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Everything posted by lorddemaxus

  1. Peter Rabbit? edit: I hope you are talking about Isle of Dogs and not Peter Rabbit.
  2. Yo, the last film that won best picture at Golden Globes and didn't get nominated for Best Picture was Spartacus in 1963. You are say won't be surprised if something that hasn't happened in 56 years will happen.
  3. The people who contributed aren't getting recognition. The people who get the most out of a best picture win are the producers (who hired this Bryan fuckface in the first place) and the face of the movie: the director. Just because a VFX artist worked on a film that got best picture, doesn't mean he gets a bonus (and considering what happened to the VFX company that did the CGI for Life of Pi right after they won an Oscar for Best VFX, it doesn't even matter if they get an award for VFX). Just because an assistant editor worked on a best picture winning film doesn't make his resume look any better than saying he worked on a studio film (because he isn't getting any recognition from that win). A film sure as hell isn't the work of one person (which is why I hate the term "auteur") but these awards are made to recognize the top people (producer, director, writer etc), not the thousands working under them.
  4. Pretty much. That is why it is a "feel good" movie to many people. I'm not gonna lie, I actually enjoyed the film and found it funny at multiple times but it was definitely made for white people to give an excuse to be racist (that they aren't as bad they used to be). I also love how some scenes of blatant racism from Tony were played as jokes (teaching Don to eat KFC because black people love KFC. wtf was that?) and Don actually validates those acts. I had so many other problems with the film but I don't remember 75% of the movie itself anymore lol.
  5. How is it a whole load of hooey? These movies do a horrible job of doing what they are supposed to do (and were trying to do).
  6. Can't believe people use the word "sjw" unironically. If they wanted to make a simple feel-good film, they should have taken out the hokey politics. Even the director said he wanted the movie to be political. It wasn't just meant to be a feel-good movie. They should have respected Shirley's family. But no, let us blame the SJW for everything. I find it funny that a forum filled with a lot of white people are defending it.
  7. Green Book and Bohemian Rhapsody are literally the worst choices to win. The former was not only blatantly racist but it also was an insult to the real Don Shirley. It shows him as someone who he wasn't and added in drama that only would destroy his image in black communities. I am not really surprised the movie was written by Tony's son. Not surprising the HFPA voted for this movie. It literally is a pat in the back for old white people. Bohemian Rhapsody was a disgustingly shallow portrayal of Freddie Mercury and homosexuals in general. Mercury's homosexuality wasn't developed enough and the other band members were made to look like gods (. Not just that but every gay character in the movie is a fucking caricature. It makes you think gay people are corrupting others by making them gay. Even the AIDS was made to look like it was a consequence of being gay. Also funny that they skipped their performance in Sun City. And the fact that the HFPA just rewarded a pedo rapist's movie makes it even worse. Can't wait to see Bryan Singer make his big comeback in 2020. /s Both films weren't just bad. They were a horrible representation of people who especially are needed to show in a positive light today.
  8. So close to 400 mil OS-China. I have a feeling it might have passed that number when actuals come in.
  9. Although it is possible Spiderverse makes more than MPR. MPR is still going to go over 200 mil. It just would need 60 million from after this weekend (if the weekend follows that estimate) which is easy.
  10. I'm going with 32.3. +50% increase today, -35% drop on Sunday. Hopefully, that Saturday increase is higher and it reaches 33 million.
  11. I don't know, I thought its third act was good. It brought home the message about love destroying the evil in the heart of men. I had more of a problem with the exposition dump at the start of the movie. Aquaman had a pretty boring and generic first act (outside of the first few scenes with Temura Morrison's character and Atlanna).
  12. When are we getting actuals for Aquaman? I thought we would get them a day or two after New Year's.
  13. Well, Black Panther isn't Coogler's best work either. But still, Beale Street is better than almost all the film's nominated in the PGA. LMAO at that Bohemian Rhapsody nomination. I still can't believe that Green Book got nominated but Beale Street didn't either. I guess old white people love that film just because it makes them feel better about the way they treat black people. It's the same reason why Driving Miss Daisy got so much awards buzz while not many cared about Do the Right Thing (one of the best and most influential films ever). All these years and Hollywood still hasn't changed. Coogler probably isn't getting director. He has had no buzz for getting nominated for Best Director. More likely Spike Lee and Jenkins get nominated.
  14. Those seem like horrible holds. I think its going to increase more than 40% on Friday
  15. Now that Mccarthy has lost weight, she is actually looking good in that picture. Never imagined that I would say that.
  16. Although, I agree that Solo was even more of a failure relative to how big the franchise is, I think Mortal Engines lost more money than Solo.
  17. Those seem kind of bad if you ask me. Even TLJ with its abysmal multiplier (for a December film) jumped by 50% on its third Friday and another 59% on Saturday, and a 34% drop on Sunday. Jack Reacher and National Treasure jumped 70%+ (but that sort of jump seems impossible for Aquaman) and had similar holds to what you wrote on Saturday and Sunday.
  18. I know this is probably unlikely but what are the chances that Aquaman passes 400 mil?
  19. Talent doesn't get better than a DGA award winning director and the director of the two best episodes of one of the best TV shows of all time. Hope you get your reboot though. Lol And nobody said anybody here is making racist remarks.
  20. LMAO at everyone who laughed at me when I said it will outgross Wonder Woman on Tuesday.
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