds healthy. It has indeed “broken a lot of people’s brains” and let’s not pretend the condescension has been one sided.
  9. I mean, what did you think I meant when I said I was avoiding the buzz thread to avoid getting into fights with people over extremely gloomy forecasts I disagreed with 😅 I like a lot of what you do but this particular case is better as a “admit you were a bit off and move on” than an insist it made sense at the time.
  10. 55M clears the “best mcu sequel 2nd wknd drop ever” bar and that is pretty much done deal. So I don’t want to hear about “muh mcu sequel avg legs” ever again. Apply avg based analysis to movie’s performing avg. When you apply average based analysis to movie’s not playing out avg you get nothing but nonsense.
  11. If we can score better than 5% drop Th that will be sick but I am thinking ratio floats 90-95 for next 4 days and then picks back up a bit. Over L&T looking good… just like it did on Sat.
  12. Look I’ve been trying to be circumspect about this but when you wrote that post the data in hand didn’t support the range at all. We got like a 30-40th percentile outcome from there you were just WAY bearish on how it was going to finish. QM only appeared to vindicate the PS bears because it turned out to be a huge mess and that has tainted a lot of perceptions since then about low numbers being smarter/more sober analysis when they aren’t really.
  13. People are definitely saying 850 because it has a pretty solid shot at 850
  14. Pretty normal bounce. Tomorrow we live or die
  15. Reddit has been very silly the last few days (and in general) but I can’t honestly defend the 80-105 either when my range at the time was like 110-140 😅
  16. Below 9 would still be solid but not as exciting, let’s see that actual rise 🤞
  17. It was going to be over 140 pretty much guaranteed if it got 80/A instead of 50/B…
  18. The last one is like $0.3M harder than the 2nd 😛
  19. This would be less tickets than TLK/BATB/TJB/Aladdin and not even *that* much more than Makeficient, so… nostalgia toy commercials baybee
  20. Should be 825ish at least, 925ish if things go great.
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