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Posts posted by VENOM

  1. 1 minute ago, sfran43 said:

    Can't we just enjoy having 2 record breaking movies in October? Besides, Venom is already a hit! 

    Where’s the guy who was talking about Venom fans not being able to enjoy its success. It’s becuase these idiots are going around saying they want us to die over another film and putting there mortgages on another film beating us for nothing more than hatred towards us. We wonder if these people care less about Halloween and more about hating us.  

    • Like 5
  2. 3 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    Based on one being a film from a dormant slasher franchise that cost 10M, likely skews older and never had an adjusted opening half as big as what this is going to open to (and even 50M would be bigger than all but two unadjusted DOM grosses of the past movies), and the other being a 100M-costly, heavily marketed comic book tentpole starring a big name in Tom Hardy. Which sounds like the unlikelier to hit huge numbers and which sounds like it made a gigantic profit on DOM OW alone? And Halloween is likely going to open to near 80M now, so considering the two are pretty much on equal footing, I don't see why there's even a question about which is more impressive on paper, no matter which ends with the higher actuals.

    You state it’s more impressive like you are spitting out true facts but it’s nothing more than your opinion and I could write to you a long paragraph about how we had to fight the Gaga fans fake negative reviews, the critics ridiculous negative reviews and the salty marvel fans fake negative reviews and still manage to smash the box office. Just imagine what numbers we could have done without the negative people but anyway if you want to make this about cost to sales ratio then you should praise us because we will make 700 million on 100 million budget 

    • Haha 1
    • Disbelief 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, fmpro said:


    How the hell can they think ASIB will do 1,3 more than Venom for the weekend if it has 0,3 less on friday?? Saturday jump will obvious be bigger for Venom



    They are still salty from the 7 million mockery we made of them last weekend when they predicted it would be “oh so close” between us but with ‘a remake is born’ coming out on top. Now they’ve already been scaling back on how much butterface would beat our opening by and it’s only just turned Saturday :Venom:

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Eastwood47 said:

    Got up this morning to see what the audience is scoring it on RT and it's definitely a divisive film. You either drank the Kool-aid and love it, despite its laughable lapses in logic and story direction or you hate it. There doesn't seem to be too many who just thought it was pretty good or okay. 

    It’s only just come out but audiences like it less than us on tomatoes already. It will have to rely on the hype from the critics to get it passed our opening

  5. 5 hours ago, Eastwood47 said:

    Just got back from seeing a 7:00 showing. Theater about a quarter full. Audience laughed in allot of places where it wasn't intended. Laurie Strode was too over-the-top. The doctor is RIDICULOUS, and the best actor in the film is the kid being baby-sat. HE was great! Absolutely a front loaded film. I have no idea what the critics were drinking, but this movie is not REMOTELY deserving of it's score on RT.  Audiences were very quiet walking out. 

    Critics are still drunk from sniffing their own farts at the last Jedi party :Venom:


    • Haha 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, sfran43 said:

    I was really expecting ASIB to beat Venom dailies by a significant margin! These $10k-$20k differences are meh!

    Someone needs to tell the author of the deadline article this, they got the champagne corks out over 20k:Venom:

    • Haha 3
  7. 32 minutes ago, Slambros said:

    I'm feeling confident tonight. There's something about Venom that I want to rant about, something that's been on my mind about these numbers. I think it's going to end up being long, so I'm putting it in a spoiler tag.


      Reveal hidden contents


    Another elavator taker :Venom:

  8. 9 minutes ago, Incarnadine said:

    Out of curiosity, has anyone ever seen such a large disconnect between the critics score and the audience score at RT?


    Critics score: 32% (4.5/10)

    Audience score: 89% (4.4/5)


    That's a ridiculous 57% difference, easily the largest gap I can ever recall seeing at RT.

    Last Jedi springs to mind, awful movie reflected by audiences scores followed by a solo bomb and now the opposite where people realise critics reviews are meaningless against the people’s opinions and money vote

  9. 7 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

    Kal was such a nutcase through most of my time at Mojo and then you had BKB and fishnets and a couple of others here, where these guys flat took over entire topics. We don't have that much anymore at all. Now we just have people with no avatars and 300 posts who repeat the same one sentence shit for whatever hill they're dying on until they fade away. The game has changed.

    I’d take no avatar over whatever you have as yours tenor.gif

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