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  1. My prediction has been under 500m domestic, about 980 ww since about june 2018 so i'm getting pretty excited by posts like this
  2. i agree with this. the sequel is maybe a little worse but they're basically the same in quality. not sure how they would manage to make the next one appealing if they dont change it up tbh
  3. This is truly disaster territory we're approaching. I mean we're seriously considering sub 500m domestic? Who could have gu-- Now i'll admit i didn't anticipate JJ making a bloated mess ofa movie, so the legs being what they are so far makes up for my OW guess being 30m off. I was pretty proud of that reasoning though...if only more people had actually read the post...
  4. IMO this is one of the worst takes and is part of why people are surprised that ROS is nearing freefall status right now. I truly don't understand how people think it's a good movie, FORGET about a good setup for a sequel. The fact that you COULD go somewhere after TLJ doesnt change that the movie AS WRITTEN works as a conclusion. I explained this elsewhere, but it ends similarly to 2009 Star Trek, where yeah the characters' lives go on but it's also a fine ending point on its own. There's a difference between something being resolved and something feeling like a resolution. If you have to sit down in a writer's room for an afternoon to figure out what hooks you have going into the next movie, that's a pretty shitty setup for the next movie, as the average person is not going to think about it that deeply. Logic and rational thought don't matter here. In other words, if it feels like an ending, to the average viewer its gonna be an ending. Furthermore, each of your points are already things that TLJ resolved in its own story or retreaded from force awakens: 1)Kylo already went full villain when he killed Han. They retread the inner conflict from TFA when he hesitated to kill his mother. He goes full ragebaby when he sees Luke, and since Luke is one of the HEROES, that already cements him as a villain turning his back on a possible redemption. 2)Clunky "spark that will light the fire blahblahbalh" line already has some payoff when they set up that Luke's final stand inspired a new generation of fighters 3)Ultimate fight between Rey and Kylo after their doubts? They already fought once, she won, and the movie ends with him being outsmarted. The broken lightsaber scene shows they are about equal in strength. Why should I care about any further confrontation between them? All evidence suggests Rey would win again. Not only that, but she already rejected his offer to join up, so there isn't even the hook of potential ideological union between them. 4)By the end of TLJ Rey has already performed almost all known (via the films) Jedi abilities anyway. 5)Why have him die if he's just going to show up as a force ghost to help her finish training? TLJ goes out of its way to shoot down any interesting ideas that it brings up. Everything else is just a waste of time retread of TFA. There is no good place for the story to go after ep 8, so much so that I've seen several people say they're going to just consider 8 the ending
  5. I'm on my phone at work and the mobile version of this forum sucks for posting. So i didnt see that hilarious update until after i had written that
  6. I felt it in my bones years ago that this wouldn't hit a billion. Even if it limps across that line, i take that as vindication since i was told in no uncertain terms that it'd either pass tlj or make 1.2. They swore the star wars fanboy brand loyalty was BULLETPROOF. Well look where we are now... wondering if a star wars finale will break 75m on its second weekend lmao
  7. i love reading back through shit like this " I just don’t see this doing less than $400M domestically. " we really had no idea did we
  8. I saw that statement many times..its part of why people are reveling in the movie's disappointment. A lot of people would condescendingly say "psh you'll be back when 9 comes out." It was pretty annoying. I genuinely think TLJ splintered the fandom, and that is why way back when solo came out i was already predicting under 1 bil for 9.
  9. its not about audience score in general, its about specific critics/ acquaintances. It may be difficult for people who liked TLJ to relate, but a lot of people walked out of the movie feeling like critics lied to them. So this time around, it's less that the audience score will matter and more that critic score will not. I know I definitely felt baffled that the movie had been so unanimously praised by critics. Word of mouth will need to be absurdly good to carry it far imo
  10. Ive been saying sub 200m opening for the better part of two years now, in case anyone wants to join my club. I tried to look at numbers objectively and in none of my scenarios did EP 9 open above 200m. I'm hoping i was right more so my club succeeds than any particular hate for EP 8. Things are about to get veeeery interesting this week
  11. I don't think reviews will matter that much, at least not for people who didn't like the last jedi. Because the discrepancy between their opinion and critics last time. I know for me, I usually put a lot of stock in reviews but I walked out of TLJ feeling like I watched a different movie than critics did. There's a deep mistrust of critics among the most salty of TLJ haters. The question is just how many people are there like that? Although I suppose that's been the argument for the past two years, huh
  12. waiiiiit a minute i just realized why i kept getting ben shapiro and other stupid recommendations for so long. because i watched star wars videos talking shit about the last jedi. youtube sure does make some interesting assumptions....
  13. I can't tell if I want to stop derailing this thread with the leftovers spoilers or keep going so that people watch it and put the respect on Carrie Coon and Justin Theroux's names that they deserve
  14. Regardless of how it performs, this release date is a fucking power play. You know that scene in The Leftovers where Kevin flops his giant dick onto the sensor? That's Sony to Star Wars right now.
  15. The following is a miniature grammar rant ...if you have to use the syllables to give an acronym, you might as well just write the word out. God damn people write in acronyms way too much now. Always assuming everyone will know what they mean. IT TAKES LIKE TWO EXTRA SECONDS TO WRITE SHIT OUT. This and the increase in comma splices make me want to strangle people in charge of educating english speakers. I dont even consider myself uptight about grammar. I just think people make it needlessly difficult to understand what they're writing.
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