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Posts posted by VENOM

  1. 24 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    Oh, people were seeing it because it (Rogue One) was a Star Wars movie, but the December date helped tremendously inflate it. Even if you have a huge opening weekend, you're still gonna have fantastic legs in its release date as that is just par for the course when it comes to the holiday season (even The Last Jedi, which had poor legs for the holiday season's standards, still had a 2.8x multiplier, a pretty great if not outstanding number compared to the average blockbuster multipliers, especially considering that it was a direct sequel and it opened to 220 million.... imagine if it was a widely well recieved film instead of gigantically divisive). Solo probably would have at least sniffed 300 million DOM and 500-550 million WW if it had come out in December (not enough to not be a calamity, but enough to not go down as one of the biggest embarassments in box office history). Instead, it came out on Memorial Day - MD movies don't tend to have particularly fantastic legs as they burn a lot of demand on their 4 opening days; nevermind an unwanted anthology film from one of the most fan rush-friendly tentpole franchises of all time - and on top of every other negative factor around it, we got what we got.


    Solo was a giant mistake and the SW brand is hurt right now, but trust me: Episode IX will still do great business. It'll likely still hit over 1 billion WW and 500 million DOM. If anything, it seems like a lot of people are curious to see where the main series goes after TLJ. And JJ Abrams back in the director's chair will excite at least the GA after the toxic divisiveness of TLJ.

    You are in for a shock if you think the name JJ will excite the GA into episode 9. You really believe force awakens did that because of JJ? You are mistaken, it was because of the old cast and nostalgia but we will see who is right 

  2. 28 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    Clearly, Solo proves that they do. But I mean, if you know so much about the fans, bother to explain how the fuck did Rogue One make over 500 million domestic? It wouldn't have done that in any other month of the year. And no, following up TFA doesn't count because RO would have still had much lesser legs than it actually had anywhere else in the calendar. Same applies for TLJ - it wouldn't have made 600 million outside of December.


    And of course Jar Jar would bring people back on name alone, biggest draw in the SW universe.

    There we were thinking people were just seeing it because it was a star war. You need to replace Kathleen Kennedy straight away then after that horrendous mistake having the wrong director and release date 

  3. 9 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    Nobody asked for Solo and that came out on Memorial Day; while this is an episodic movie in December. That's the difference. JJ will definitely bring people back on his name alone too.

    So Star Wars fans only watch movies that come out in December? Who knew! Yes Jar Jar should bring people back on his name alone 

  4. 29 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    If you're talking about fudging it to 100M, not on this Earth or the next one will that ever happen. It'll cross 100M on its 1st two days. Unless you're talking about fudging it to either 500M or 600M total.

    We are just talking about any fudging being a disaster but your confidence it will do just as good as Jedi is surprising. You must be counting on all those people who didn’t turn up for solo :Venom:  

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    Well, apart from the fact that the success of one of those movies means the continuation and heavy emphasis from Sony's part on a stupid Spider-Man villains without Spider-Man cinematic universe, newsflash, son: I have no problems with both doing very well either :rofl:  If anything, I'm glad, I love the fact that October's box office has gained Summer-levels of life for the 1st time ever(?). That was a meme, a JOKE. Seems to me like the bitterness comes from your side.

    What do we have to be bitter about? We won. If you are not bitter then that’s good, no need for that mini rant about our success you feel me?:Venom:

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  6. 5 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    You had it on Friday and Saturday, I figure you'd know the taste yourself :redcapes:

    Unlike you we can handle both movies doing well even if we didn’t keep the record which you people and the media hyped to be something bigger than it was. We look at the bigger picture and that record means nothing compared to the worldwide reception we got.

  7. 1 hour ago, gravestonedt said:

    movies that break out big and become forgotten.  sometimes with movies that have partial feminist themes like Halloween, fans will just move away from it or move around it and continue on with different films to watch.  Jumanji was a good one to kill time with and made 400 million against Last Jedi's 620.  I expect there to be some one hit wonders this December to fill in time with

    We bet more people remember what happened in Jumanji than know that a star war called solo even came out this year. To say something is a one hit wonder don’t you first need to wait for the sequel to flop?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Brainbug said:


    Great. Youve just proven to be an asshole both online and in RL :redcapes: but carry on with youre constant "we are Venom" shitposting, it didnt get tiring the third time at all.


    Jesus, it feels like there are more and more trolls coming to this forum. I really begin to miss @That One Guy

    Awwww I’ll get you some tissues on that elavator down to @that one guy

  9. 8 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    I'm sure Jamie Lee Curtis didn't even see Venom, or care whether it does well or not. She probably read about the race for the record between her film and this other very successful movie people are loving, and thought it would be fun to tweet that. Chill.

    If she didn’t want the heat she would have stayed out the kitchen. We are just joking like her :Venom:

    • Knock It Off 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Boxofficerules said:

    Even Jamie Lee Curtis is trashing Venom



    3 minutes ago, Boxofficerules said:

    Even Jamie Lee Curtis is trashing Venom




    Why would he praise a movie that has a higher audience rating than his own? :Venom:

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